Chapter 4: A Nightmare of Bad Impressions and Mistaken Identities

It was a rainy day in Nerima. Actually, Soun Tendou was just crying, but it gave the same results. The reason for Soun's tears was the soggy postcard that read;

Bringing Ranma and friend from China,

Finally his dream of uniting the two branches of Anything Goes Martial Arts could come true.

"Kasumi! Nabiki! Akane!" he called.

"Yes father?"

"What is it Daddy?"


"Akane? Where is that girl?"

* * *

Akane had just finished her morning run.

"Tadaima!" she called as she stepped inside. Hurrying out to the dojo, she set up some bricks, and, concentrating, let out a "Kiya!" as she drove her hand through them.

"No wonder the boys think your so weird." came a drawling voice behind her. Akane turned to see her sister Nabiki standing there.

"Hmph! Who cares what boys think!" Akane sniffed.

"Well this wouldn't interest you then." Nabiki said, walking away. Curious, Akane followed.

* * *

"Fiancee?!" came the Tendou girl's chorus.

"Oh my! I hope he's older. Younger men are so...boring." Kasumi commented.

"Is he cute?" Nabiki asked.

"Boys!" Akane said furiously.

"Is he cute?" Nabiki repeated.

"What's this Ranma like?" they chorused again. Laughing nervously, Soun glanced back down at the post card.

"It seems they've been studying in China for the past couple years, and even picked up a new student." he said, though how he knew all this when the message on the postcard was a whole two lines line is beyond me.

"Ooo, China!" Nabiki said eagerly.

"So they hiked across China. Big deal." Akane said disgruntledly.

"Oh come on, Akane. You never know, he might be cute." Nabiki said with a smirk for her sister. Akane hmphed and looked away. "Isn't that right daddy?" Nabiki added, looking up at her father.

Soun drew himself up, paused, then deflated with a weak chuckle saying, "No idea."

"What?!" came yet another Tendou chorus.

"I've never met him." he explained, smiling weakly.

"You mean we have to marry someone that you've NEVER MET!?" Akane said, appalled.

"That can be fixed!" Soun replied smugly. Just then, the doorbell rang.

* * *

"So why're we here anyways?" Ranko asked, wringing out her pigtail as they stepped under the overhand of the roof of a house.

"Yeah. You said we were going to your old friends, but why?" Ryoko added, shaking her bangs out of her eyes.

[Um...Let me talk to the boys.] the panda signed nervously.

"What do you want pops? You know we don't like switchin in the wrong forms." Ranko-now-Ranma grumbled.

"It better be nothing like last time." Ryoko-now-Ryoga warned. "If you try to sell Ranma, or -me- for that matter, one more time, you'll learn the meaning of pain."

[Heh...heh...well. A long time ago...] the panda began, but cut off as Ranma whacked him upside the head.

"Get to the point! I don't wanna stand here all day!"

Reaching out a paw to ring the doorbell, the panda held up a sign.

[We're here to meet your fiance, Ranma.]



* * *

At the sound of the door bell, Nabiki leapt to her feet.

"Oh! They're here!" she squealed in delight.

"My old friend Saotome!" Soun cried, and he and Nabiki charged down the entrance hall, Kasumi a few steps behind murmuring, "I do hope he's older..."

All three came charging right back down the entrance hall, much to Akane's surprise, followed by an aerial panda.

As the panda came crashing down, Kasumi asked, "Oh my! Is this your friend, father?" Soun mutely shook his head.

"Oh, I suppose a flying panda just decided to visit!" Nabiki yelled. Again Soun shook his head vigorously.

"Stupid old man!" came a double cry from down the hall. Two girls came storming in, one with flaming red hair, the other with golden blonde hair.

"Are you?..." Soun asked, glancing between the two.

"Ranma Saotome."

"Ryoga Hibiki."

"Sorry 'bout this," they chorused.

"At last you're here, my boy!" Soun cried as he grabbed Ranma in a fierce hug. He stopped as he realized something was -very- wrong, and held Ranma out. Nabiki came up and squeezed one of Ranma-chan's breasts.

