Chapter 6: Snooping Sisters

Akane calmed down slightly over the next few weeks. That was mostly due to the fact that the boys at school had stopped fighting her every morning, and that Nabiki was doing everything possible to keep her from becoming agitated.

One day, however, Ryoga and Ranma were sparring out back, when there was a knock on the door. Kasumi had just been about to go to shopping, but she stopped long enough to play the gracious host.

She came out back calling, "Ranma! Ryoga! You have company!"

Curious, the two boys stopped and filed inside. There, perched atop a wooden staff was a -very- familiar figure.

"Khu Lon!"

She laughed as they tumbled over the furniture and each other alike, both trying to talk at once.

"You came!"

"How did you find us?"

"Did you get the cure?"

"What is it?"

"Can we do it now?"

"What's gonna happen to the girls?"

"Are they going to be alright?"

"Calm down!" Khu Lon demanded. When they were silent, she continued. "I didn't come all the way from China to be smothered by your questions!"

"Sorry." they chorused. Kasumi walked into the room carrying a tray.

"Oh my! I'm very sorry, but I must go out right now. Please excuse me!" Kasumi exclaimed as she set down some welcoming tea.

When Kasumi had left, Khu Lon turned once again to the two boys.

"Let me talk to the girls."

"Hang on." Ryoga said, throwing Ranma out the back door ahead of him as he charged towards the pond. A moment later, both dripping, scowling girls had returned to the porch.

"Ryoga, you idiot." Ranko grumbled.

"I agree." Ryoko said.

<Hey! I would think you'd want to change first!> Ryoga said, acting hurt.

<You didn't have to throw me!> Ranma said angrily.

"Oh shut up." Ryoko snapped. Then she and Ranko turned bright smiles on the watching Amazon. "Elder Khu Lon! It's good to see you again!"

"Did you get the cure?" Ranko demanded eagerly.

"I found a possible cure." Khu Lon replied gravely. "I am not entirely confident in its valadity, though. I have discussed it with some of the amazons familiar with Jusenkyou curses, and they agree that it has a possibility of working. There are dangers involved though, and the cure may not work the way you want it to. I'm not entirely positive it will work at all." she explained.

"So what is it?" Ryoko demanded, getting impatient.

"My, you've gotten quite rude! No doubt due to the influence of those boys, but oh well. I have some water from Shuanshontsuiichuan." At their blank looks she explained. "Water from the spring of drowned twins. It won't restore you to your original form of Konara, but it will either split you so you and the boys each have a body, cursed or no, or it will split you yet again so there are two exact copies of you. Meaning there will be two Ranmas fused with two Rankos, and two Ryogas fused with two Ryokos."

"Well, either way isn't too bad. I think we should try it." Ryoko said eagerly.

"Yeah! I don't think I want to become Konara again, anyways." Ranko added. "She died a long time ago. Now it our turn to live!"

"Yes, but if anything goes wrong, it might just kill you. Separating like that could half your life-span, or make you twice as weak as you are now. Your ki might be divided to a dangerously low level, not enough to sustain you life. Do you really want to take that risk?" Khu Lon asked worriedly. It would not do for the last of such a powerful race to die fruitlessly.

"Well, what do you think, guys?" Ranko asked.

<...It seems to be the only way. It at least gives you a chance to get a body for yourself.> Ryoga said shortly.

<Yeah. It might be the only way.> Ranma said. <And I don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering whether it would have worked or not.>

"Your willing to try?" Ranko asked, surprised and eager.

"But what if something does go wrong? I don't want to be responsible for your guys's death!" Ryoko exclaimed.

<It's really our fault for falling into your pool in the first place.> Ryoga said reasonably. <So it's our responisbility to get you guys cured.>

<Don't you -want- to get cured?!> Ranma asked.

"Of course you idiot!" Ranko cried. "Jeez."

"Well then," Ryoko said, turning back to the patiently waiting amazon, "Honored elder, we are willing to take the risk." she said with a polite bow.

"Very well." Khu Lon said with a sigh. "I figured you would agree, so I had Xian Pu and Mu Tsu set it up. Follow me." The two girls followed the small woman outside where a large wooden container now stood. Upon exiting the house, however, they were greeted by an unpleasant surprise.

"You! I kill you!" Xian Pu cried, battle bonbori at the ready.

"If my darling Xian Pu feels you must die, then I will kill you!" Mu Tsu cried, throwing an assortment of chains at the two girl.

"Stupid Mu Tsu..." Xian Pu growled, but allowed him to help. Dodging the two amazon's attacks, Ranko glanced at Khu Lon.

