*growl* Convenience. Stupid convenience. My owner is so conformist it's not funny--it's like she wants to destroy her life! Wish I wasn't caught in it. Overworking, Republican, chain smoking, and now this:
I've been trying to get a tent. Without a tent there's little chance I'll be able to sleep at the FC campout near that one pretty lake I know. So I've been shopping for a tent. In the classifieds. That's right, what a rebel I am! The classifieds!
I found a tent someone's selling across the hills for $50, but because I don't drive I can't get across the hills without help. There isn't a classified all over my side of the hills, the valley I'm stuck in, with anyone who's got a tent. All I'd need really is a ride over the hills to the train station, and from there I could ride the train to where I needed to go, ride it back, and get a ride back across the hills, home. It would take me hours of travel time, and $8 just for the trip to buy a $50 tent, but it would be second hand and that's what we're supposed to buy to save the world, right?
Now get this. If I go through all that trouble and get my tent, I will be at the train station across the hills, at 7:22pm, with no way to get home. None. My owner could give me a ride sure, but this is what is frustrating me so bad: she doesn't want to give me a ride because it's "more convenient" to just get it at Target. -.-
I don't want to shop at Target! Any money I spend there goes straight through the slave workers in Taiwan into the pockets of the greedy oligarchs running my country. Target, Walmart, all these places are expensive to shop at, because even if the sticker price is low, every dollar you spend is leaving your economy forever. I'd much rather just get a tent from the classifieds, and help someone out locally, where the money will be put to good use! Or at least where the money will slip away slower, my contribution doing nothing to benefit the rich corporates.
But noooo. Target is more convenient. Why, how could I be so unreasonable? What am I, some kind of pinko commie dirty Hippie? How dare I think that I could do better to shop at the classifieds. My allegience should stay with Target, and it should always be my first choice! Heil Target!
*grrrs* So I'm still stuck without a tent, and since the only person I know who can give me a ride across the hills wants me to shop at Target I guess that's just where I'm going to be forced to shop. I wonder if she'll feel even a flicker of remorse when my savings go to purchase a $120 cheap nylon single seamed photosensitive nylon tent, made with loving care by Asian slaves using our dwindling oil supplies. I don't know, I'm just mad now. If I could drive I could get that used tent, but driving itself is very expensive. I don't know how to do the right thing, and by the right thing I mean that which will most benefit my community, and therefore me. What am I supposed to do here? *whimpers*
(How to Share Nicely)
(My Transgender Issues)