Girls are not Goddesses

Journal started Aug 17, 2006

I'm a Feminist, so it might shock you to hear that I don't think every women has an inner goddess that she needs to discover in order to realize her full potential. I don't see girls as being better than boys, not socially, performance-wise, or intelligence-wise. In fact, I see the artificial elevation of women in society to be the chief oppressive force on women today. It's a terrible and subtle trap that we have unwittingly walked into, and now our female ranks are the cause of our own subjugation.

Consider the objectification of women. That means treating them like objects, not people. It means treating girls like they can't think or make decisions, can't operate independantly. Now, consider the objects you have encountered in life. Were any of them precious to you? Were any of them dear to your heart, or such fine quality as to stir the soul with their brilliance and beauty? What did you do with your most treasured objects? Did you frame them, or put them on a pedastal, or keep them safe from harm, out of the elements? Did you ever expect them to stand up and make decisions on their own? Of course not. They're precious and valuable, but they're still objects.

Now can you see why I don't like the whole paradigm of calling women "goddesses?" What we're doing is we're constructing a carefully fashioned gilded cage. The propagandists fooled us this way: they claimed that women are more worthy of decisions and self actualization than men, so therefore they are to be treated like precious objects. They are to be admired, not touched. Touching them against the rules is a crime. They are to be held back from dirty, hard labor, sent down on lifeboats and airlifted on helicopters, leaving the worthless men to die behind. They are our child bearers, our shrines, our goddesses, and they must not be allowed to come to any harm, or do anything, or make any decisions.

This "noble sacrifice" of the males in our society, taking control of everything so that women won't have to bother with such trifles as opening the door, pulling back the chair, running the country, or deciding company policy. What a pompous bag of hot air. It's no better than treating women like dirt, because where do you find gold? In the dirt. It's all just empty materialism, and we've exchanged our equal rights, our equal footing in society, we've thrown it away in exchange for the luxury of being treated like a precious thing, like a glass sculpture that could shatter at the slightest abuse.

Women further this destructive meme too. It strokes their shallow egos, making them feel good, important. They can't make decisions, but oh how the men dote on them! That must be power right? That must be enabling right, to have boys surrounding you eager to please you in any way they can? And so the women look down on other women who don't pursue their beauty as precious objects: they persecute those who go without makeup, or keep a dirty home, or show too much cleavage. They strive themselves to become more beautiful, more precious, when they could be striving to become more successful, more empowered. In the end their success, and their breeding success, depends not on their ability to be strong, dynamic, self actualized people, but instead on their ability to be shallow, fragile objects, private property haggled over like a mule or a sculpture. Who is her boyfriend? Oh what a drama that is! Let's play it out infinitely over and over again, until every woman on the planet thinks they're the best thing since sliced bread, and every woman on the planet is a self imposed slave to a vain fashionable society.

Breeding is vitally important too. Consider that for the last 10,000 years at least, women who didn't strive to make themselves pretty didn't get a man to mate with, and didn't have children. We're breeding our own species, make no mistake of that, and the ridiculous thing is we're trying to pretend it isn't happening. But it is, and we're making the most horrible choices for our genes that we could possibly make. Our culture is at conflict with our genetics, and the consequence is terrible. Women are increasingly curvier, less independant, more vulnerable to social imprinting. Men are increasingly squarer, more aggressive, and resistant to the social imprinting that women must be vulnerable to to acquire a mate. We're giving our women peacock tails when we should be giving them dolphin brains.

Girls are not Goddesses, not by a long shot. All those Goddess books are more reinforcement of this cultural sickness, the objectification of women in society. They tell you that you're special, that you're precious, that you're more powerful than men in ways that are conveniently impossible to demonstrate. You adopt a self promoting attitude, a kind of haughtiness. You agonize on whether you're pretty enough, or whether you're making yourself up in the best way to turn the heads of guys. You're reading advice columns, teen magazines (shudders) and preparing to be the best homemaker that anyone ever put on the earth. Can't cook? Can't match colors? Can't remember stupid details like lipstick color, or what kind of beer he likes? Then you can't reproduce, your baby generator'll idle and the gene pool will get yet shallower.

We shouldn't be searching for our inner Goddess. We shouldn't be searching for Gods or Goddesses at all. Instead we should be searching for our inner self, who we really are, and what we really want to do. The most dangerous thing is to be alive but not know what you want to do with your life. We should push our limits, stress our bodies and our minds. Get our hands dirty, go out in public, have a little fun. We should be people not goddesses. Self Actualization, not self worship and objectification.

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