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BACK to Here and There
part 1
by Feech
I spread my wings.
Joss pauses in his shuffling to and fro in
front of his hut to watch me catching sun on the
dustpath. He blinks, squinting into the sun, and
some of the orange light seems to drip off the end
of my pink wing and into the stone and beige
colors of his shell and the fuzz around his cheek.
At last, I'm nearly done with that confounded
moulting that's been going on for weeks. I just
hope that when the potion next wears off I won't
start over again or anything like that. That'd be
all I need. Regrowing feathers on my head itched
like crazy, and isn't something I'd care to repeat
out of season. I've spent a lot of time splashing
at the Oasis, and Jossu'wa has offered to roll the
tips of my feathers that I can't reach, to help
remove the casings, but I haven't been in a
patient enough mood to be touched.
Now that the shower of down feathers and
periodic shedding of a salmon-and-yellow primary
is completed, my frustration at standing still or
just chatting with Joss or Mina has grown. I had
hoped it was part of the itchiness of the moult,
but apparently not. I want to fly, now that
everything's back in order, but instead jounce on
my long legs, on the ground, lacking any direction
and desperately needing direction before taking
off. It never used to bother me before, but now I
shake out my breast and neck feathers repeatedly
and point my beak at the sky, and do not fly. I
need somewhere to go, and I want things to do, but
I don't know what they are. Fuck it. And I
thought I left these focus and drive problems back
at college.
"You are looking very Divine today, Bennu,"
Jossu'wa mentions. He has a hopeful voice,
directioned by the way he faces his armadillo
muzzle. At least it can be caught in amongst the
constantly moving, dry air of the desert, so I
guess that's what counts in a place like this. He
sounds more human than I do, and, come to think of
it, looks more human even with the claws and tail
and pointed, quivery muzzle and armored cap and
"Um... yeah... thanks, I guess." I'm not
sure when to correct him anymore. If I made
certain to tell him I'm not a god every time he
implied it, I'd spend all my breath that way. I
give my wings a little shake, tilting them to cup
the sun in the pits. Joss doesn't move.
"Joss, what are you doing?" I thought he had
morning stuff to do.
He blinks, confusedly. All blinks from Joss
appear confused. It amazes me he can be
considered any kind of a leader or a priest.
There's no sharpness to him at all. It's all
roundness like his shoulders and his small voice.
"I am gazing upon you, Justin-Bennu."
"Well, guh, yeah but isn't there anything
else you-- oh, of course not. Forget I asked.
Forget it, go about your gazing or whatever."
"Yes, Justin-Bennu." He 'gazes upon' me a
moment longer before resuming his mysterious
duties. There's just no point in asking what goes
on in his mind. The rest of us hide things; am I
to blame for wondering what he's really doing when
he seems to be standing still? But he says what
he thinks and does what he's doing. That's
supposed to be good, but it can sure be unsettling
for anyone used to good old fashioned duplicity,
and that's most of us. Maybe that is why he's a
holy man. He can believe this stuff. He eats it
"You're fucking innocent, you know that,
Joss?" I toss my head and let my jaw stay loose
so my beak clacks slightly. "Sad sometimes, I
"I make you sad?" Immediately he stops
touching and polishing whatever he was touching
and polishing and faces towards me. His nose is
raised like a waiting dog's. "Do I make you sad,
"Oh for... Don't sound so anxious! I meant
it was sad, you know, that you're so... oh for...
never mind."
"Yes, Justin-Bennu."
"'Yes, Justin-Bennu'," I mimic, thinly, maybe
a little sharply. Damn the sky, damn my new
feathers, I need something.
Maybe Joss does have a richer voice than I
give him credit for. Maybe I'm being shallow
because of this cursed mood I'm in that I just
can't shake. Fuck it all. I call, once, to no
one in particular; there are no birds of any kind
to hear, let alone long-legged wading birds of my
Maybe it's my own voice echoing back that I
hear, when things are thin and harsh in my head,
or when it's all far away and quiet like he seems
to be sometimes. Maybe I'm just not... I don't
know. I thought all I needed to do to listen
better was to get out of the city. I mean, here I
_am_, in a different body no less, and so little
seems to have changed when we've come out of the
drama and mess with the Ssayre and the villagers.
