Chapter 2: Pandas and Amazons and Food, Oh My!

"Hey, wait up Ryoga!" Ranko called, shaking her newly wet bangs out of her face. They gave up actually trying to -avoid- water, just carrying a thermos or two of hot water for emergencies. It was amazing how much water there was in China. This latest 'accident' had been caused by a rotting log that had collected water from the rains, finally breaking just over Ranma's head. Ranko didn't bother wondering at the odds of such a thing happening, let alone happening right over her head.

"Again?" Ryoga asked, turning at the sound of her higher voice.

"Yeah. Anyways, do we have any idea where we are now? I mean, training's good and everything, but what are we gonna do?" she asked, falling back into step with him.

"You're asking me...why?" Ryoga asked sarcastically. "You know I can't tell left from right!"

<Yeah. I'm surprised you've come this far without wandering off.> Ranma sniggered.

"Shut up Ranma!" Ryoga said, 'hitting' Ranma with a mental fist. It wasn't really hitting, just a feeling of what would happen if Ranma had been there.

"Anyways," Ranko said, interrupting before they could start fighting again, "Does anyone have a plan?"

<The only ones who might would be the guys.> Ryoko replied. <We don't really belong to this time, so we wouldn't know what's what.>

<Well, I'll want to head back to Japan eventually.> Ranma said.

"Me too." Ryoga agreed. "It is our home country after all."

<Okay but how do we get there?> Ryoko asked. <We don't know where we are, after all.>

"Just walk in one direction. We're bound to come across -something.-" Ryoga suggested.

"Yeah right. The likeliness of us coming across a place we know is..." Ranko began, but trailed off.

"What?" Ryoga asked, looking up from where he'd been carefully placing his feet between the pools of water.

"I don't believe it. It's...." Ranko said, staring around. They were in the middle of a valley filled with pools of water, not having noticed when the forest had ended and the valley began.

"Honored Customers! Here you find legendary springs of Jusenkyou." the guide said, appearing out of nowhere and making the two martial artists jump. "Wait, I knows you! You here few weeks before!" he said, peering curiously at them. "No one ever come back here before."

"Ack." Ryoga said intelligently, stepping further onto the safety of the path. "How did we get here!?"

<I'd say we were following you, but I don't think we were.> Ranma commented, earning yet another mental blow from Ryoga.

<Then this is all your fault Ranma!> Ryoko snapped, praying their usual tendency to attract water wouldn't kick in.

"Yeah. After all, you can't expect us to know where to go!" Ranko agreed.

"You strange one, yes? No make sense when talk." the guide said, shrugging. You came to expect such things when you lived around as strange a place as Jusenkyou. "You father been waiting for you show up again." he continued, pointing at a small hut further up the trail. It was also his home, and he was hoping that the greedy martial artist would finally leave.

As if the mere mention of him had summoned him, Genma appeared behind Ranko.

"There you are, Ranma!" he exclaimed, gripping Ranko's shoulder. "What happened to you, boy! I searched everywhere after you ran off! You shouldn't be so disrespectful to your father!" Genma said sternly.

<-I- ran off?> Ranma choked out, though Genma couldn't hear him.

"Hey! I didn't run off! And I ain't Ranma!" Ranko said, shrugging Genma's hand off.

"Don't lie, boy! I know its you. Lets get you some hot water so you can get out of that weak body." Genma continued, oblivious to the steadily growing anger of almost every one present.

Ranko's eyebrow twitched, "-Weak- body?" she asked, dangerously. Genma ignored this as he continued, going into detailed ranting.

"Oh the curse of having my only son turn into something so horrendous! A tragedy for any martial artist, to be so humiliated! What a loss of honor! Boy, you must overcome this obstacle!"

<How dare he say such a thing! Lemme at 'em! I'll pound him into the ground!> Ryoko snarled, trying to shove the suddenly panicked Ryoga aside. He didn't know if she'd actually do anything, but it was best not to find out.