Turning to her father with an expressionless face, she said, "HE, is a GIRL." Soun fainted dead away.

* * *

Amidst the confusion of the moment, Ranma and Ryoga slipped outside, at the same time giving control over to the two girls.

"That went well." Ranko said dryly.

"You're telling me." Ryoko muttered.

"I can't believe he waited until we got to the house to tell us that..." Ranko said, scowling.

"We wouldn't have come otherwise, and he knew we could easily overpower him if we wanted." Ryoko said, sighing. After a moment, she said, "It's going to get really confusing since the boys introduced themselves first."

"Hmmm." Ranko agreed. "But they were too agitated to notice their current, uh, form." Ryoko giggled a bit at that.

<Excuuuse us!> Ranma said sarcastically.

<Besides, how long do you think we can keep it a secret anyways?> Ryoga added.

"Is that a bet, Ryoga? Won't last a day I say." Ranko asked teasingly.

"What won't last a day?" came a voice from behind them, making both girls jump. They whirled around to see a girl with long, bluish-black hair standing there looking curiously at them.

"Er, nothing." Ranko said quickly, glancing nervously around to see if anyone else was around.

"Just, the engagement!...That's it...heh heh." Ryoko said nervously.

"You don't seriously think my dad would engage two girls, do you?" the girl asked, incredulaty written all over her face.

"No way!" Ranko said hotly.

<Don't be too sure about that. It -is- my dad, after all.> Ranma said sourly.

"Uh, well, probably not." Ryoko amended.

"...Well, I heard you two were studying in China." the girl said, sinching the belt of her martial arts gi a bit.

"Huh?" Ranko asked intellegently.

"I'm Akane." Akane said with another smile. "Do you want to be friends?"

Glancing at each other, both girls shrugged in unison and said, "Sure."

"Let's head over to the dojo." Akane said, gesturing to the smaller building across the yard. "You study kenpo, right?"

"A little." Ryoko said nonchalauntly.

"Well, let's have a little match then!" Akane said with a laugh.

<I don't know if this is a good idea.> Ranma said nervously.

<I have to agree with Ranma. You can tell she's not very good.> Ryoga added.

"Hey, this isn't another one of those 'girls are weak' things, is it?" Ranko asked suspiciously.

"Besides, bad to you guys is probably amazing to anyone else." Ryoko said.

"Who are you talking to?" Akane asked, glancing back at them.

" one." Ranko said, groaning internally.

"We were just...practicing a play we saw...once." Ryoko said.

<Ranko's right. Not even a day.> Ryoga said conversationally. Both girls 'whacked' him over the head before turning their attention back to Akane.

"Oh? You study drama as well?" Akane asked as they entered the modest dojo.

"Um, it was something we saw in an amazon village we stayed in." Ryoko said quickly.

"Just, never mind. Who are you going to fight?" Ranko said, trying to change the subject. Akane scowled a bit at the abrupt comment, but answered kindly enough.

"Why don't I fight you first, Ranma. Afterwards, I'll spar with Ryoga."

<Huh?> both boys said in confusion.

"Wrong names, stupid." Ranko muttered under her breath.

"Yeah, that's fine." Ryoko said, covering for Ranko. "But I don't know if you'll be up to fighting me after Ranko."

"Who?" Akane asked in confusion. Both girls blinked, reviewing what had been said.

"Gaah! Ranma! I meant Ranma!" Ryoko said quickly, blushing in embarrassment. Curse the stupid boys for speaking before thinking! This was too confusing.

"...Okay." Akane said, wondering if all the travelling alone had turned the poor girls' heads. Ryoga seemed nice enough if a little shy, and Ranma seemed okay as well, even if she was a little blunt.

Ranko slipped easily into a basic stance across the dojo from Akane who was getting into her own stance. Ryoko stood in the middle of the floor, raised her hand, then brought it down with a "Begin!".

