Chapter 10: Look Mommy, Dragons

"Isn't there supposed to be a town soon?" Akane asked plaintively. After a month of traveling, greatly slowed by the frequent attacks, they were all quite ready for a break.

"Yeah. I think it's called Wyndia." Ryoga said, pulling out the map Nodoka had given them before they left.

"Oh! Wyndia! That's where the royal family lives!" Akane said excitedly, picking up her feet a bit from where they'd been dragging.

"Well, I doubt we'll see any of them." Ukyou replied. "Maybe we can find a place to stay for a night before we go on, though." she added hopefully. She and Akane were exausted with the constant fighting and traveling, but strangely enough the others seemed to be thriving on the intense training. They were always inventing new moves in both martial arts and magic, and competed against each other constantly.

The arguments that followed each battle were very wearing on the others two, though, and spatulaing/malleting didn't seem to deter them in the slightest.

"Shouldn't it be somewhere close by?" Ryoko asked, peering over Ryoga's shoulder at the map.

"Yeah, it should be right up the..." Ryoga began, but was cut off by Ranko.

"Do you smell...smoke?" she asked, glancing around. The others sniffed the air and caught the wiff of something burning.

"Oh man...Why do we always get in the middle of things." Ranma moaned as they sped up. Rising another hill, they saw the giant windmills of Wyndia, burning brightly. They could see people and monsters fighting in the streets. Dropping their packs, the four dragon teens sprinted to help, Akane and Ukyou trailing behind.

"Jeez, they're fast! I didn't think they were -that- much better than us!" Ukyou said as she pumped her legs hard, trying to catch up.

"Hmmph! You'd better get ready." Akane said sourly, drawing her axe. Ukyou gave her a searching look, but drew her combat spatula as well.

Ranma and Ryoga split up from the girls as they approached the town, coming in on different streets. Charging right into the enemy ranks from behind, the two boys began mowing them down, moving toward the center square.

Cutting down another...well it could only be described as a zombie, Ranma hopped over a curr and dispatched it as well.

"Duck!" Ryoga shouted at him, flattening himself to the ground as well. A swarm of bats flew through the space Ranma had just occupied, fangs glistening in the sunlight.

"Thanks." Ranma said as he stood up again. Glancing at the distant cloud of monsters, he thought quickly. Couldn't have those things swooping around as they please. "Do you think we could combine our spells for one really powerfull one?" he asked, still looking at the sky.

"I dunno, but let's try while we've got a minute." Ryoga said, gathering up as much of his magic power as he could. Ranma quickly did the same, and braced himself as he pushed it all into a ball in front of him. Ryoga stuck his hands in the ball of magic, and it increased twofold.

"What kind of spell?" Ryoga asked through gritted teeth.

"Fire...and wind, since they're in the air. Name?" Ranma asked, struggling to control the raw magic until they could use it.

"Sirocco. Here they come!" Ryoga said as the bats swooped once again toward the bright light. As one, the two boys released the power at the incoming bats, shouting out the new spell's name to give it form.

The result of the spell rather resembled a bunch of bombs being dropped. There were rapid explosions of fire, one right after the other, dissenigrating the aerial menaces.

"That...wasn't...too...hard..." Ranma panted.

"" Ryoga agreed. The two boys resisted the urge to just collapse in exaustion there, and charged down a random street, looking for more monsters. Easily finding some, they set about the task of removing the pests.

"'Nother street clear." Ranma said, scoping up an antidote that the curr he just killed dropped. He did not want to be taken down by mere poison.

"This way!" Ryoga called, going down a left side street. Ranma quickly followed, but nearly ran into Ryoga who came to a sudden and complete stop in the middle of the next street.

To their left was a LARGE group of assorted goblins, zombies, currs, and goos. To their right was...what appeared to be a large group of women guarding a building. In one of the top windows, the two boys could just make out a little child's face peering out.