"I thought you said she wasn't supposed to kill us!" she screamed, blocking a bonbori strike with one arm.

"Hmm. Oh that's right! I forgot to tell Xian Pu." Khu Lon said.

"Well tell her!" Ryoko demanded.

"You seem to be doing just fine, dears." Khu Lon said with a chuckle.

"Forget this. Ranma, you get to deal with them." Ranko said, and she and Ryoko made a dive for the kitchen.

<Well, at least she won't kill us.> Ryoga said as the two girls reached the ever-at-the-ready kettle. Reverting to male form, the two boys exited the kitchen, to be greeted with another unpleasant surprise.

"You! I love you!" Xian Pu cried, and caught Ryoga in an Amazon Glomp (tm).

"Never! I'll never let you have her!" Mu Tsu cried, throwing an assortment of chains at the two boys.

"Stupid Mu Tsu..." Xian Pu growled, having to abandon Ryoga for Ranma as the chains wrapped themselves around the fanged boy.

"Huh?" was all the boys could think of to say. Khu Lon sat atop her staff, watching the proceedings, and wondering if her face was going to crack from surpressed mirth. After all, it wouldn't do to destroy the image of cool, contained, wise amazon matriarch, now would it? But...

"Enough!" she said, wrapping her staff sharply on Mu Tsu's head. Ranma and Ryoga took the opportunity to rid themselves of all forms of enchainment. "Now, you two, all you have to do is jump in." Khu Lon said, indicating the wooden container again.

"Well then, you ready Ranma?" Ryoga asked.


"On three then."




Both boys lept into the water. For a moment, there was complete silence. Then two figures burst out. Ranma and Ryoga landed, dripping wet.

"What? Nothing happened?" Khu Lon said, shocked. She was sure SOMETHING would have happened. But before she could say anything else, two more figures surfaced. Each was blushing to the roots of their red and blonde hair, respectively.

"Ryoga." Ryoko said.

"Yeah." he said, not looking at her.

"Can I have your shirt?"

Without a word, both Ranma and Ryoga handed the requested clothing over, still not looking at the two girls. Khu Lon chuckled. Well, at least it worked.

* * *

Once properly dressed in a spare change of their brothers, the two girls headed back outside where Ranma and Ryoga were talking with Khu Lon. Xian Pu and Mu Tsu were busy taking down the pool, careful not only to save the precious water but not to get it on themselves. Once every thing was packed away, Mu Tsu stashed it all in his robes via the hidden weapons technique. Ranko would have to find out how he hid all -that- in his robes without falling over from the weight.

"Yes, I will continue in their training as we make our way back to China. Overland of course. It takes longer than the boat, but it gives me ample opportunity to train them." Khu Lon was saying.

"Can't say I mind them leaving, but it would be nice if you could stay." Ryoga said.

"You're leaving?" Ryoko asked, surprised.

"Yes. We only came out this way to give you the cure. I am delighted it worked so well, by the way." Khu Lon said, smiling at the two girls.

"Well, then thanks, I guess." Ranko said awkwardly.

"It was no trouble." Khu Lon replied. "Alright you two, let's go." she said to the two Amazons.

"But..." Xian Pu began, glancing from the two girls to the two boys.

"I'll explain on the way." Khu Lon replied, and began hopping away, amazons in tow.

"That..." Ranma began

"Was weird." Ranko finished.

"Well I'm taking a bath." Ryoko said. "C'mon Ranko. You got dunked in the pond too." Ranko nodded, and the two girls went back in the house to bathe.

"Wanna spar, see if anything happened to our strenght or whatever?" Ranma asked Ryoga.

"Sure." and they trudged outside.

For a while, the house was silent. Then Akane came home. [Da da DUUUUUNNN!!!]

"Tadaima!" she called out. Getting no answer, she shrugged. Hot after a day out, she decided she'd take a bath. Chucking her clothes into the bin, she didn't take any notice of the clothes already in there. Grabbing a washcloth, she opened the divider to the bath. Staring wide-eyed at each other, Akane, Ranko, and Ryoko didn't say anything at first.

"Akane!" Ranko began. Akane closed the door, put back on her clothes, and went downstairs. Her anger began to rise the further she got. How dare those...BOYS peek at her. Sure, they were in their girl forms at the time, but that made no difference. Charging outside to find something very heavy and blunt, she stopped when she saw the male figures of Ranma and Ryoga sparring.

"Hey Akane." Ryoga said as he passed nearby. The heavy table crashing into them surprised Ryoga and Ranma.