So maybe I'm just me and it's time to get my ass
moving again. There's nothing else for me to do,
really. And I'm probably not doing justice to the
priest who represents me. What a joke _that_ is.
Priest indeed. Maybe he just doesn't come across
as that big a deal to me because I alone know how
pitiful is the thing he worships.
"I gotta do something, Jossu'wa. I'm going
out of my head. I think the longer the potion
stays in effect the weirder I get, or something.
Or boreder. I don't know. That's it, though, I
think I'm bored. I must be bored."
Joss approaches me with the heat fast being
absorbed into the air around him. Pretty soon
I'll have to stop sunning and get somewhere
shaded, maybe go see Mina. I don't think I can
stand roosting inside a hut today, especially not
if anyone stops by to talk religion. What a
farce. Joss lays a wide, long-clawed, padded hand
on my wing-shoulder. I shrug it off,
automatically. He places his hands one over the
other and regards me solemnly, an expression he
has perfected beyond even the range of earnest
schoolchildren. He doesn't seem to have anything
to say.
I make a series of irritated sounds in my
throat: cackles and croaks and a range of
half-honks that don't resonate clearly with my
beak shut. "Fuck it," I say finally, "Don't be
bothered by all this, Joss. Just forget I say
anything. I'm going on up to see Mina or
something. I'm sorry I'm around here at all. You
obviously don't have anything to say. There's no
reason you'd know what'd be up with me, anyway.
Maybe it's the heat. I'm a Midwesterner."
Again, I have left him with nothing to say,
and now I do press my wings down into the dusty
air over the path and push myself almost straight
up. I take off over the huts, leveling out to be
able to keep height as soon as I'm ten feet up.
From that height I can gradually increase the lift
until I make my way almost straight for the upper
part of the Spire. Mina spends most of her time
in there. It's the only place large enough for
her to get any shade.
The flight should take something out of me,
leave me pleasantly exercised, but instead of
refreshed and a little warmed-up I feel almost
exhausted yet no more satisfied than when I woke
up. I grab distractedly at an edge of black rock,
making a clumsy landing even considering my
relatively short lifetime as this bird, and yawn
out of repressed nervousness that doesn't seem to
find a way to work itself out.
"I hear you, Justin," comes Mina's
soft-echoing voice from within the curving
rough-carved halls of the Spire.
At least she talks like I'm a regular person.
I just can't seem to train Joss to stop using the
honorifics all the time. He calls me Justin,
sometimes with a big grin and a hand patting my
neck warmly, but he has to be off his guard to do
that. I just can't seem to get him out of the
respect thing.
Mina turns to look at me as I follow her
voice into a room with an egg-shaped black window
showing white light and sky beyond. She must be
watching the village waking up. "Hungry, Mina?"
I ask, taking hopping strides up to her long, slim
but extremely large maroon form. "We could grab
some breakfast or something."
She sighs, like a romantic heroine in a tower
or something. I guess she is one. I bob my head
and lift my crest, spreading my wings a bit in
what for me is an overblown greeting. I seem to
do a lot of this aggressive greeting shit lately.
She cocks her head to watch me dance up to her,
then tilts her gaze back to the rock window. "I'm
not hungry. Sometimes I wish I were, now. It
gave me something to think about."
"Huh. I can see that, I guess." I slip my
thin neck in between her shoulder and the wall,
and look out and down at the dust and huts. It
gives me a dizzy feeling, as though I must be
about to fall if I'm not using my wings. "We
gotta get you another hobby. And if you find one,
let me know about it. I'm bored, too." I try to
heave a sigh, but it whistles out without much
drama to it. So I'm not a dragon. I'm just a
tall wispy substanceless thing.