The thing that had stopped Ryoga cold, however, was the UWWs (universal women weapons) that the women held. Frying pans flashed in the sunlight; rolling pins were held at the ready; brooms were twirled with practiced ease; and there were not a few large mallets among the mob.

"Heh...heh...I don't think we're needed." Ryoga said, slowly backing up the way they came.

"Absolutely." Ranma said, nervous as well. Them minute they'd stepped out of the way, the monsters charged. Not caring who was watching, the two turned and ran from the ensuing carnage.

"NEVER interfere in a woman's fight for her kid." Ranma panted, when they'd finally slowed down. Nodding in agreement, Ryoga almost felt sorry for the monsters. Then again, maybe not.

"There. I can hear the girls over this way." Ranma said, jerking his head to the right. It was true. The curses coming from the two girls was enough to make the two boys blanch.

"Where did they learn -that- one?!" Ryoga asked as his sister came up with a particularly nasty comment for a curr.

"...Let's go give 'em a hand." Ranma said, not bothering to answer. How was -he- supposed to know if Ryoga didn't?

They leapt atop the buildings and skipped over a few rooftops before they caught sight of the girls. Ranko and Ryoko were fighting back to back, surrounded by literally hundreds of monsters. They were fighting fiercly, but the enemies seemed to be closing in.

"Need a hand?" Ranma called out as he and Ryoga leapt down to land next to the two panting girls.

"ABOUT TIME!" Ryoko snarled, as she charged the monsters again. With the boys help, all the enemies were soon down for the count.

"Thanks..." Ranko said as she straightened up from her last strike.

"No...problem..." Ryoga replied, out of breath.

"Sorry for yelling." Ryoko added as she squatted down, trying to catch her breath as well. "Was that you guys with the bats? Neat spell."

"Yeah, well, we had to improvise, again." Ranma said.

"We managed to combine both our magic for one BIG spell. But we're all tapped out now." Ryoga added.

"Cool, though. Maybe if we practice enough we can do it by ourselves..." Ranko said, but was cut off as Akane's voice drifted down from a rooftop over head.

"Hey! Are you guys just gonna stand there all day or are you gonna help?" Glancing up, the four saw Ukyou and her looking down on them.

"No rest for the weary." Ryoko sighed, standing up. They leapt lightly up next to the other two girls, and soon split up again to flush out the last of the enemies.

* * *

Akane skipped backwards as three currs piled on the spot she just vacated. Slicing at them, she caught one in its side, and with a final howl it disappeared. A heavy weight against her back made her twist desperately as another curr tried to jump her, but even as she tried to get enough leverage to dispatch the ugly monster, it vanished. Glancing around, she saw a girl with long blonde hair tied in a high ponytail laying into the monsters with some sort of rod.

"Thanks!" she called out, and turned back to her own fight. Soon enough, however, both girls were fighting back to back as the monsters closed in.

"Can you cover me for a minute?" the girls asked, firing some sort of energy out of her rod at the nearest goo.

"What've you got in mind?" Akane asked, dodging a swipe from one of the zombies.

"I'm gonna use one of my harder spells. Yeah I know magic, but I'll eplain later." the girl said quickly.

"Yeah, sure. But do you have one powerful enough to take 'em all out?" Akane asked, surprised.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. But later." the girl replied shortly, having a harder time than Akane in the physical fighting. Shrugging, Akane gave a battle cry and sped up a little. It was a lot like fighting the boys back at home, just with deadlier consequences if she lost. A moment later, the strange girl cast her spell.

"Quake!" she called out, releasing her magic not at the creatures, but into the ground. Obediantly, the ground underneath the monsters began to rock and sway, over turning and crushing most of the monsters. Those that were left were faced with an only slightly winded Akane. Needless to say, silence soon fell on this particular street.

"That was a neat spell." Akane congradulated the puffing girl. "I don't think we know any earth spells yet."

"You to use...magic?" the girl asked breathlessly.

"Sure. Some of my friends knew how to use it, and taught the rest of us."

