Languages! Languages! Oh my, oh me! Of digital languages, very many there be. A'fore long ago, t'was such a chore, to program a program, in those days of yore. Assembly, most tedious, was the only way. Then someone had an idea! "High level languages!" some bright soul did say, and so there was FORTRAN, and COBOL, and even Lisp. And they thought "what more wonders, could there possibly be?" Dunno. Mebbe we'll all just, wait and C. And now Very high level languages! What wonders unfold! A myriad of languages! New ones Bourne ev'ry day. Each of them good, (in their own way). All Object-oriented & interpreted, or so I am told. I wonder if Python will gain, a stranglehold? Java's hot. And the GNU folk are Scheme-ing. It seems there's no limit. And there's Visual Basic, which certainly isn't. Something to TCL every fancy, there's even Perls of wisdom. Cryptic tho' they may be. Wonder how it will all turn out? Dunno, Mebbe we'll all just, wait and C