Akane charged throwing an easy punch at Ranko's head. She didn't want to hurt the girl, after all. Ranko, however, easily dodged the punch and countered with an open palm strike to Akane's stomach. Doubling over, Akane struggled to both catch her breath and get out of the way of Ranko's next strike.

Straightening up, she saw Ranko waiting for her to recover. Frowning at the implied insult, at least in her mind, Akane charged again, not holding back this time. Ranko dodged each strike easily. Akane began to pant as she pushed harder and harder, still not able to hit the girl.

"Why don't you fight back?" she yelled as yet another punch was dodged by the agile girl.

"Well, I guess. But your defense is lousy." Ranko commented lazily as she proved her point and hit Akane lightly on the shoulder. Growling at the insult, Akane charged forward recklessly, trying to land one hit on the small girl. Flipping over the last punch, which went through the wall of the dojo, Ranko tapped Akane lightly on the back of her head as she landed.

For a moment, there was silence, then Ryoko said, "Ranma, winner."

Akane frowned. It wasn't so bad because it was a girl, but Ranma didn't have to be so insulting.

"Good match." she said.

"Yeah, thanks. I've gotten pretty good, or at least that's what my sensei says." Ranko replied.

<Of course, you were learning from the best.> Ranma said arrogently.

<No false sense of modesty there, eh Ranma?> Ryoga asked sarcastically.

"Really? Well, I'm just glad you're not a boy. I'd hate to be beaten by a boy." Akane replied as she grabbed a towel from a rack and wiped her sweaty brow. Ranko was silent, not sure really what to say. Ranma, however, had no such problem.

<I think we're in trouble.> he said, and Ranko could almost see the sweat drop.

<You think.> Ryoga replied sarcastically.

"Hey! I'm a girl! There should be no problems!" Ranko said hotly.

"Of course you're a girl." Akane said in confusion, glancing at the red head. "I never implied you weren't."

"I give up. This is just giving me a headache. Ranko, looks like you win the bet." Ryoko growled, wearily rubbing her forhead.

"Bet? What's going on?" Akane demanded, very very confused.

"Well, to start, Ranma and Ryoga are really boys." Ryoko said simply.

<Like that makes a lot of sense.> Ryoga said sarcastically.

"What do you mean you are really boys?" Akane asked. "I hate to tell you this, but with a body like that, you can't be guys." she added a little enviously. Ryoko glanced at Ranko who gestured for her to continue. With a sigh, Ryoko sat down.

"Well, it happened in China..." and she proceeded to explain how the curses worked, and how Ranko and Ryoko came to be.

"So right now we're in girl form, so Ranko and I take over. So you were beaten by a girl, even though some of the time its a boy. Do you understand?" Ryoko finished, looking expectantly at the dark-haired girl.

"You really expect me to believe any of this?!" Akane asked incredulously.

"Well, yeah." Ranko said, surprised. She thought Ryoko had explained it fairly well, considering. Akane looked at them as if they were crazy.

"Look, if we showed you the curse would you believe us?" Ryoko asked, getting a little impatient.

"...Fine, show me." Akane said, still looking doubtful. "We can get you hot water in the kitchen."

* * *

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" came a resounding cry from the kitchen.

"Jeez, Akane! Calm down! We told you this would happen!" Ranko was shouting. Now male again, Ryoga had come back in control, but seemed reluctant to provoke the frightened girl more by talking. Of course, that rock did look heavy, and it would probably be smarter for Akane to put it down before she hurt someone.

"Get away, you FREAK!" Akane screamed as Ranko tried to come closer. Hurt beyond words, Ranko withdrew.

"Hey! Don't say something like that to Ranko!" Ryoga said angrily. How dare this girl insult Ranko like that! He considered her to be one of his best friends, and no one insulted his friends like that.

<That was quite rude!> Ryoko added, also furious. <We didn't -ask- to be ressurected or nothin'!>

Ranko poured the hot water over herself without another word, giving control back to the furious Ranma. Ranko was him in a way, and this, this, tomboy just called her a freak. So what if she was cursed to share a body with him?