"Really? Where are you from, then?"

"Oh, well, I'm from Nerima, and Ukyou's from Juubun, but the other four kinda travel around too much to say." Akane explained, brushing a lock of long hair out of her face. "By the way, I'm Akane Tendou." she added, bowing a bit.

"Um...I'm Nina." she said nervously.

"Well, Nina, thanks for the save back there. We'd better check around for any other monsters. Does this happen often?" Akane asked.

"Only every few months, and then only in the past year when the monsters started arriving." Nina explained.

"Year? The monsters only started appearing back home a couple months ago!" Akane asked, startled. Surely someone would have said something if there had been monsters around before they ran across them!

"Really? I don't know about that. By the way, watch out for the Nue. It usually comes around once the monsters have been around for a while." Nina warned.

"Huh? What's a Nue?"

"Its a chimera. A cross between a lion and an ape, with snakes instead of a tail." Nina described with a shudder.

"Ugh. Why don't you get rid of it?" Akane asked, making a face.

"Its too strong. The most we can do it drive it out of the town when it brings the monsters down." Akane thought for a moment, then grinned.

"Well, if I can manage to get a group of egotistical martial artists together, I think we might be able to do something about this, Nue." she said.

"Huh? It would be too dangerous! You'd get yourselves killed!" Nina said, horrified.

"Somehow, I don't think so." Akane said mysteriously. "C'mon. Let's go find the others. It sounds like the fighting is winding down." and Akane jogged easily away. Nina stared for a moment, then with a sigh followed.

"Well, I did want more excitement." she muttered.

* * *

"Akane! Over here!" Ukyou called as she saw her friend. The town was now pretty free of monsters, except for the occasional one, the traveling teens having effectively wiped out the rest.

"Hey Ukyou." Akane said in greeting. "Where are the others?"

"Off doing something or another. More than likely arguing." Ukyou said smiling. Akane grinned back, just as Nina approached the two.

"Oh, Ukyou, this is Nina. Nina, this is Ukyou." Akane said, introducing them. Ukyou gave a double take.

"Nina? As in, -princess- Nina?" she asked. Nina blushed.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me?" Akane asked, embarrassed.

"I didn't want you to try and send me back to the palace." Nina explained. "I'm not supposed to be out here fighting, but I couldn't just sit in the castle while everyone else risked their lives for Wyndia!" she said hotly.

"Good for you, sugar." Ukyou said easily. Nina blinked uncertainly at her, and blushed again in embarrassment.

"Anyways, Ukyou, there's a monster running around, seems to be pretty powerful." Akane said, running over a brief explanation of the Nue.

"Hmmm. Sounds dangerous. Well, let's find the others." Ukyou said with a sigh.

"You can't seriously be considering trying to fight the Nue?" Nina asked, incredulous.

"Of course. Besides, the others will get a kick out of it. I still can't figure out what they see in the constant fighting." Ukyou replied. Akane grunted an agreement, and they lept high into the air, landing on a nearby rooftop. Nina gaped after them. What strange people...

* * *

"So this Nue creature is gonna attack?" Ryoga asked.

"Yep." Akane said, reslinging her axe as the street was clear of enemies.

"And we getta fight it?" Ryoko said, excitement laced in her voice.


"And its real strong?" Ranko asked, eyes sparkling.


"And no one's gonna get in the way?" Ranma added.


"Then what are we waiting for?" they chorused.

"It to arrive. Honestly." Ukyou muttered. She and Akane sighed in unison as the four teens' expressions fell. Just then, an inhuman roar echoed through out the town.

"Its here!" Ranko squealed, and bounded away, the other three in tow.

"I'll never get them. Do you think it has something to do with being Brood?" Ukyou asked.

"I honestly don't know." Akane replied, sweatdropping as she watched the departing teens.