"Don't even pretend that didn't happen!" Akane screamed.

"What? What'd we do?" Ranma asked, rubbing his head.

Too angry to explain, Akane turned on her heel, and came face to face with Ranko and Ryoko dressed in a spare change of their brother's. Glancing over her shoulder, she still saw Ranma and Ryoga. It was too much, and she fainted.

"Oh dear." Ryoko murmured.

"What the heck happened?" Ranma asked, looking intently at the girls. "Akane came tearing out here blaming us for something. What'd you guys do?"

"Err...she walked in on us in the bathroom." Ryoko said nervously.

"So, your all girls, what's her problem?" Ryoga asked, confused.

"Umm...she probably thought we were you." Ranko said.

"Ohhh." and both boys nodded in comprehension.

"Well, it can't get any worse than this." Ranma said, glancing at the prone Akane. On cue, the front door opened.

"Tadaima!" came the sound of Nabiki's voice from the entrance hall. Everyone turned to glare at Ranma.

"You just -had- to say it, didn't you." Ryoko muttered. Ranma just chuckled nervously. Nabiki walked into the room throwing her coat over one of the chair as she did so.

"I'm bac...Oh my!" she exclaimed quite out of character as she saw the four teens.

"Ahe. Ummm, sorry 'bout this." Ranko said, laughing nervously. Ryoko bent down to check on Akane, who was stirring restlessly.

"Ohh...I must have been out in the sun too long." Akane muttered as she sat up, though she kept her eyes shut. "I could have sworn I saw -two- Ranmas and Ryogas..."

"I hate to say this, sis, but you did." Nabiki said, regaining her composure. Akane's eyes flew open, and she stared from one teen to the next.

"Now, if you'd care to explain..." Nabiki said, levering herself into a chair and staring intently at them all, taking care not to let anyone see her turn on her pocket tape recorder. Information was useful after all.

"*sigh* Well, earlier today..." Ryoga said, taking the initiative, and explained about the cure, and how the Amazons brought it for them, though leaving out the reason -why- the Amazons were so willing to help them. By the time he finished, everyone had come home and was listening intently.

"...and they left to go back to China." Ryoga concluded. There was a moment of silence, then everyone started talking.

"My boy! I'm so proud you've overcome this obstacle!" Genma exclaimed.

"You are now free to marry my daughter!" Soun cried. The two men went outside to celebrate.

"Oh my! I suppose I should set up another guest room." Kasumi exclaimed happily, heading upstairs.

"Two more mouths to pay for." Nabiki grumbled.

"Maybe they can help me train..." Akane said absently.

The four now uncursed teens looked at one another, and sighed. If figures this family would take such earth-shattering news so...weirdly. But then again, what could you expect?

* * *

Later that night, once most of the family had gone to bed, Ranko and Ryoko stayed awake, discussing their situation.

"So now that we're split, where does that leave us?" Ranko asked, glancing around their room.

"Either we stick around with the boys, or we go off by ourselves." Ryoko replied logically.

"I wouldn't mind sticking around, but do we have any right to do so?"

"Its up to the boys. If they want us around, fine. If not, then we leave. Its as simple as that."

"Do you think...they'd..."

"C'mon, you know them better than that! Anyways, they're probably at the Training Ground by now. Wait until we tell them what we remembered!"

"Yeah! I can't believe it! As soon as we split, it was like certain memories became clear. But I still can't remember very much. How 'bout you?"

"Nah. Not much. But still, let's go to bed."

"Alright." Ranko said, and both girls lay down. A few minutes later, all that could be heard was their even breathing.

* * *

Ranko woke up, feeling more refreshed than she had in weeks. Not that she'd been tired, just that she'd felt like she'd gotten a good nights sleep last night. But of course, that wasn't possible. Nope. She had fallen asleep and gone to the Training Ground like usual. Funny, though, she couldn't remember what they'd done. Probably...learned a new technique. Right?

Sitting up with a frown, Ranko thought hard. She had talked with Ryoko, then went to sleep. The next thing she knew, she'd...woken up. 'Wait a minute! What happened to the Training Ground?' she thought furiously.

"Hey blondie, wake up!" Ranko said, thumping Ryoko's head.

"Wha'ja do tha fur? I was havin a nice dream--" Ryoko began, starting up.

"Exactly!" Ranko said, interrupting.

"Huh?" Ryoko asked, trying to get her brain into gear. "What do you mean?" she said, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"You were -dreaming-! We were asleep! What happened to the Training Ground?" Ranko said, emphasizing each word.