"You uncute tomboy! Don't you have any feelings?" he yelled. Seeing only the fear and confusion on Akane's face, he turned and began dragging Ryoga out the door. "Forget this, we're going to go back to China to find a cure. I wouldn't want to be around someone as heartless as you for longer than I have to." They stopped short in the doorway when Nabiki and Kasumi looked up from their prone father. The panda disappeared past them into the kitchen.

"Who are you?" Nabiki demanded, not liking the fact that strangers just seemed to be able to waltz in and out of their house with ease.

"Ranma Saotome."

"Ryoga Hibiki."

"Sorry 'bout this." they chorused.

<Wow, deja vu> Ryoko sniggered. Ranko just <Hmph.>ed and said nothing.

"No you're not. Ranma and Ryoga are girls. You are most definitely boys." Nabiki said, looking them up and down appreciatively. Just then, Genma came in from the kitchen. At the sight of his old friend, Soun leapt out of bed, miraculously recovered.

"My old friend Saotome! At last the schools will finally be joined!" he exclaimed loudly. Instantly Kasumi was by her father's side, comforting him as he burst into tears of joy. Nabiki stared at the newly made panda and two scowling girls.

"Why us?" they chorused to the sky.

* * *

Ranma and Ryoga, still girls much to their annoyance, had quickly explained the curses and the girls, and apologize for the confusion. For a moment, there was dead silence.

Then Soun stood up and exclaimed, "Well, Ranma my boy, your problem is not so bad after all!" He grabbed the nearest dripping girl and whirled her to face his daughters.

"Hey!" she said, but was cut off as Soun continued.

"My daughters Kasumi, 19, Nabiki, 17, and Akane, 16."

"I'm not Ranma!" Ryoga shouted, now struggling out of Soun's grip. Soun blinked, then seized the dripping Ranma and finished, "Pick which one you want!"

Kasumi and Nabiki immediately pushed Akane forward.

"Oh he wants Akane." Kasumi said.

"What?" screeched Akane.

"Oh definitely." Nabiki agreed.

"Don't I get any say in this?" Akane demanded.

"Well you hate boys..." Kasumi started.

"So you're in luck, he's half girl!" Nabiki finished.

"No way!" Ranma-chan yelled. "I'm going back to China to find a cure! This is not the time for fiancees!" He turned and began to drag Ryoga out the door again. They were stopped by a yet again restored Genma before they reached it, and a furious argument ensued.

"You have to stay! Your honor bound to marry one of them!"

"No! I didn't want this stupid engagement anyways!"

"Yeah! We should find a cure, first. Anyways, that Akane insulted Ranko! She's just a heartless tomboy!"

"Can't fight too well either."

"I didn't bring you up to be so ungrateful, boy! You will marry one of the girls, or you will dishonor your name!"

"...Fine! I'll get engaged to one of them, but it doesn't mean I'll marry her! I just don't want to soil my honor."

"I don't see why you have to, Ranma. It was his stupid promise, not yours. And why should you have to decide now? I mean, you don't even know them, except that Akane is cold and heartless. Shouldn't you wait till your older to marry?"

"I ain't gonna marry them! If the engagement doesn't work out, I'll break it. After all, if the others are anything like Akane..."


"Why should we! You don't seem to care about Ranko!"

"That's not true! You're all freaks! Who ever heard of such a curse? I bet there isn't really a 'Ranko' or 'Ryoko', just something you made up to get sympathy!"

"I don't need nor want anyone's sympathy! And why would I lie?"

"Because you're a freak!"

"I am not a freak! I can't help it if I got cursed! It's my stupid old man's fault that we got cursed in the first place!"

"Your still a freak! I'd never want to be engaged to you!"

"Same here, and I'm NOT a freak!"

"There the perfect couple, don't you agree, Soun?"

"Oh, absolutely. We'll have the wedding tonight."


"Never! Never! I won't be engaged to the hydrosexual freak!"

"No way pops! Not to the heartless tomboy!"

"What did you call me?"

"Same thing I did before; a tomboy! Even my girl side has a better body than you do!"

<Most definitely I do!>

"And Ranko agrees!"