* * *

Nina wasn't feeling very brave right now. Sure, in her daydreams, she'd always been the victorious warrior, using her magic and skills to defeat wave after wave of monsters. She'd even imagined herself standing proudly above the fallen Nue, but now that she was in a real battle, she didn't feel very brave.

In fact, she felt downright terrified. I hadn't been that bad practicing with the guards in secret, nor had fighting the hords of monsters in the town been all that bad. She could keep her distance with her spells. But now the Nue was standing over her, preparing to eat her as soldiers and people alike moved in slow motion trying to prevent the catastrophy which was about to happen.

She didn't think the people would be able to save her, no more than she thought the Nue cared that she was the princess of Wyndia. No, she was pretty much resigned to dying here in the muddy streets when a red blur appeared in the corner of her eye. It was swiftly followed by a yellow, green, and blue blur, and in her heightened state of terror, she could actually see the grinning faces of the teens. The redheaded girl in blue streaked toward her just as the Nue raised it's massive paw.

To the suprise of those watching, the Nue who'd been about to kill the princess was suddenly knocked aside into a nearby building, cracking the brickwork in a disturbing show of endurance. Clamping their mouth's shut, many turned back to see the four teens standing there, one of the boys with a bandana helping Nina up. Many even recognized the teens from earlier fighting. But none of what they'd seen had prepared them for this.

"You okay?" Ryoga asked as he helped the shaken girl up.

"I...I g-guess so." she stammered. She flinched as the Nue roared again, dragging itself to its feet, apparently unharmed by its abrupt flight.

"It's real tough." Ranko said, drawing her swords. Nina stared. She sounded...happy.

"Aw, did we hurt the little Nue?" Ranma called out taungtingly as the Nue warily circled them. It roared another challenge and charged.

Ryoko grabbed the other girl and lept away, just in time. The Nue was faster than it looked. Setting Nina down, she shoved her toward the other people who were torn between staying and watching and running for their lives. Most chose to stay.

"Go on, and stay out of the way. We'll take care of it." she said, then turned with a grin to the fight, drawing her own twin swords.

Akane and Ukyou landed next to the still stunned Nina. Both were staring critically at the fight, arms crossed.

"Might be better to get everyone away. You know they'll start throwing it through buildings next." Akane commented casually to Ukyou.

"Hmm. I don't know. They can get pretty into their fights, but they do try to keep damage to a minimum. Remember when Ranma threw that goblin through the tree rather than that nice cottage?"

"Yeah, I guess. Besides, if anyone gets hurt, we can beat them up later." Akane agreed.

"Aren't you worried?" Nina asked, as her mind began working enough to register the conversation.

"Naah. If they start destroying things, we'll pound 'em." Akane said, Ukyou nodding. It was the only way to get them to listen.

"I mean, aren't you worried they'll get hurt?!" Nina demanded.

"Them? Hurt? It probably wouldn't fase them in the slightest." Akane said. Ukyou finally realized what Nina was so worried about, having not been in the influence of the four for as long as Akane.

"Oh, honey, you don't know them like we do. If they have a hard time, we'll jump in and give them a hand. If that doesn't work, we can try to get them to back off." Ukyou said lightly, grinning at the still staring Nina.

"Uh oh." Akane said. The others turned their attention back to the fight as Ryoko went flying by, via a backswipe from the Nue. What had caught Akane's attention, however, was the Nue now poised over Ranma who was looking the other way. The other two were no where in sight, presumably because they left the same way Ryoko had.

"Ice blast!" Ukyou shouted as she gathered a bit of power. Ranma whirled to see the Nue become engulfed in ice, which shattered a moment later.

"Hey! What'ja do that for?" he shouted at her.

"I was saving your neck!" she retorted angrily.

"I don't need the help of a girl!" he yelled back. Instantly three mallets and a large spatula imbedded themselves into his head as Ranko and Ryoko returned from where ever they'd landed.

"Stupid boy!" Akane, Ukyou, Ranko, and Ryoko chorused. Everyone, including the Nue, had large sweatdrops as the wars began.