"You''re right!" Ryoko yelped, leaping to her feet. "We gotta go check on the guys!" She grabbed a startled Ranko and charged to the next room, throwing the door open. Ranma and Ryoga were just sitting up, disturbed by the sudden noise.

"What th--" Ryoga began, but broke off as Ryoko barrelled into his chest, knocking him flat. At the same time Ryoko let go of Ranko, who couldn't get her feet under her in time and proceded to crash into her brother and tumble into the wall beyond.

"Ohaiyo!" Ryoko chirped down at her brother from her cross legged position on his chest. A second later all four were flying out the window thanks to a panda sign that read [QUIET!!!]. Landing easily on all sides of the koi pond, Ranma, Ryoga, and Ranko all turned blank expressions on Ryoko.

"Now -what- did you do that for?" Ryoga asked pleasantly.

"Now now, big brother, a martial artists life is frought with peril..." Ryoko said gravely, hiding her smirk.

"I agree." said Ranko from just behind her. "You might get WET!" she yelled, and kicked the blonde girl into the koi pond.

"Will someone please tell me what's goin' on?" Ranma asked, scratching the back of his head in confusion.

"Sunshine here decided you needed to be woken up." Ranko said innocently, grinning at a dripping Ryoko.

"No, it was bright eyes there that woke me up." Ryoko replied, climbing out of the pond.

"Well, it was your idea to go crashing into their room like that!" Ranko snapped, narrowing her eyes at Ryoko.

"You're the one who got all panicky and woke me up when we didn't go to the Training Ground!" Ryoko retorted, glaring at Ranko. Both girls looked about ready to tear each other's heads off.

"What about the Training Ground?" Ranma asked, startled.

"Didn't you notice? There was no Training Ground last night." Ranko replied, turning her attention back to the two boys.

"Yeah, but why? That's why I woke you guys up." Ryoko explained.

"It probably had something to do with the curse." Ryoga said with a shrug. "I don't think it's that big a deal."

"Hmm. I guess. That's too bad." Ryoko said with a sigh.

"Why's that?" Ranma asked.

"It was a nice private place to talk." Ranko said with a grimace. "Anyways, we got something important to tell you guys." she continued, checking to make sure none of the house's residents were lurking about. Apparently the earlier commotion had only disturbed the panda, as no one was in sight.

"When we split, we remembered some stuff." Ryoko said. "Y'know, about before..."

"Really? Like what?" Ranma asked eagerly.

" how to change forms for one." Ranko replied with a grin.

"Honto ni?" Ryoga said raising an eyebrow. "Can you teach us?"

"Of course! We were going to show you in the Training Ground, but that fell through." Ranko said.

"So why don't we go on a training trip?" Ryoko suggested.

"Sounds good. How 'bout tommarrow?" Ranma said.

"Training trip?" a new voice interrupted, making the four teens jump. They turned to see Akane coming out of the house dressed in her jogging gear. "Can I come? I'm a martial artist too you know." she said brightly, looking expectantly at them.

"Erm, We're not going to practice martial arts." Ryoko said quickly.

"Oh? What are you going to practice?" Akane asked, startled.

"Ummmm...magic! That's all!" Ranma said, hoping she'd give up. No such luck.

"Magic? It really exists? Ooo, can you teach me?" Akane asked eagerly.

"Uhh...We want to practice fighting at the same time." Ranko said.

"Your not really going to go practice magic, are you?" Akane said furiously, catching on to their hesitation.

"Yes! I mean no! I mean..." Ranko stuttered.

"You don't think I can keep up, is that it?"

"No! Its don't want to miss school, do you?" Ryoga tried.

"Don't be silly! There's no school tommarrow. They're still fixing the classrooms from your last...disagreement." she said, glaring at the two boys.

"Hey! It was Ranma's fault! He's the one who cast the Cyclone spell!" Ryoga protested.

"Your the one who destroyed the hallways! What's the big idea of usin' your stupid bandanas inside!" Ranma retorted.

"Your both idiots for fighting inside! Someone might have gotten hurt!" Akane snapped.

"Nahh. It was after school. No one was around." Ranma said, waving off that concern.

"Hmph. Well, any other reasons why I shouldn't come with?" Akane asked impatiently. The four teens remained silent, not being able to think of anything to say.

"Great! Then I'm coming with you!" Akane said happily. "See you at breakfast!" and she left for her morning jog.

"...Joy. Now what do we do?" Ranma complained, his voice masking the soft 'click' of a window shutting.