"Why you! Ranma no BAKA!" and Akane smashed the table over Ranma's head. Ryoga who'd been busy trying to understand the logic of the two older men snapped out of his reverie.

"Hey! What'ja do that for?" he yelled in Ranma's defense.

"He's an insensitive jerk! He deserved it!" she screamed back. Straightening up quickly, she stormed up to her room.

"Oh my! Don't mind Akane. She's not so bad even if she is a violent maniac." Kasumi exclaimed happily.

"Way ta confuse them, sis." Nabiki drawled.

"I should go set up the guest room." Kasumi said brightly as she got up and left the room.

"I've got some...homework to do." Nabiki said with a strange glint in her eye, and she went upstairs as well. Since the two men had already retired to the porch to celebrate the joining of the two schools, that left a groggy Ranma and confused Ryoga alone.



* * *

"School?!" came a horrified chorus the next morning.

"Yes. You both need to finish your education. And since Ryoga's under my care, I say he should go as well." Genma explained.

"But we don't have any school things!" Ranma said desperately.

"There," Genma said as he flung a book bag at each of them.

"Bye!" Nabiki called at large as she passed them.

"Wait up!" Akane called, hurrying up.

"You have to stay and take you fiancee to school." Nabiki said with a smirk over her shoulder.

Fuming, Akane turned and snapped at them, "Come on!" Having little choice, the two boys followed her out the door.

When they came to a likely fence, Ranma leapt easily onto it. Glancing up, Ryoga shrugged, then hopped up as well. Akane scowled up at them.

"What are you doing that for?" she snapped.

"Balancing practice." Ranma replied coldly. Scowling at the curt reply, Akane continued to walk until *Splash!* two dripping wet figures landed nearby.

"Aw man!" Ranko complained.

"Great. I don't want to go to school." Ryoko grumbled.

"Yeah, and anyways, the boys are signed up, not us." Ranko said turning around.

"Now we got to go home and change back." Ryoko grumbled. "Why'd ya get wet, anyways?"

<It's not like we ment to.> Ranma said grumpily.

<I didn't even see that coming. Do we ever?> Ryoga added.

"You can't go home! We'll be late!" Akane shot at them before they could leave.

"So? It's not my job to go to school!" Ranko said a little coldly.

"You only need hot water to change, right?" Akane asked, growling a bit at Ranko's treatment of her.

"Yeah." Ryoko said shortly.

"Well, I know where we can get you some. Come on." Akane replied, turning and hurrying off. The two girls reluctantly followed.

<Why don't you let us have control since we're gonna change back anyways.> Ryoga suggested as Akane dissapeared into a building.

"Okay." Ranko said with a shrug, and the two girls did so.

"So what do you think." Ryoga asked, glancing at Ranma.

"About what?" he asked.

"Well, we have a place to stay for a while, but the panda's gonna keep pushing the engagement at you." Ryoga replied.

<Stupid idiot.> Ranko growled.

"Yeah, well, it's not like I'm gonna marry her." Ranma said sulkily. "I'll figure out how to get outta it."

<Hey, since we share a body, does that mean I'm engaged to her as well?> Ranko asked in horror. There was a moment of silence as they thought about this, then Ranko continued, <Bleah, I don't wanna be engaged to a -girl-!>

"Maybe we can use that to get you out of the engagement." Ryoga said with a grimace.

"Do you honestly think Pops would care--" Ranma began, but broke off as a skeletal arm encircled their shoulders. Turning, Ranma and Ryoga saw to their horror a skull grinning evilly at them. With a yell, both ran away from the bony collide with each other and fall soundlessly to the ground.

"Oops." Dr. Tofu murmured, looking down at the prone forms. Just then, Akane came around the corner carrying a kettle.

"I've got the water!...Oh! Dr. Tofu!" She immediately blushed. Giving a polite bow, she noticed the two figures still sprawled on the ground. "What happened to them?" Dr. Tofu looked slightly embarrassed.

"Uhh...just a little joke. I didn't expect them to react so...forcefully, though." he explained.