"What'ja do -that- for?!"

"Like you need to ask, jerk!"

"He didn't say anything wrong!" Ryoga said, appearing swiftly.

"Just like a stupid boy."

"Hey! Who're ya calling stupid?"

"Aw, its only from an uncute girl anyways."

"Oh, I disagree."


"It came from and uncute -tomboy-."




"Honestly, 'Nii-san, I thought we'd beaten that nasty habit out of you."

"With skulls that thick? You must be kidding."

"Hey, we're not that bad!"

"Oh yeah?"


The Nue was not a patient beast. It was used to people running screaming from the very sight of it, and it had fun chasing after them all. It had come to the town today to stir up some trouble, which is what it was supposed to do. Then that little redhead had kicked it into the wall. And it had hurt. It was the first time the Nue had been hurt in a while.

Then the other three had joined in, and the Nue experienced more pain. It did not like pain. Pain made the Nue very mad. Then something had cast an ice spell at it, and the puny humans had started arguing. No, the Nue was not a patient beast.




"Idio--ack!" and the fight broke off abruptly as several lightning bolts came out of the clear sky to shock the arguing teens. Slightly crispy, they turned to the growling Nue.

"You are -SO- going to regret that." Akane ground out, rearing back to swing at the monster.

"Prepare to die!" the Hibiki twins chorused as they lept high, bringing their weapons down with the swiftness of rage.

"I'll make ya into Okonomiyaki!" Ukyou promised as she swung her spatula as well.

"GRRRR! FLARE!" was the Saotome twin's contribution.

All attacks landed at the exact same moment, and the Nue was this time knocked -through- the building the combatents had originally knocked it into. There was a moment of silence, then the cheering began. Turning, the travelers were greeted to the sight of a crowd of towns people all rushing toward them. Some kept their distance from the rushing crowd, but all were cheering. Nina herself was right upfront, congratulating them on getting rid of the Nue. Blushing bright red to a person, the Nerimians didn't know what to do with the sudden fame.

Unfortunantly for the fighters, the building the Nue had been sent through had taken about all it could, and began to tip, preparing to crush the rejoicing people.

"Oh shit." Ryoko said, glancing up.

"Hmm?" Ryoga asked, also glancing up. That was all the time they had before the building landed on the crowd of people. The dust obscured the pile of rubble, and slowly began to settle. Those lucky enough to have escaped the collapse now stared in shock as their comrades, their saviors, and their princess were all taken out in one small accident. They couldn't quite comprehend what had just happened. The dust cleared, and silence fell.

Tiris Banderfore was the captain of the palace guards in Wyndia. He'd been protecting the royal family for thirty years now, and was the best fighter in Wyndia. No one could match his prowess on the battlefield, and he had years of tactics at his disposal. None of these could help him when that building fell on his princess.

He'd been trailing her as was his duty, when he learned she was outside the palace walls. She had put his teaching to good use, and seemed to be able to take pretty good care of herself. When the Nue had pinned her, Tiris had thought his heart would stop. He loved the girl like a daughter, having practically brought her up himself. Then the mysterious travelers had saved her.

He'd never seen anything like them. They had matched the Nue in speed and skill, perhaps even in power, and yet they acted so...carefree. They had stopped in the middle of a battle to -argue-, and when the Nue retaliated, they had gotten angry and the combined might of them took the Nue out in one blow! All his training had not prepared him enough to protect his princess when it mattered. Tiris Branderfore stared numbly at the rubble where his princess lay.

Then the rubble moved. Two dragons, one green and one golden, shifted cautiously, trying to keep most of the debris from hitting those their bodies had protected as they shrugged it to one side. Many people screamed at the sight of the ledgendary beasts, but Tiris raced forward to help a dusty Ranma and Ranko help pull the people to safety. Others soon joined him in helping the shaky people away from the disaster, ignoring the beasts for the more immediate problem. When Nina's dusty face finally came into view, Tiris ignored all protocal and swept her into a tight hug.