The Wyvere turns her head until her nostrils
are almost over the nape of my neck. "Are you
bored, Justin? That surprises me." Mina's voice
is mild and contained, ladylike, not at all
surprised. But she's not one to dart around
shouting like I seem to be.
"Why should that surprise you?"
She shrugs a wing, scraping its grasping claw
lightly back towards her chest across the stone
floor. "I have nowhere to go. You have
everywhere. Why would you stay here if you were
bored? I thought you were staying for something."
She fixes her gentle-predatory eyes on me. "Or
"Someone." I shake out my wings, thinking.
"The villagers, I guess. And me. I mean, it's
here or there. I can't have both."
"But you chose this place. You have chosen
it since our time together began, and before. You
could leave now. If you're bored, why not go?"
"But go where? Speaking of choices, you
_could_ go and find other Wyvere, couldn't you?"
"And you could find other of the Bennu. I
say I have nowhere to go because I have no people.
I am not one of them, anymore than you are of the
Bennu. I do not have anyone back in Germany to
return to, and I am not one of a people here. I
thought... that you were staying for Joss. I
thought you stayed because of your connection with
those you are unlike, rather than to escape
anything in your old place."
"Joss? Oh, he used to probably like having
me around, but his post here is pretty much
assured, I'd say. He did his Speaking of the
Bennu thing and that's about all there is to it.
Now he just keeps looking at me all the time and
trying to be solicitous. As though I'm still some
sort of a god. I'm about to go mad with him
hanging over me like that. I'm bored out of my
"Are you bored? It just doesn't seem like
you. Forgive if I am wrong, but you seem like the
lazy type, Justin Nygaard."
I laugh, in the harsh bell-ring tone of my
wading bird's voice. "What's wrong with me, then?
The potion driving me a little batty? I can
barely fly without getting lost. I hunt frogs
just to be doing something and eat when I'm not
hungry. I am a lazy person. Wish I could be lazy
again. I think the potions make me drunk over
time, or something."
"Well," Mina considers quietly, "I've been
here a good many years longer than you have.
Maybe you're just eager to do something after your
moult. Most birds and young men your age might
feel bored wherever they are and whatever they're
doing. That's why it surprises me, a bit, that
you haven't been dating or romantically involved.
I would be myself, except that I just haven't
worked up the courage to go out and find someone.
That doesn't seem to be a problem for you. At
least, it wouldn't seem so to look at you."
"Courage?" I squawk a little. "That has
nothing to do with it. There's no one here to be
had. I mean... you're very pretty and all, Mina.
I don't mean that. I just think you're way too
intellectual for me. Way too advanced. I'm not
good enough to be your type."
"Mm. I wouldn't say one has to be 'good
enough' for another, but I would never ask you to
be intimate with me. Not for the reasons you
state, however. So, you haven't argued that
you're not... how shall I say... sexually hopeful.
Maybe you just need to keep that in mind. Maybe
you're ignoring yourself."
"Maybe." I'm not sure anymore what she's
talking about. I stand idly while my feathers all
sort of lift from their places on my body,
emphasizing their colors. "I guess I shouldn't be
amazed that you'd bring this up. You must read
all kinds of romances."
"I have little else to do." There is a tiny
smile in her voice.
"Right... We've been over that. Well, board
game for the bored, or something?"
"All right." Mina sighs again as she slides
away from the window, but she does that often and
I don't really care anymore what it means. She
always said it wasn't about 'just putting up with'
me. I ought to be in the habit by now of taking
her at her word. And it doesn't pay to ask her
anything complicated.
The Wyvere and myself play three and a half
board games with sets made up for us by the
village craftsmen; a little checkers, some more
checkers, a little chess. Our claws curve the
same over the board although hers are much larger,
and black to my clear with bloodflow showing. I
lose one game, almost win another and am partway
through the game of chess when I've had enough for
the day. It's hot even in the Spire, and I decide
to go down and see Joss in his Temple, not because
I like the Temple but because I still don't know
what to do with myself. It's as cool there as
here and I feel like I'm somehow frustrating to
Mina. Nobody ever tells me anything, so it's
damned hard for me to tell what I'm supposed to do
with myself.
