
Journal started Dec 15, 2005

After I missed my appointment for getting medical assistance today, I haven't been too depressed about it for some reason. I don't really know why I react one way or another these days. I've been drifty though, and wasting time at things I don't care about as much, for the purpose that I don't have any time afterwards to do things I do care about. Usual pattern for me, but frustrating. I don't wanna look at drawings all the time, I wanna draw some too! My want evaporates as soon as I start though, it's like I just don't have the energy to imagine so vividly anymore.

Nothing much else to say. Just thought I'd at least get a journal entry done, even if I didn't accomplish anything else particularly. I made dinner, picked up some DVD-Rs. Hmph, just wish I could find magic and clear up this whole mess. It sucks to discover your life's defining goal, only to realize that you can't even move towards it, because it doesn't exist.

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