Ryoga and Ryoko pulled themselves out of the rubble to collapse off to one side, ignoring the people backing away in terror. Tiris finally recomposed himself, and stepped protectively infront on Nina.

"You're Brood, aren't you." he asked, glaring at the four teens.

"Just us." Ranko said, indicating her brother as he shook the dust from his hair.

"What do you want from us?" he asked, still in a dangerous voice.

"Huh? Why would we want anything from you guys?" Ranma asked, surprised.

"Honestly, you guys are masters at being oblivious." Ukyou said, shaking her head.

"We don't mean any harm." Akane said, glaring at the two confused siblings, but addressing her comment to Tiris.

"Why should we believe you? You could have brought the monsters in the first place." he said, scowling. Ukyou blinked.

"Why the heck would we do that?" she asked, a bit offended.

"We just saved you lives, didn't we!" Ranko asked hotly, quickly loosing her temper.

"Yeah! We didn't hurt no one!" Ranma added, stepping up to stand next to his sister.

"You two be quiet." Akane said sharply. They scowled back, but did shut up.

"I don't think they're bad, Tiris." Nina said quietly. She was still staring in awe at the Hibiki twins.

"Not that I'm arguing, but why do you say that?" Akane asked.

"Yes, do tell princess." Tiris said.

"Well, if they really wanted to hurt us, they would have let the monsters attack and kill us rather than fight them. Also, if they could have called the dragons before, why did they wait to call them to -save- people?" Nina said logically. Tiris's hostile expression softened a little, but he held on to a shred of skepticism.

"And they saved the people rather than their own friends." Nina added quietly. Tiris blinked. It was true the other two kids hadn't been among those the dragons protected.

"Alright. I guess I can trust you for now. I really am sorry about your friends." he said gruffly.

"Uhhh...actually..." Ranma began nervously. Nina and Tiris looked at him expectantly, as well as all the other evesdropping townspeople.

"They're our friends." Ranko finished, pointing at the dragons who were regarded them through half closed eyes.

"...You really expect me to believe..." Tiris began, but Ukyou cut him off.

"You really have a hard time accepting the truth, don't you?" she asked. "Will you two please change back and put this man's silly fears to rest?" she said, addressing the question to the two tired dragons.

Getting wearily to their feet, both shrank back into the recognizable forms of Ryoko and Ryoga. Tiris stared. Nina stared. The town stared.

"What!?" was all the teens could think of to say.

Regaining some form of composure, Nina took stock of the situation, as she'd been taught. Over half the town knew these people were Brood, so no trying to keep it secret. Word would soon get to her parents, and if they weren't warned, they might do something to the travelers before they knew they were good dragons. Especially her mother. Only one thing to do.

"I think it would be most prudent for you to present yourselves to my parents." she said formally. "They might get the wrong impression if someone else tells them about, um, you." she finished lamely.

"Um...Okay, I guess." Akane said blinking.

"C'mon you guys." Ukyou said, and the travelers fell into step as Tiris cleared a way though the gaping people.

When Ryoga staggered a bit, Ranma quickly threw and arm over his shoulder, supporting him as they made their weary way through town. Ranko silently did the same for a dragging Ryoko.

"Are you alright, sugar?" Ukyou asked as she noticed.

"Yeah, just tired. You'd be surprised how much that can take outta you." Ryoko said, trying hard to put one foot in front of the other.

"I never thought I'd see something that could knock 'em out like that." Akane laughed. Ryoga scowled at her.

"You didn't have an entire building fall on you." he said. Akane had the decency to look abashed, and the motley crew continued down the street toward some well deserved rest.

* * *

Nina knew she had acted rather rashly, bringing the Nerimians to the castle. She had already known she would get in trouble for leaving the castle, and had expected a reprimand from both her parents. Still, she hadn't expected a public reprimand, before she could even try to defend herself. So she'd spent the past hour on one knee in front of her parents, listening to them, and occationally throwing in her own comments or feelings. Off to one side, the guests stood patiently.

