My Boss Disregarded Me Today

Journal started Dec 21, 2004

Today the owner of the coffee shop called, and I answered the phone. "Is the head there?" she asked. I assumed she meant the current manager type person who still gets paid jack. "He just left for lunch," I noted. (He takes his "lunch" break at 7pm. c.c They still call it lunch though, 30 minutes unpaid.) There was a pause and she asked, "Who else is in the shop?" I felt bad because she wanted to talk to anybody else but me, but didn't feel too bad assuming that it was something complicated a new person (like me) wouldn't know how to do. The owner wanted someone to write down a message. -_-

I looked at my schedule this next week, which the owner decides based on what days people request off. Of course I forgot to request days, since I usually don't get to pause long enough to think about it, or anything for that matter. It's not hard work but... dunno. Just they fire you if you don't hurry all the time. And sure enough, she's only giving me 4 hours the entire week. :whimpers: Right next to my hours is a little note saying, "only dishes and cleaning." And these 4 hours of mine are being given to me the morning of Thanksgiving. I don't feel very thankful though.

I don't think the owner of the coffee shop likes me. :curls and shivers:

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