cultus creek

   First tale in the Cultus Creek series.
  Synopsis: A newly-minted dragon is bamboozled by some small-town hicks and wonders what manner of entity has taken over her former (human) life.
  Status: Given the author's somewhat loose attitude towards abiding by the LTF guidelines, I am waiting for BlueNight to rule on whether or not this one is canonical.  

erindale college -- the hunt continues

  Third tale in the Cultus Creek series.
  Synopsis: An academician specializing in folklore attempts to locate the 400 Changelings (approximately half [!?] of the total List membership of 800 or so) that have gone missing since the LTF Event.
  Status: Given that everyone else's LTF tales imply a proportion of "dropouts" significantly less than the 50% asserted here, I am waiting for BlueNight to rule on whether or not this one is canonical.  

listmember lost

   Synopsis: A TSA lurker gets the body he always dreamed of having... and discovers that his life's problems aren't solved just because he got what he wanted
   Status: Pulled by its author, Bannwynn Oakshadow, to maintain First North American publishing rights.

the road less traveled

  Synopsis: A former member ponders what might have happened to him, had he stayed on the TSA list.
  Status: Never to be posted here, but only because the author, RadioactiveLoner, would prefer that The Road Less Traveled not be posted anywhere.  

sylith and her mommy

  Second tale in the Cultus Creek series.
  Synopsis: A newly-minted dragon teaches her hatchlings to trade stocks and commodities over the Internet, is horrified by the 11 Sep. 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, and decides she'd rather continue to conceal herself and her children from the outside world than hunt down terrorists.
  Status: Given that the author chose to unilaterally disregard/edit certain events that were presented in another LTF story, I am waiting for BlueNight to rule on whether or not this one is canonical.  

viable subject

  Synopsis: A TSA lurker finds that his sex/species change has changed every aspect of her life for the better, blissfully unaware that Powerful, Evil People Are Pursuing Her With Nefarious Intent™. Haven't we seen this movie before?
  Status: BlueNight declared this one to be non-canonical. As such, I'm not going to post it here.