I bow and angle my wings for her, coming up
with something that looks gentlemanly, and she
nods her farewell with a slight smile, as though
I've been hosted in her palace or something. I
trot past chalk and glass and ancient-shimmering
decorations to the same place that I entered by,
and launch myself from the rock that nearly burns
my feet with the sun's heat it's absorbed. My
legs dangle as I circle down to the cave entrance
that leads to the Temple.
Jossu'wa is not there, but I walk by myself
in the stuffy cooled air of the semi-deep area
with the stone table Joss so eloquently calls his
"Place Where Weird Things Show Up". I beak around
in the items thereon, noting whether anything
interesting has appeared in recent hours. Doesn't
seem to be anything recently arrived from 'my'
In the items catalogued there are still those
which Joss gave me to take on my legendary
'battle' with the 'Ssayre', who is of course now
my checkers-playing and somewhat annoyingly
reticent companion. I don't know why the
impressive people always have to look at me as
though I ought to know as much about myself as
they do. The camera still has a few photos left
to go in its Polaroid film, and still the
California white wine is untouched. Its presence
does beg the question of what would happen should
any of the Kiri-ahn people partake of it, but no
one has been interested in attempting something
that risky. Perhaps they haven't even thought
about it. Their thoughts don't seem to stray very
far, Joss's included.
"Justin," comes a happy tone from over my
right shoulder. "What do you need in your
"Nothing, Joss," I tell him, grimacing
although the expression doesn't show on my face.
"Just hanging around."
"Yes. Hang-ing around. Well. I am going to
organize offerings. Your staying will bless the
proceedings, if your will is to do so, Bennu."
That's it. I've had it. All this
frustration and my feathers all dressed up with no
place to go and no desire I can find to mark my
path. Why is it everyone is focused but me? I
know why-- they're all focused on utter crap. I
stare at Jossu'wa, Speaker of Justin Nygaard from
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and a sound snaps off
halfway up my long throat before "Don't you ever
_listen_ to me?!" makes it out the end of my beak.
Joss startles up from what he is doing and
tremulously fixes his bright, small eyes on my
flashing light ones. "What have I--"
"No! 'What have I not listened to,
Justin-_Bennu_.' Fuck you. I'll tell you again,
_this is not me_. I helped you put one over on
your people, and I thought you were smarter than
that. But you're not, are you. You just keep on
in your little groove of 'this is religious' and
'this is true' and _none of it is true_. _None of
"But Bennu..."
"Don't you 'but Bennu' me." I feel my
aggressive approach, not a greeting but a threat,
and shudder inwardly at any violence I would show
the small man who blinks so incessantly innocently
at me, but my wings arc up dangerously and I stab
at the stone on either side of us to show what a
sound my beak can make, what it can do to
irritating flesh. "Don't you even _start_."
Several more deliberate stabs, but even though the
motion is deliberate, I do not feel that I am
thinking about it beforehand.
"Not another _word_ out of you about this
Godbedamned Bennu thing. It's _not real_."
"But Bennu." Joss sighs so quietly that I
shake breezily in front of him, momentarily unable
to continue my driven threat unless he irks me a
bit more forcefully. "There is God in you. You
are not a 'god', so you tell me so many times. I
said that I understand you. Do you not believe
"NO! I do _not_ believe you." My screeching
echoes like fingernail scratchings off the Temple
walls, and I stomp with lightweight claws as if to
show I've got sharp bits there, too. I feel like
I'm furious yet watching myself from across the
room. Felt like this a lot, lately, in fact. Who
How long does it take you to fucking _get_ this?"
As long as the acoustics are good, as long as
I've got all this energy with no place for it to
go, might as well stay on the roll I'm on. Joss
holds an arm up in front of him, not blatantly
shielding himself, but suggesting a slight turn of
his body away from my callous onslaught.