* * *

"Ranma! You jerk! How dare you call me uncute!" came the resounding war cry from an angry Akane.

"Nyah! He's right! You'd scare a gorilla to death!" Ryoga added, then took off after Ranma, laughing.

"He's been hanging around Ranma too much." Ryoko muttered disgruntledly. Ranko just giggled a bit, absently pushed back her sleeve as it once again fell over her hand. Maybe they should ask Akane for some clothes?

<Nahh...They'd just be too small in the wrong places. Opps, better not say that out loud!> Ranko thought to herself, and giggled again.

"Ooooo...Those...those...BOYS!" Akane growled as she stopped next to the two girls, glowing a bit and still holding her mallet tightly in one fist. She sighed as she saw both boys leap over the wall and out of sight. No catching them now, but later... Releasing her mallet, it obediently disappeared.

"How do you -do- that?" Ryoko asked, a bit startled at the abrupt disappearance of the mallet.

"Huh? Oh that, it's just a special technique." Akane said, and sat down on the grass beside them.

"Could you teach us?" Ranko asked eagerly. <That would be sooo useful if the boys start spouting their 'girls are weak' nonsense.> she thought gleefully.

"Sure!" Akane said brightly. "You just have to promise not to teach it to any man. I doubt they'd be able to learn it, but you never know."

"Oh! A girls only technique! Cool." Ryoko said, grinning ferraly. <Wouldn't Ryoga be surprised...>

"Exactly. Now, first you have to find your dimensional pocket." Akane said, and reached behind her to pull out a mini-mallet. "You can access your mallet there. Every girl has on, only most don't know how to find it at will. Guys don't have mallets, or at least none that have tried the technique." she explained, dropping into a sensei-mode.

"Depending on how angry you are, because you're only supposed to pull it out when angry or annoyed, the mallet will be large or small. If you're good enough, you can pull out any sized mallet at any time. To send your mallet back, you can just let go of it, or if you've thrown it at someone, 'think' it gone. That prevents anyone from actually taking it from you."

"So you can only get mallets from a dimensional pocket?" Ranko asked as she tried reaching for her mallet. Her hand only passed through air.

"Well, usually. Some people have other things appear if it reflects their personalities. Like Kasumi can pull out brooms and such, and Nabiki can pull out a pocket book she uses to record her finances." Akane explained.

"What about putting stuff in?" Ryoko asked, and made another attempt to find her mallet. "That would explain how Mu Tsu could carry all that stuff..." Missing again, she frowned, annoyed.

"I never tried it. Maybe you could." Akane said, twirling a mallet in her hand.

"How did you learn all this?" Ranko asked.

"My mother taught all of us the basics when we were younger." Akane explained. "I've just been refining it over the years."

"I don't get it." Ranko groused as she tried to figure out how Akane kept pulling mallets out. "Maybe we can't do it."

"Nonsense. You just have to..." Akane began, but was cut off by a growl from Ryoko.

"Grrrrrrr, stupid mallet!" she burst out, and 'reached.'

"You did it!" Akane cheered.

"No fair! How'd you do it?" Ranko asked jealously.

"Got angry. Didn't you hear Akane say it depended on anger?" Ryoko said, grinning as she twirled her own mallet in one hand.

"Hmph. Baka." Ranko said and reached out to bop Ryoko on the head. She was only mildly surprised to find a mini-mallet in her hand. "Hey! I guess you don't really have to think about it." she said as she released it. Obediently it disappeared.

"Now that you've done it once, it shouldn't be too hard to do it again. Just practice, and you'll master the technique." Akane said happily. "And you have the perfect targets to practice on, too." she added slyly.

"Nii-san, prepare to die." Ryoko chuckled, smiling toothily. The other girls laughed as well. Somewhere in down town Nerima, Ryoga sneezed while Ranma got a strange chill of dread.

* * *

"Shopping? What for?" Ranma demanded.

"I need some clothes! I can't keep wearing yours. There much too big!" Ranko shot back, shaking a over-large sleeve in his face as emphasis. Grumbling, Ranma pulled out some of his savings he'd kept from Genma and handed it over.

"Thanks, Nii-san!" Ranko said, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Yeah, what ever. Just don't buy anything too...girly." Ranma muttered. "I don't think I could handle the shame."

"You should really know me better than that." Ranko in mock indignation, feigning a swing at his head. He ducked, and she laughed as she left the room.

"Ready?" Ryoko asked when Ranko came down the stairs.

