What is the Meaning of Life?

Journal started Feb 7, 2002

I was recently asked what the meaning of life is. I don't know, but here are some of my ideas.

1) To ask the question "What is the meaning of life?"

2) To ponder difficult questions in general.

3) To achieve the highest quality of life.

4) Yes.

5) To explore, learn and grow.

7) There is no meaning, just life.

8) Pursue a positive and satisfying existence.

9) Wear sunscreen.

Life seems to have meaning, in that living is important to living. Finding meaning in life is a circular sort of reasoning because that which is meaningful to life is life itself. We exist to propagate our own existence, to become important, to help others' efforts, to further our own, and yes, to produce offspring.

I think there are probably many meanings of life, that there is no one truth. Logic states that all true statements can be combined into a single true statement, but I have seen truths that contradict each other, conflicting paradigms that are both inherently valid, yet do not work when combined. Position and momentum for instance. No person has known The Truth in a verifiable fashion, so who's to say The Truth can't contradict itself?

I like to keep an open mind, and though I wish I knew what the meaning of life was, sometimes I think it's better to be searching for it than to have nothing to do. As Friedrick Nietzsche would say, ""This is /my/ way... what is your way? /The/ way doesn't exist."

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