"Oh. Well, it's their first day of school and I don't want to be late." Akane said, pouring the water over the two girls. Sputtering, Ranma and Ryoga sat up.

"Ow! What hit me?" Ranma asked, rubbing his head.

<Ryoga. What else could be that hard?> Ranko said, howling with laughter from the little prank.

"It's not -that- funny!" Ryoga protested. He only got another peal of laughter as a reply.

"C'mon you two. We're gonna be late." Akane said. They grumbled a bit, but got up and dusted themselves off. Turning to the silent form of Dr. Tofu, Akane bowed and said with a small blush, "Goodbye, Dr. Tofu!" Ranma and Ryoga noticed the blush, but at the advice of the girls didn't say anything. Then the three raced off to school.

Still standing with Betty's arm raised in unconscious farewell, Tofu said, "Interesting." Then he turned and walked back into his clinic.

* * *

"What was that all about?" Ranma asked as they raced toward school.

"What do you mean?" Akane said curtly.

"Dr. Tofu. I thought you hated men." Ryoga said.

"That's right." Akane said scowling, picking up speed as the school gates came into sight. "I...hate...BOYS!"

Ranma and Ryoga watched astonished as Akane charged the gates, right into a crowd of boys standing at the ready. The cries of, "Akane, I love you!" and "Please go out with me!" echoed back to them as Akane proceeded to beat the living daylights out of them.

"What's going on?" Ranma asked confused. Ryoga could only shake his head in confusion.

<Looks like some fan club.> Ryoko said with some admiration.

"Well, it's her problem, whatever it is." Ranma said as he hopped over the wall. He'd quickly gained respect for girls with Ranko and Ryoko to pound it into him, so he knew that Akane'd be able to take care of herself. Not that he was worried or nuthin...

"I guess. She probably would get mad at us for interfering anyways." Ryoga agreed as he too leapt over the wall. Just then, a rose went flying toward Akane. She caught it easily, then sighed.

"Look there." Ryoga said, pointing at the emerging figure of a boy dressed in kendo garb. "Maybe he's the reason she has to beat up all those guys."

"Maybe. I guess Akane does have a reason to be angry all the time." Ranma said.

<But she doesn't have the right to take it out on other people.> Ranko grumbled. <How would she like it if she was ressurected in another time?>

<She would probably beat someone up. Don't ya think?> Ryoko said smirking.

<She still shouldn't.> Ranko said sullenly. Ryoko sighed, wondering when Ranko would drop her grudge.

"I guess she doesn't need help." Ranma said as he glanced around at the fallen boys, though he was slightly impressed that she could handle herself so well against the crowd. Then again, it reflected in her style as well, as he'd seen in Ranko's spar with her.

The kendo boy was now going into some elaborate speech about the fools who'd dare try to win the sweet Akane's favor. Shrugging, the two boys walked into the school, and were soon followed by an annoyed Akane. Outside, it began to raining, reviving the fallen boys and the crazy kendoist.

* * *

"Class, we have two new students today," the teacher said, gesturing for the boys to introduce themselves.

"Ranma Saotome." he said with a wave.

"Ryoga Hibiki." he said with a shy smile.

Most of the class gave the two boys starry eyes. The class was predominantly girls since most of the boys were still in the nurse's office.

"They have been in China for the past few years," the teacher continued, "So lets give them a warm welcome. You two can take the empty seats by the window." They sat down in the indicated seats, and had a relatively uneventful class until the kendo boy they'd seen earlier burst into the room.

"Where is the cur Saotome?!" he demanded, waving his bokken around.

"Kuno!" the teacher snapped. "I will not have this! Go to the vice principles!" Kuno opened his mouth to argue, but at an angry glare from the teacher, he turned and stalked out of the room.

"What did you do to him?" Ryoga hissed.

"Nothing! I haven't even met him yet!" Ranma shot back, nervously aware of everyone's curious stares.

<Wasn't he the guy we thought was responsible for Akane's fan club?> Ranko asked.

<Yeah. I'm sure it was the same guy.> Ryoko said.