"Yeah. Let's get going before the boys decide to come along. I don't want to hear them complain about how boring it is." Ranko replied. The two girls then ventured out into the afternoon Nerima traffic.

They walked down the many streets, looking from shop to shop. When they came across clothing stores, they looked around a little, but never found anything they liked. It didn't help that the store clerks kept pushing pink, frilly things at them.

"Oh this dress would go beautifully with your hair!"

"Wouldn't you consider this dress? It is more proper for girl than those things you're wearing."

"This dress would look darling on you!"

"You'd look cute in this dress!"

Ranko turned to Ryoko after they came out of yet another store.

"If I hear the word 'dress' one more time, I'm gonna sock the person."

"Mmmm. We've got to find some clothes somewhere, though. I'm not wearing Ryoga's clothes anymore. I hate swimming in them." Ryoko agreed. How annoying. No clothes for them anywhere. Where did Akane shop? At least her cloths weren't so...frilly.

"Hey, Ryoko, look at that." Ranko said, trying not to laugh. Looking where she was pointing, Ryoko saw what looked like a clothing store. The signs above it read 'Ko-chan's Chinese Clothes'.

"Cute. Very cute. Well, let's check it out." Ryoko said with a sigh. She silently prayed to the kamis...check that. She silently hoped that no one would try to push another dress on her. How the heck was she supposed to fight in something like -that-?

Upon entering the store, both girls stopped and stared. The entire store was full of different kinds of Chinese clothing. Some were like Ranma's outfits, while other's were like Ryoga's, and they all appeared to be in a variety of sizes which would, hopefully, fit the two girls. They could see a few shoppers looking around.

"Ah! Can I help you?" a voice made them jump. They turned, and came face to face with a little girl dressed in an oversized yellow sweater and a long black skirt. She brushed a strand of long, dark brown hair off her face, smiling warmly up at them.

"Umm...we're...just looking around." Ranko replied.

"Oh goodie! I hope you find something you like!" the girl said brightly. A teenage boy looked around cautiously as he slipped something into his backpack and began walking out of the store. "Stop! You didn't pay for that!" the girl said, ignoring the two confused martial artists. The boy stopped and smirked at her.

"What'cha gonna do 'bout it, little girl." he sneered. Ranko and Ryoko were a breath away from jumping in to beat this cocky thief up, but stopped short at the girl's reply.

"You juvenile delinquent! I'll show you. Happo Go-en Satsu!!" she cried, holding up a five yen coin between her fingers, aiming it at the boy. Strings of light seemed to be sucked from the boy through the hole in the coin. A moment later the boy collapsed to the ground as the girl changed into a tall, well-formed woman. Then she picked up the boy and tossed him out the door with a "And don't come back!" Turning back to the two stunned girls, she smiled and said, "My name is Hinako. I'm the owner of this store. Please take you time."

"Ummm...What?" Ranko said distractedly.

"I said," Hinako began, but paused as her form shrank back down to that of a little girl. Giving a snort of disgust, she continued, "I'm Hinako. This is my store. Do you like it? You can look around you know."

"Right. Yes. Well. Thanks. C'mon Ranko." Ryoko said, dragging the still gaping girl away.

"Did you...She just...and he...What -was- that?!" Ranko demanded.

"I have no idea." Ryoko replied. "Nor do I want to find out."

"But, it was cool!" Ranko said.

"Well, yes..." Ryoko said slowly.

"Maybe I could challenge her..."

"No! We're not here to make trouble!"

"But I want to see how good she is..."

"She may not even know how to fight."

"But what about..."

"No Ranko! We're here to get clothes, not challenge store owners." Ryoko snapped.

"Oh all right." Ranko sulked. The two girls turned their attention to the racks of clothes.

"You know, I kinda got used to wearing this style." Ryoko said after a moment, plucking at the too big shirt. "I think I'll try a couple on."

"Me too. I can't wait to see the look on their faces when we come home wearing the exact same thing they are!" Ranko said giggling, good humor restored.

She went along the aisles, grabbing a red, sleeveless shirt, some black kung-fu pants, and a black sash to tie around her waist. Almost as an after thought, she grabbed some black arm bands and some black slippers as well. It was exactly what Ranma had been wearing when she'd left earlier that morning.

Ryoko was busy down a different aisle. She grabbed a pair of dark green pants, and a long sleeved yellow shirt. She got a black belt, as well as the black armbands and shoes Ranko had, and decided to grab the yellow rope Ryoga liked to use to secure the bottom of his pants as well. It was also exactly the same thing Ryoga had been wearing this morning, last she checked.