"This is so cool!" Akane whispered to Ukyou.

"I can't believe we're actually in the royal castle!" Ukyou agreed.

"Big deal." Ryoko mumbled.

"Oh come on! Don't tell me your not impressed?" Akane said hotly.

"I didn't even know there -was- a royal family until now!" she retorted. The other three nodded in agreement.

"Why didn't you guys know?" Ukyou asked the two boys.

"Never in school enough to find out." they answered in unison. Akane blinked as Ukyou started to giggle.

"Really..." she muttered, turning her attention back to the room.

Still the arguement went on, both parties trying to convince the other on the 'right'ness of their views.

Having been together for so long, it was therefore not surprising when the two sets of twins said in perfect unison, "I'm bored."

"Do you do anything aside from fight?" Ukyou asked, exasperated.

"Well, there's eating and sleeping." Ranko said thoughtfully.

"I give up on you guys." Akane said, hanging her head. Just then, the Queen raised her voice a little so the entire room could hear her.

"We will discuss this more later, princess, but now tell me about these people you have brought with you." she said, looking haughtily at the dusty group. Not that Nina looked any better.

Hastily clearing her throat, Nina gestured them forward. "These are the people who got rid of the Nue, mother." she said, smiling a little at the embarrassed looks the group had.

"Is this true?" the King asked, leaning forward eagerly.

"Well, we did hit it through that building, but it was kinda on accident." Ryoga said, rubbing the back of his head.

"An accident? Surely you jest." the Queen said, disbelieving.

"Well, it interrupted our arguement." Ranko said, scowling a little.

"Yeah, it didn't need to hit us with that stupid spell." Ryoko agreed.

"You survived a spell from the Nue?" the King asked, surprised. "But you're so young."

"Hey, we might be young, but we ain't helpless!" Ranma said indignantly.

"I'd like to hear more about this...later of course." the King amended at a look from his wife. "But for now I'd like to invite you to stay and refresh yourselves. Ancel!" A smallish man appeared at his side. "Show them to a guest room. We will talk more tommarrow."

"Thank you very much for the honor." Ukyou said politely. They bowed and followed Ancel through a door.

"Nina, see that they are settled." her father said gravely, though his eyes sparkled at her.

"Yes Daddy." she said surpressing a smile, and took her leave as well.

<Very interesting. The Ice Queen did say I'd know them when they got here.> the King thought as he settle back, only half listening to the report of damages. <Brood...Huh.>

* * *

"I can't believe we actually get to stay in the castle!" Akane said excitedly, examining the rich furnishings of the suite they'd been provided.

"No one back at home will believe this when we tell them!" Ukyou agreed, sighing and she sank into one of the plush armchairs. Ryoga and Ryoko were dead to the world, sprawled off sleeping in a corner, and Ranma and Ranko were too busy fighting over the food provided to say anything. They had been given a -lot- of food, more even than all four Brood teens could hope to finish.

Akane paused, looking at the ground. "I hope we will be able to tell them." she said softly. Ukyou sat up, a grim look on her face.

"If you go on talking like that, you -won't- be around to tell them!" she exclaimed. Akane looked at her in surprise. "Besides," Ukyou continued with a grin, "what could happen with those louts around?"

Glancing over at the Brood teens, Akane had to smile. Ranko was presently trying to force some food into Ranma's mouth, both having gotten, for once, enough to eat.

"Yeah, we'll get Myria. I just know it." Akane said decisively.

"Alright guys, we should get to bed." Ukyou said, rising regretfully out of the comfortable chair.

"Huh?" Ranma said, looking over at her.

"An opening!" Ranko cried, shoving the food into his mouth. He scowled at her as he swallowed, while she giggled and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Yeah. Let's get sleeping beauties here up to bed." Akane said, lifting up a limp arm of Ryoko's. Sighing, the others came over to help.

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