Prime number fun

Journal started Feb 17, 2006

In other unrelated news, instead of doing my math homework today I rewrote my cute program to calculate primes, using glib. It's nice; my program calculated the first million primes in 40 seconds or so. I should be writing formal proofs about rational numbers in full English sentences (as our teacher puts it) but it's just so much more fun to do stuff that requires more than one brain cell.

I was on an art binge yesterday. Uploaded a bunch of my rambling sketches, and drew an ottertaur reading a book like my friend Veritas suggested. I ended up getting dizzy while putting the finishing touches on the ottertaur, so I've been cooling it for a while today.

May as well commit this journal and try to do more math homework. *sighs* I am so doomed in that class, can barely do the homework even. I wish I was good at something.

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