Both girls went into one of the changing rooms, and quickly switched into the better fitting clothes. Coming out, they looked each other over.

"How do I look?" Ranko asked, whirling around a little.

"Like a female Ranma!" Ryoko said giggling.

"Baka." Ranko scowled, bopping Ryoko on the head.

"Sorry," Ryoko giggled again. "It looks good on you! And Ranma won't be able to complain."

"Yeah. Well, you look good as well. Though, your hair is falling in your face." Ranko commented.

"Hmmm, I guess I should grow it out again." Ryoko said, brushing her bangs out of her eyes.

"They fit much better than the stuff you came in with." Hinako said, popping up from one of the aisles, licking a lollypop. "So how do you like my store?"

"I love it!" Ranko said, giggling a bit nervously. "As to the clothes, we were wearing a spare set of our brothers."

"They're all well and good," Ryoko added, "but they're just too big!"

"I could see that!" Hinako said brightly. "Do you need any help?"

"I don't...wait! There is one thing." Ryoko said. "Could we wear a set out? I want to surprise Onii-san when we get home." and she grinned, showing off her fangs.

"Sure!" Hinako agreed, then she skipped off down another aisle.

"Good idea, Ryoko!" Ranko said as she gathered up Ranma's clothes. "I can't wait to see Ranma's face!"

"Let's get some other changes, and go." Ryoko said as she too gathered up her brother's clothes. A couple minutes later both girls were waving goodbye to Hinako.

* * *

"The girls have been gone a long time." Ranma commented. He and Ryoga were lounging around outside, bored with sparring. It wasn't like they could go all out without fear of destroying something.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't worry. They can't get into any trouble. Or at least they can handle it if they do." Ryoga said, half asleep from the warm sunshine.

"Tadaima!" came a chorus from the front hall.

"Speak of the devils." Ryoga said, flashing a fanged grin at Ranma.

"Heh, I bet they bought all sorts of girly stuff." Ranma said, somewhere between a smirk and a grimace.

"Nii-san!" came another chorus from inside.

"Out here, Ranko, Ryoko!" Ranma called out. He turned around to greet them, but speech died when he got a look at what they were wearing. Ryoga noticed his stunned look, and turned around to see what caused it. When he caught sight of the girls, he performed the world's first [or at least this fanfic's first] lying down face fault.

The two girls were dressed in the exact same outfits that he and Ranma had on, Ryoga noticed, mouth hanging wide open.


"Aw. My last photo." Nabiki complained as her camera rewound. "Oh well. That was priceless. Thanks for the tip-off." she said, nodding at the two girl as she went back inside.

"I want copies!" Ranko called after her. She turned back to the two still stunned boys, fighting not to giggle. Finally, Ranma gathered his wits about him and managed to snap his mouth shut.

"Where'd ya find 'em?" Ranma asked. He'd only seen those kind of clothes in China. He'd been looking around, and hadn't seen any since they'd gotten back to Japan. Where had the girls found a shop that sold them?

"A neat little place called Ko-chan's" Ryoko said, flashing the same fanged grin Ryoga had earlier. Ryoga finally seemed to shake off his surprise, and now regarded the two critically.

"Well, Ranko did fine, but you messed up, Ryoko." Ryoga said, getting up.

"Huh?" she asked, confused. She looked at her clothes. A long-sleeved yellow shirt with a little 'V' at the top, dark green pants, and the ties on the lower leg all matched what he had on now.

"You forgot the most important part." Ryoga said, pulling off one of his many bandanas. Tying it around her head, he grinned and stepped back. "There. Perfect." Ryoko broke into a grin and gave him a quick hug.

"Thanks, Nii-san!"

* * *

The Monday morning sun rose on a peculiar scene. Four people stood perfectly still, in a neutral stance. As the first birds began to sing, the figures began to move. Two moved as solidly and powerfully as the earth. Two moved as agily and smoothly as the wind. As the sun rose higher, sounds began to emit from the house.

Kasumi was cooking breakfast for the family and guests; Akane was rummaging around her room getting ready to train; Soun read his morning newspaper; Nabiki groggily got up to watch the morning news; the panda slept on. Still the four figures moved through their katas, not paying any attention to external noises.

Akane came down stairs and to the back door. Maybe she'd break a few bricks before she left with the guests. She stopped in the doorway as she saw the four martial artists. Ranko and Ranma were in the middle of a mid-air kick, landing lightly and in unison. Ryoga and Ryoko moved through a punch-kick combo with palpable force behind the moves. It was such an awesome scene, Akane could only watch.