<Let me take care of this guys.> Ranma said, the tone in his voice broking no argument. Ryoko reluctantly ceased her attempt to kill the fat martial artist, and Ranko gave Ranma control without another word.

"...for a martial artist's life is--urk!" Genma's rantings were abruptly cut off as Ranma gripped the front of his gi, pulling him down to stare eye to eye with his parent. No mean feat considering the size of his girl form.

"Now, -oyaji-," Ranma growled, and this time Genma couldn't avoid hearing the warning note in his son/daughter's voice. He also nervously noticed Ryoga glaring at him and cracking his knuckles, looking very intimidating indeed. "As you can see, I'm not weak in this form. In fact, I've gotten much stronger the past couple weeks training with...Ryoga. Who is coming with us, I might add, to train as well. This isn't exactly a curse, so leave off with the insults! If you don't like it," and here Ranma lifted Genma a couple inches of the ground, "then be a good panda and LEAVE US ALONE!" At he last bit, Ranma wound up and kicked his startled parent into the far distance.

"Nice form." Ryoga commented, shading his eyes as he watched the form grow smaller and smaller until it disappeared over a hill. "Well he won't be bugging us for a while."

"Hmph." Ranko said, taking back control. "I woulda launched him all the way back to Japan!"

<I still wanna pound him.> Ryoko pouted.

"Honored Customers, you hungry, yes? I have too too delicious stew in house." the guide said, smoothly cutting into the conversation. Having been the guide for so long, such a minor incident of weirdness wasn't enough to phase him.

"Huh? Oh, sure." Ryoga said, becoming aware of his presence again. "And we want to ask you a couple questions."

"Is so? Okay. This way." the guide replied, and led them, carefully, up the path to his house.

* * *

"So we wanted to know why the pools did this." Ranko said, finishing the story as night was falling. She and Ryoga we still seated around the guide's small table, having finished the promised meal.

"Very strange." the guide said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I never know pools do this. You say you create Jusenkyou with battle? Maybe have do with that. If chaos magic, then maybe that why."

"Could be." Ryoga conceded. "But why didn't any of the other pools work like this. And how do we cure the girls?"

"I no know how cure, but Amazon village nearby maybe know." the guide said with a shrug. "I take you there tomorrow."

<What about us becoming Brood. Why did our guy bodies change too?> Ranma asked.

"Yeah, why did the guys become Brood too? Shouldn't it only have been the girl forms?" Ranko asked, relaying the question.

"No know that either. Amazons very wise. Maybe they help you." the guide said.

"Well, then I guess we have to go there." Ryoga said with a sigh. "Well, let's go train then." So saying, both martial artists got up and went into the adjacent room where their stuff was already stashed, and lay down. A few minutes later, slow, even breathing could be heard coming from the two sleeping bags.

{They are very strange people.} the guide muttered in Mandarin. {I've never heard anyone call sleeping training before.}

* * *

Genma was cold, wet, and furry. How dare his miserable son do this to his own father! But Ranma had become surprisingly strong in the time they were separated. Genma didn't think Ranma used to be able to kick that hard, even in his male form. And why had the ungrateful boy done that anyways? All Genma'd done was go into his usual criticisms, and for some reason the boy had taken offense this time. Maybe it was the influence of that Ryoga boy? It had to be. Well, he'd follow them tomorrow and wait for his chance. Then he'd just steal Ranma back and be on his way, as he'd done so many times in the past. The boy may have gotten better, but Genma was confident he could still take Ranma out if he really wanted to.Yaright.

* * *

"Here we come to Amazon village." the guide said the next day. Thanks to a surprise rain shower, both Ranko and Ryoko were following the guide. They had come across a smallish village, and now found the residents all gathered in the center. "We very lucky. Is martial arts tournament. Best in village fight." the guide said as they sat down next to a table full of food. Ranko was just reaching for a pork bun when Ryoko grabbed her hand.

"Uh uh. Look." Ryoko said, pointing at the sign.