'I hope that doesn't mean what I think it means.' Ranma thought to himself. It was sometimes annoying that they could only talk to each other out loud and not just in their heads, but at times like this he was glad they couldn't hear his thoughts.

Their first class ended with no more interruptions, but unfortunately the Brood teens were becoming rather bored. A -very- dangerous thing to happen.

<Man, I'd rather be training than this torture.> Ranko moaned as the history teacher came in.

<Well, maybe history will be intersting. After all, we -are- history.> Ryoko said sniggering.

"Oh yeah. Real intersting." Ryoga muttered, sinking a little farther in his seat. Ranma was more used to this than he was, which wasn't saying much, but Ryoga had never been able to -find- the schools before. Now he didn't even have getting lost as an excuse to get out of class. And he thought his life would be happier if he didn't get lost.

"The likely hood of us studying something about you guys is slim." Ranma agreed.

"Now class. Open your history books to page 127. We are starting the chapter on the Dragon Wars today." the teacher said, opening his own book and adjusting his glasses a little. He glanced up to see one of the new boys seeming to be choking in disbelief, and the other boy with the head band leaning forward to pat him on the back consolingly. Shrugging, the teacher looked back down at his book. It wasn't any of his business, so long as they paid attention. "I will begin by reading the introduction." he continued, then began to read:

"1500 years ago, there was a terrible war, now called the Dragon Wars. A race of people known as the Brood set out to destroy the world, employing the use of the mythical dragons, now believed to have been machines rather than actual creatures. Using these destructive weapons, the Brood conquered land after land, showing no mercy to the people who got in their way. Only one person could match the might of these dangerous people; a warrior known only as Myria.

Each time they met in battle, countless innocents were killed as the Brood warriors cared not who was in their way. Myria chased down each of the murderous Brood, and rid the world of the dangerous race. Revered by many, she is now known as the "Goddess" who delivered the people from the horrible fate the Brood had planned for them.

The exact date of the last battle is not known, but it was believed both the greatest warrior of the Brood and Myria fought somewhere in the wilds of China, and both fell in battle. Myria..."

Ryoga and Ranma stared in disbelief. Ranko and Ryoko were silent with disbelief. Akane noticed the seemingly frozen teens, and frowned, wondering why they looked so...disbelieving. Finally the boys seemed to come to themselves, and did something they were very good at. They stuck their feet in their mouths.

"What a bunch of lies!" they chorused, standing up to glare at the teacher. He looked over the top of his book, one eyebrow raised in irritation.

"As much as I'd like to hear your opinions on this matter," he began, staring down at the two boys while the rest of the class stared at them in surprise, "I can't condone you interrupting my class. Go stand in the hall way!" he finished, pointing at the closet full of bucket of water.

"I can't believe this." Ranma grumbled, grabbing two buckets and heading out the door.

"At least we don't have to listen to anymore of that...that..." Ryoga said, but couldn't find words to express his disgust.

<Its so -obvious- that Myria had a hand in 'modifying' the text!> Ryoko snarled.

<She's still meddling in people's lives. That's the problem with her!> Ranko growled.

"I can't wait until schools over." Ranma said, then he and Ryoga settled back to wait for the end of class. After a bit, a scowling Akane came out, also carrying two buckets.

"What happened to you?" Ryoga asked.

"Fell asleep." Akane grumbled, standing next to Ranma and staring resolutely at the other wall.

"Understandable." Ranma said shrugging. "Stupid teacher."

"Why were you guys so mad?" Akane asked.

"Huh? Oh, that." Ryoga said. "Its just, we know a bit about the Dragon Wars, and the stuff the sensei was reading wasn't true."

"How do you know your information isn't false?" Akane asked.

"Well, we got it from people who were actually there." Ranma said with a shrug.

"Who? How?" she asked, surprised.

"The girls, and this old chick called Khu Lon." Ranma replied.

"Khu Lon got hit by some wild magic, and apparently she can't die of old age." Ryoga explained.

"Oh." was all Akane could think of to say. After all, maybe it was true.

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