Well, it wasn't as bad as I was worried about. It's only Tuesday evening, but I'm holding tight like a snake in Siberia around a heating element. I found a way I might be able to see a neurologist to help figure out why I go into these fugues of disorientation and general out-of-touchness with time and space. Heck, at this point I need a priest more than a doctor; I'm that lame. -.-
Anyway, so I arrived in class and the good news is I won't have to take it anymore! Good news because that means on Monday and Wednesday I can help my owner get out of her hellhole at work an hour earlier, than I would be able to if I took this class. The bad news is... the class started two weeks ago. I just didn't realize it started that early, despite looking at the schedule Sunday night. The good news is the teacher says since I came in two weeks late and basically answered every single question (because the rest of the class was sitting there like ignorant bumps, not that there's anything wrong with being ignorant but come on! It was 10 seconds of awkward silence! I had to say something!) he said it shouldn't be a problem for me to waive the Intro to Unix/Linux class prerequisite, take the Administrating a Unix/Linux Machine class, and count the Sysadmin class as the Intro class for my major, since the Intro is a requirement for the Computer Science major, but the Sysadmin one is not.
Yeah... yea I know I'm confused too. @.@ But it works out on paper, I'm pretty sure! Only problem is... no Sysadmin class this semester. -.- I have to wait until next semester to take it. And you know what that means?
I have one freaking class.
One class. I only get to take a (very fun and 'enlightening' (wink,wink)) Western Civilizations class. It's really helping cement and smooth out the holes in my knowledge of European history, as well as fulfilling a transfer requirement for the 4 year college I want to go to.
But it's just one class.
Arrrg! Can't I possibly not screw up so abominably that of the 3 classes I take, one of them I get dropped from for forgetting when it starts not to mention it's the wrong class for me to take. One of them gets canceled since only 8 people signed up for it. And that leaves me with 3 - 1 - 1 = 1. 1 history class. And the worst part about it, this history teacher assigns barely any writing assignments. So I'm doing great in the class 'cause I learn by hearing best, but it's not the sort of thing I'd be sweating bullets over. And since it's just one class, I can basically chalk this semester up as completely wasted, and my failure to ride the polished dildo of academic bureaucracy.
...oh well, what's one more year out of my life? I got like, 50 of them left. 2%... sigh... my kingdom for an afterlife!