"Huh? Oh. Too bad. I was hungry." Ranko said, pouting.

<First Prize. Huh, how come I can read the sign? It's in Chinese.> Ranma asked.

"Probably cause we knew Chinese before we died. After all, we did live in China." Ryoko replied.

"Yeah. We didn't know Japanese until you fell in our pool." Ranko added with a shrug.

None of the observers noticed the furry paw making swift inroads on the food piled behind them.

"Check that girl out!" Ryoko said, pointing to the lavender haired girl who was facing off on the challenge log.

"She's pretty strong." Ranko agreed, watching the fight with interest. "Are you sure its a woman she's fighting, though?"

<I could take her.> Ranma said, despite the fact the girl was fighting at furious speeds.

<We don't doubt it. Any of us could take her out. But she's still pretty good.> Ryoga rebuked.

"Well, I don't think the panda could take her." Ranko said, chuckling as the purple haired girl sent her opponent flying. She was very surprised when a wooden sign hit her in the back of the head.

[I could too take her out. But it is not honorable for a man to fight a woman!] Genma-panda signed, while munching contentedly on an ear of corn. Ranko and Ryoko turned disbelieving eyes on him, which he ignored as he reached for a side of ham.

"What are you doing?!" Ryoko snapped, knocking his paw away.

[But I'm hungry.] the panda signed piteously.

"You stupid jerk, why didn't you read the si--" Ranko began, but cut off as she was forced to dodge the bonbori aimed at her head.

{Girl! Why did you let your pet eat my prize?} the girl demanded, pointing her weapon at Ranko.

{Hey! He ain't my pet! I didn't even know he was there!} Ranko snapped back.

{Then is it your pet?} the girl said, swinging her mace to point at Ryoko.

{Nor my relation, thank all that's holy.} Ryoko said, making a negative gesture.

{Then I'll kill the panda as my prize!} the girl proclaimed, and braced herself to leap at the animal.

<Oh man!> Ranma moaned.

{Sigh. As much as I hate to do this, if I fight you and win, will you not kill the panda?} Ranko asked, stopping the girl.

{You challenge me, Xian Pu, the village champion?} Xian Pu asked, incredulous.

{Well, though he isn't my pet, I can't let you kill the panda. I really am sorry about the food though.} Ranko said, hoping to avoid a fight.

{Very well, then we fight. To the challenge log!} Xian Pu said, ignoring the comment and leapt back atop the log she had just vacated.

"Your funeral." Ryoko said, dipping a cup into a cauldron of still hot soup.

"Hey! How come you're eating?" Ranko demanded.

"Well, when you win, the prize becomes ours anyways." Ryoko replied with a shrug.

<Will you just get on with the fight?> Ryoga asked.

"Better save some for me." Ranko said in parting, then leapt onto the log as well.

{You will regret your challenge.} Xian Pu said, then without another word, charged Ranko.

"Why am I thinking not?" Ranko grumbled, and then snap-kicked the girl in the chin, knocking her off the log. There were gasps from all around, as the entire village witnessed the easily won match.

{T-t-the winner.} the judge said, holding Ranko's arm aloof. Ranko was looking at Xian Pu as the Amazon got to her feet, wiping her mouth. Then, to her surprise and the horror of the guide, Xian Pu kissed Ranko on the cheek.

"Aiyaa! Is kiss of death! You must run!" the guide said, grabbing Ranko's arm and dragging her a few feet.

"Huh? Why?" Ranko asked, digging her heels in as they came abreast of Ryoko.

"Is promise to hunt you to ends of earth and kill!" the guide said, trying desperately to drag the now immobile girl away.

"She wouldn--" Ranko began, but was cut off by a 'kiya' from Ryoko. She turned to see the blonde girl still in a snap kick, very like the one Ranko had used to defeat Xian Pu, and a surprised Xian Pu holding what looked like a stick. With a resounding thud, the other end of the bonbori came crashing down on top of the Amazon's head, knocking her out.

