Trans Dimensional Whatchamacallit

Journal started Sep 29, 2005

Tacet here. I'm trying out this trans dimensional whatchamacallit that Jacob put together. He says I should be able to transmit information to parallel worlds, so if this works I'll be a bigger show-off than all of Livejournal combined. So let's hope for the best. My only regrets, aside from the potential destruction of the known universe, is that I can't figure out how to get comments back to me.

Hmm, so what to say... what would you say to someone from another world? I suppose I could start by describing what my world is like. We are a culture of science, which warms my heart every day, but also a culture of industry, which may cause more suffering than soothe. How to put this... there is a deep longing for knowledge in our culture, one that has caused schism and strife in the past, and one where a lot of people end up left behind. I have been blessed enough to escape that fate, though I do not see how my personal success will have any effect on the know-nots, because I'm not really into charity drives and stuff.

Geography, um, I still suck at geography. As far as I know, our world is divided into pretty much three land masses, though we separate them into five continents. There's hundreds of countries, but I barely pay attention to the one I'm in. You wouldn't know the name anyway I bet. Right now I'm on the eastern edge of the center continent, though since our planet's a globe it's probably hard for you to tell which is the center. It looks kind of like a tornado on its side... yeah, pretend that up and down is the axis the planet's spinning on. The left side is thin and tapering, and the right side is thick and kinda broccoli shaped. The western continent is kinda pointy at the bottom, and the biggest one is the eastern continent. We're right in between them, and the lower edge of our continent is just touching the equator. I hear it's real warm down there, with jungles and stuff.

Bleh, enough about geography. How about Biology, yeah that's my favorite! Plus I don't know who's reading this, so I should specify. Life here has carbon based genetics, with a double helix pattern. We are living colonies of individual cells, which though self contained, cannot survive without being a part of a greater body. Some organisms are photosynthetic, and since they eat light, they don't move around much. Animals are not photosynthetic, or at least not by birth, and that means we have to move around and find things to eat.

Most of the animals fall into two camps: sentient and non-sentient. The development of the hyperchordata in flatworms is theorized to have established the two stage ecosystem we have. There are the producers, the plants. There are the consumers, animals that consume and process the available energy. There are the caretakers, animals that care for and coordinate other things. And there are the decomposers, who clean up everyone else after final death.

Many consumers are quadrupedal. The theory is that since they don't need to manipulate and coordinate their environment, they never evolved manipulative appendages. It's the same way filter feeders like clam or oyster never evolved a complex system of locomotion. Well, maybe not the same but similar. I've often wondered about it myself, why wouldn't consumers benefit from having manipulative appendages? I suppose it would be a tradeoff between running and carrying stuff, but still I have suspicion that our facts aren't quite straight here.

Lessee... we have up to the eleventh incarnate of magic, though a twelfth is theorized to be lurking inside the center of an atom. We have the capacity for primitive space travel: basically maglevving a big bullet into space. I don't really keep up with the whole space thing too much; we landed someone on the first moon, though haven't done so since due to lack of popular interest. I guess it's just kind of empty up there, and I much prefer to focus on the living, moving, wiggling things here.

One of the biggest departments at my school is Trans-dimensional Physics. That's neat, because I wanted to study that kinda, when I was little. Figures, some people wanna be ballerinas, I wanna find strange creatures in other worlds. I blame Slip Trek. (The original series, of course.) I'm not studying TP though; I came here to be part of their Transformation Studies major. I think I will always be grateful to Mr. Saundra for showing me how much more fun it is to play with the fundamental nature of life itself than to stick my nose into other dimensions.

Then again, here I am sticking my nose into another dimension. This is soo cool, but I just get all swirly eyed when Jacob tries to explain it. Something about integrating the wave function across the... channel something... something. Ohh, maybe he'll start a blog and let you know all about it. :p NEway...

Gosh this is getting long. I think I'll save more of my expounding on the nature of this verse, and perhaps go get some sleep. It is almost 10am after all.

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