What a rotten day... last minute assignments and everything, and I had a terrible time in Yoga, and people were all being jerks and losers, and I could tell it was just a projection of myself onto them. So here I am, once again up after midnight. I had done so well... I've been going to bed at least before 11pm for the last few weeks. But I ended up with a Computer Science assignment due tomorrow, and only half done as of yesterday. I've managed to put together something that's working, but I had to stay up late to do that. Stupid CS teacher, assigning that dumb stuff that took 6 hours of hard labor to do precisely nothing. "Once you go GUI you'll never go back!" he said enthusiastically. Well Mr. Jolly, I did once go GUI, back in 1998. By 2000 I had realized that nothing I could possibly program was worth the godawful trouble making and maintaining a GUI interface. To this day I continue to use less and less GUIs because they're mostly just bad design. Powerpoint presentations, when all you needed was your presence, a bent umbrella, and a poster of bright orange slime mold. WSYWIG editors, when you don't care what you see, as long as it's presentable. Fat, candylike title bars and scrollbars, when what's really important is inside the window. Interfaces that breed ignorance; GUIs that are entirely too gooey.
We were required to make a tabbed nested GUI program to accomplish this task: save data to a structure in memory. Worse, it wasn't required to be a GUI, it was required and I quote, "You must make a Windows(tm) program." Our teacher highly recommended Borland C++ Builder 6.0 for the low low price of $120 student edition. If I wanted that treatment, I'd go to a used car lot. So instead I did it in GTK, cross-compiled with mingw, and now I have your rotten "Windows" program Mr. Jolly. Could you perhaps teach us something useful instead, like event based data driven programming? Oh wait, we still haven't learned what a C++ class is yet. -___-
Feh, ingrates the lot of them. I'm going to sleep, hopefully be less misanthropic in the morning when my beloved teacher will collect the homework assignment that destroyed my fragile balance of a sleep schedule.
(Immersive Virtual Realities)
(Waking Dream)