"What was that all about?" Ryoko asked, straightening.

<Great. Just great.> Ranma drawled sarcastically.

<What happened? I couldn't catch it all.> Ryoga asked impatiently.

"Um, I guess you'll see." Ranko said as the Amazon slowly regained conscience. Xian Pu stood up, looking from girl to girl, then gave Ryoko a kiss of death.

{You two must die!} she said, then pulled out another pair of bonbori.

"Oh." Ryoko said simply, dodging Xian Pu's strike.

"So, what do we do now?" Ranko asked, still easily dodging the girl's swings.

"Is one way she not kill you." the guide said, regaining his composure. "But isn't solution. Amazon law say kill outsider women, but not men. Men have to--"

"Well, then hot water it is!" Ranko interrupted, and snatched up the cauldron of soup Ryoko had been eating from earlier. Tossing it into the air, the hot broth splashed on all of them.

{Aiyaa! Hot! What did you do that for you little--} Xian Pu began, but broke off as she stared at the two boys.

"Surprise!" Ranma said weakly.

{Is...boys. Where girls go?} Xian Pu demanded, looking wildly around.

"Well, I guess we'll be going then." Ryoga said, turning to pick up his pack.

"Wait! Where you hide girl?" Xian Pu asked.

{Hey, we didn't hide them.} Ranma replied. {We honestly have no idea where they are right now.}

{That's enough Xian Pu} a new voice said, breaking smoothly in. They turned to see a wizened old woman perched easily atop a wooden staff.

{Great-grandmother Khu Lon! I must kill the outsider girls!} Xian Pu said, protesting.

{Did you not see the change? No, I suppose you were too busy getting scalded to notice.} Khu Lon said, then turned to the two boys. "I see you've been to Jusenkyou. That was rather silly of you, considering you obviously know Chinese very well."

"Um, I guess we didn't know it at the time." Ranma said nervously, trying to edge away.

"Yeah, silly us. But we really should be going now." Ryoga agreed, shouldering his pack.

"Now now, you can't go, not just yet. One of you has to marry my great granddaughter." Khu Lon said. Ranma and Ryoga stared at her.

"Repeat that." Ryoga said.

"One of you has to marry my great granddaughter." the woman obediently repeated.

"...Well, there is one thing I can say." Ranma said, dropping his pack back on the ground.

"What's that?" the woman asked as Ryoga dropped his pack too.

"OYAJI! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Ranma roared, turning to face the suddenly cowering panda.

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO ATE THE STUPID FOOD IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Ryoga shouted, also advancing on the terrified animal.

[Now, boys. A martial artist must take the chance to eat whenever he can.] Genma signed.

"Not when it doesn't belong to you! I thought we've been through this before!" Ranma said angrily.

"Before? Don't tell me he's done this before!" Ryoga said, turning to the other boy. "No, wait, I take that back. How stupid can you be?!" he added, turning back to the panda.

"Boys, boys." Khu Lon said, interrupting the shouting match. "I have informed my great granddaughter of what has happened, and she is most agreeable. One of you needs to choose to marry her."

"Oh no. I ain't marryin' no one." Ranma said, backing away quickly.

"You're not gonna pin this on me!" Ryoga agreed, warding the amazons off with his hands.

"Hm? Playing hard to catch? Well, you'll come around." Khu Lon said, and hopped off. Both boys stared off after her.

"...So I guess..." Ranma began.

"...We can go?" Ryoga finished uncertainly.

"WO DA AILEN!" came the happy cry, and Ranma got the wind knocked out of him as Xian Pu barreled into him.

"Ack! Let go!" Ranma said, struggling to get out of the vice like grip.

"Getting pretty familiar there, aren't you?" Ryoga asked angrily.

"Hey! I ain't--huh?" Ranma broke off as he staggered, suddenly free of his burden.

"WO DA AILEN!" Xian Pu cried, this time tackling Ryoga.

"Huh?" was all Ryoga could say before he was knocked down.