"There's not even a _God_, okay?! It's not
even about me being just someone disguised as your
Earth-her-Mother's make-believe Deity. It's about
the fact that there _is nothing else_. I don't
think you _get_ it, Joss. There is no divinity in
me, whether I can see it or not it's not _there_.
It's _all_ a lie. Not just some of it, all of it.
And I've had it with this place. Not even any
more of the same, not anything but you and the
village and all built up to bring me here for some
dragon to snack on, and sure it's Mina and she's
fine and all, but what about me? What am I _for_
now? Your 'beliefs', they're _nothing_. And
maybe if you'd wake up and realize that then you'd
be able to make something out of yourself. But
it's not just this Bennu-speaking thing that's the
issue here. You seem to think I'm some kind of
spark of some _God_ of the _Sky_ or something
whether I know it or not... Oh, fuck it, Joss.
Why do I even bother."
Joss opens his narrow-jawed mouth, but
nothing comes out before I begin to turn away. I
focus on the corridors to the exit. Jossu'wa
claps his little jaws once, and extends an
anteater-style tongue in an adjusting flicker
before swallowing and seeming to begin to try
again. My shrugging wings and back are to him and
receding up the corridor before he voices
anything. I've shut the little bastard up.
It was probably a hateful, cruel thing to do,
but Joss is too placid for his own damn good.
Besides, he won't have to worry about reading
significance into my every wing-flicker anymore.
I've made up my mind. Next time this bedamned
potion wears off, I'm not coming back. I'm the
same to him, to all of them, here as gone. They
had a picture of this gangly stork-thing in their
minds eons before I ever showed up. This is all a
joke and I'm a fool to have played along for as
much as I did.
The water reflects in some places, where the
pebbles at the bottom are dark and the spring has
attached pools with little swirling. I am certain
there are tiny fishes directly below my gaze, but
I cannot see them even with my hunting eyes. I do
not angle myself to do so, and instead watch my
reflection. With the sun at my nape, a flat
mirror of Oasis spring water flings back a
carnation, salmon, ruby and firelit bird, some
patches blending into darker jewel-like tones
since the recent changing of my plumage. Where my
breast was almost white, it is now creamy and
beige-pink. My crest raises and lowers from lack
of other activity and I begin laying my head to
each side and watching my expression. The bird in
the water seems to be waiting and eager for
something, but I just feel a madness that I almost
felt back in Milwaukee, except that there it was a
dead madness and here it's a swirling desire for
nothing that seems to exist.
My predatory expression in the water
increases in intensity, and I flap my wings to
feel the air bunch up under them. I step into the
water, breaking up the colors into various
sky-hued swirls and raising my gaze to look at the
small, but heavily populated Oasis. No people
here like the Kiri-ahn, but of course a multitude
of frogs and small fishes and probably insects in
the plushy grass.
That's what I'll do, I'll just stay here
until the potion wears off and then go back to the
In a flash, something comes upon me that
seems to wrap around and into the desire I have
not had a name for. Millie... people. I need
something. Of course, Mina brought it up sort of
delicately, but I'm probably wanting what any sane
man my age would want. The idea settles in until
it seems to be all there is. Millie. That must
be it. I've been frustrated because I want to go
back to her. Of course, it all makes sense now.
That's why I've had to ignore so many of the
irritating things around me, and why my flight has
no direction. To fly to Milwaukee, I must not be
here at all.
I gulp in breaths, expecting them to feel
refreshing and my heart to feel enlightened, but
the nervous yawning takes over again and my
muscles feel tight. Oh well. At least I must be
onto something. I must just need a mate.
It can't be a one-time thing, either. I'll
go mad each time I separate myself from the
obvious path again. Maybe if I get lonely for the
Bennu's world I can bring her back here with me
Of course, that'd be as mad as the whole idea
of going back to 'my' Earth's Midwest. Why did I
decide to stay here with the armadillo-people in
the first place? But the city _must_ have color
if there is companionship, real focus, real
interaction going on. I just didn't see it
before. I can work for it now, make it all fit
together. I bring a dripping claw up to the short
feathers behind my earhole and scratch, tensely.