"Now who's gettin' familiar?" Ranma said, laughing as Ryoga tried vainly to get away from the snuggling Xian Pu.

"Hey! Xian Pu-- I'm not-- ARGH!" Ryoga yelled, leaping to his feet, dragging Xian Pu with him.

<You could always tell Khu Lon about us.> Ryoko suggested, not at all liking the thought of Xian Pu glomping on -her.-

<Worth a shot.> Ranko added.

"Alright, fine. KHU LON! WHERE ARE YOU!" Ranma said, beginning to charge off in the direction the old woman had taken.

"Yes son-in-law?" Khu Lon replied, poking him in the back.

"AAHH!!" Ranma said intelligently, jumping away. "What? You! Okay, Khu Lon. We need to talk to you." he said threateningly.

"Oh? Have you already decided to marry my great granddaughter? That was faster than I expected." Khu Lon said.

"NO! We just need to...let GO Xian Pu! to you!" Ryoga said, still struggling with the Amazon. To his surprise, she did let go, and instead jumped back on Ranma.

"AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!" Ranma said, not able to dodge in time.

"Can we talk somewhere more, private?" Ryoga asked quickly, edging away from Xian Pu and the thoroughly annoyed Ranma.

"Very well, follow me. Xian Pu, you need to at least let him walk." Khu Lon said, and Xian Pu reluctantly unwrapped her legs from around Ranma.

Khu Lon led them through the village, Xiam Pu managing to hang off both boy's arms at once, until they came to a modest sized hut. Upon entering, the Japanese teens were greeted by the sight of a boy about their age, dressed in a long white robe and black pants.

{Xian Pu my love!} the boy said, scooping up Khu Lon in a passionate embrace.

Ranma and Ryoga stared at each other in surprise.

{Stupid Mu Tsu!} Xian Pu said, releasing both boys to hit the Amazon on his head. {That's not me! Put your stupid glasses on!}

Upon doing so, Mu Tsu got a good look at exactly -what- he was hugging.

{Ahh! A ghoul!} he said, dropping Khu Lon. He was rewarded with a bop on the head.

{I'm not a ghoul! Lazy boy...} Khu Lon said, hopping further into the room.

"Um, did I miss something?" Ranma asked, scratching his head in puzzlement.

{Who are you?} Mu Tsu asked, finally having noticed them.

{They're the ones who are going to marry Xian Pu. One or both.} Khu Lon said simply.

{WHAT! I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!!!} Mu Tsu screamed, then launched an assortment of weapons at the two still stunned boys.

"Hey...what?" Ryoga said, leaping over the chains, blades, and such. Skipping backwards a few steps, he and Ranma found themselves back outside and quickly split up, giving themselves space.

"Now what?" Ranma asked as the Amazon boy came charging out.

{NEVER! You can't have her, you hear! Xian Pu is mi--} Mu Tsu began, but broke off as a large, HEAVY table crashed into him.

{I AM NOT YOURS, STUPID MU TSU!} Xian Pu's voice said, coming from inside the house still.

{X...Xian Pu...} the boy said, before slipping into unconsciousness.

"...I definitely missed something." Ranma said.

"You and me both." Ryoga replied.

<I'm not much better.> Ranko said, sweat dropping.

<Why don't we ask them?> Ryoko suggested, indicating the hut still in front of them.

"Good idea." Ranma said, and he and Ryoga tramped into the house, over the still out-of-it Amazon.

* * *

Genma looked up from the now-finished feast. The square had cleared of most people, as everyone figured the panda was not their concern. The only ones left were a couple of small children, who were staring up at him in delight.

"Growf?" Genma said, looking around for Ranma. After the boys had been distracted by that Amazon girl, Genma had gone back to what he did best; eating. But now that there was no more food to be had, he finally became aware of his surroundings again.

{Neat! Panda!} one of the kids said, hugging Genma's leg.

{Wanna ride!} another said, arms raised imploringly.


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