Still no relaxation for the Bennu-bird.
I scratch at my chin, then busily run my beak
through the lines of flight feathers, unzipping
and zipping them, but I don't need to groom and I
don't want to stop and eat because I don't want to
stop moving.
Finally, I do, just to see what happens. I
stand still in the middle of ankle-deep crystal
water and force myself to find out just what I'm
not doing when I'm compulsively eating or
I'm not paying any attention the perpetual,
whining ache in the area of soft feathers around
my fucking birdy private parts, that's what. So
I'm hot for something. Great. Probably part of
this whole bird mating instinct thing. Not hot
for any_one_, I suppose, because Millie's not here
and like I told Mina there's no one here for ol'
Justin to be hot _for_, right? But I have to
admit, once I start standing still, that I'm
pretty damned eager to use my private parts for
The longer I stand there, the less achy and
indistinct and the more itchy and specific the
sensation gets. Probably came along with the
moulting thing. I suppose I ought to go find a
Bennu-bird mate, but I'm not really one of them.
A potion does not a god-thing make.
As soon as this time around of the potion
wears off, I'll bus it back to Milwaukee and do
this thing right. No more fleeing from truths and
all that rot. I'll get her a ring and the whole
deal, spill it to her about what's going on in my
head. My nervousness grows, as I stand here
distracting myself from my body's sexual details,
yet there is nothing to be nervous about. Hell, I
bet I even know what to do about the ring. She
can pick it out herself. She's that kind of girl.
Anxiety is more uncomfortable to focus on
than sex, and Millie's part in all this has
nothing else for me to think about until I get
back to the bar where I'm sure to find her most
any night. I begin to bob my head around at the
rocks and pressed grasses at the sides of the
spreading small pools off the main source of the
spring. Some of the textures look rather
My body has been going a bit berserk despite
my brain, anyway, for weeks, so it practically
drags me over to a particularly conveniently-sized
rock that has half-alive shaded grasses leaning in
a rooted pile over one side of it.
Reminds me of Joss's burlap, the plain color
he always wears, in the typical Kiri-ahn
disinterest for any richly colored dyes. My body
would gladly go at it without my brain, of course,
right now, if that were an option, but it doesn't
seem to be. Something about me is waiting for
whatever turns me on to get me into a little good
action for some modicum of relaxation before I can
get out of this body altogether. Turns me on...
I dunno, I never really thought about it before.
I'm sure something about something from home or
somewhere ought to turn me on. Not women's
breasts, evidently, since those cross my mind with
no hopeful twinges from any part of me. Maybe I'm
too birdlike for that. I don't know what I ought
to picture on a female bird.
I start to scan through all my existent
images. Millie with her hand under a pool cue,
that does a little something. Her ass, nothing.
Cute, though. Reminds me of other asses, Mina's
which doesn't even seem to be one since it extends
into a tapering tail, Jossu'wa's in its loose
covering of that same damn burlap like the grass.
His fur is a smoother and more glittering color
than the burlap, and you'd think the scaled armor
on his back and forehead would keep the sun off,
but his kind are into propriety.
I think about the fact that I'm turned on,
period, that I've got to get rid of some of this
energy or else I'll go madder than ever, and that
helps some. My own insistence at the release is
as effective as anything else. I think with some
smug satisfaction of Joss's bewildered, silent
adjustment of his narrow tongue. Served him
right. My wings pull up into a balancing shrug
and I rub against the plant-blanketed rock,
relieved to finally be alone and ridding myself of
some of this pent-up frustration. A spasm of
intensified reactions from whatever avian sex
organs I have surprises me, and I figure I must
have been scanning through and landed on something
about Millie or some other effective image. I
continue scanning through, but mostly I just want
it enough that the rock and grasses soon get their
token white smear for my efforts. Gah. Sigh.
Not much better. But better, some. And soon I'll
go home and be done with all this mess.