Then Kasumi called out pleasantly, "Breakfast!" and the spell was broken. The four stopped instantly and Akane had to blink at the sudden wind that passed her. She realized that she was a long way from being considered a martial artist by these people.

Shaking her head firmly, she thought to herself, <No. I AM a martial artist. I'll show them I can work just as hard as they can today.>

"You're getting better at that." Ranma commented to Ranko as they began to inhale their food.

"Really? Thanks. I still have trouble on the more aerial parts, though." Ranko said in between bites.

"You'd think -we'd- be used to that." Ryoko said, grinning and absently disarming Genma as he tried to steal some of her food.

"We should leave right after breakfast." Ryoga whispered under cover of stealing some rice from Ranma, who countered by stealing some of Ryoga's fish while Ryoko took advantage of his distraction to steal some tofu. After living on the road with Genma and Ranma, the others had quickly perfected the art of food war. It was either that or starve.

"Akane will be furious." Ranko muttered as she parried another attempt from Genma. She countered with a glass of water, and Genma-panda had to blink as he stared at his now empty plate. They had also learned to take advantage of any opportunity to get back at the fat martial artist.

The Tendou's were too busy staring with LARGE sweat drops on their heads to really pay attention to what the four had been saying. They had just gotten used to three people eating like starved animals, but now FIVE?

"Oh my, I guess Mr. Saotome will need something different to eat now!" Kasumi said brightly, and brought out of nowhere a large plate of bamboo. Genma sighed while the teens smirked at him.

When they'd finished their meal, quick even for them, the foursome rose from the table without a word and left. Realizing what they were doing, Akane excused herself as well and followed quickly. When she got outside, all she saw were the distant figures sprinting down the street.

"Grrrr...they can't get rid of me that easily." Akane growled to herself as she took off after them. She didn't notice the other figure shadow her as she jogged along.

Asking several people along the way, Akane managed to keep in the right direction until she came to the woods that surrounded Nerima. Glancing back once, she entered the woods, listening for any sounds. A little way in, she heard voices.

"This looks big enough." That was Ranko's voice.

"I don't know. A clumsy chick like you is likely to knock down a few trees." No need to ask who that was.

"Ranma no BAKA!" *Wham!* Again, no need to ask.

"I can't believe Akane taught you guys that." Ryoga sounded grumpy.

"Just because you can't figure it out..." came Ryoko's teasing reply.

Edging closer, Akane accidentally stepped on a twig which snapped loudly. The voices silenced instantly. Figuring there was no need to hide, Akane stepped boldly out of the trees.

"What are you doing here?" Ryoga demanded.

"I came to practice. I'm a martial artist too ya know! And I'll prove it to you!"

"We told you, we're not doing martial arts!" Ranko said, furious.

"Oh yeah?"


"I don't believe you."

"Why do you have to be so stubborn!" Ryoko demanded.

"Because you won't take me seriously! I can fight!"

"You can't do what we can!" Ranma yelled. He was getting impatient.

"Why's that!"

"Besides you being clumsy, awkward, and ungraceful..."

"Ranma no BAKA!" *wham!* It was probably a good thing that Akane stopped him before he blurted something out.

"Go home, Akane. You aren't any help here, you only prevent us from practicing." Ryoga said, a little more harshly than he intended. Akane's eyes teared up.

"Why are you all against me?!" she screamed at them. Turning, she began to stalk away. Too bad they couldn't stand to make her cry.

"Wait, Akane!"

"Don't go, Akane!"

"We didn't mean it Akane!"

"Don't cry, Akane!"

Turning, she glared at them.

"Promise to tell me one thing, and I'll leave you alone." she said.

"...Okay." Ranko said warily.

"Why won't you let me stay?"





"Well?" Akane demanded.

"We can't let you see us." Ryoga answered shortly.

"Why? Is it some secret technique? I just want to know!"

"...You could say its a secret technique." Ryoko allowed.

"Fine. You won't tell me. Just leave me alone from now on!" Akane turned to storm off, but a hand caught her. Turning, she saw Ranko holding her back. "What!"

"We...we could show you...but you'd just get scared." she said quietly.

"Scared? Why is that! I wouldn't get scared of a stupid technique!" Akane said indignantly.

"Yes you would. You were taught we are evil, and even though it was a lie, I don't know how we can prove that to you...oops." Ranko broke off, embarrassed.

"Evil?" Akane said, taking a step back. A rustling in the bushes made them all turn to see Nabiki come out with a camera around her neck.

"Yes, tell us. Why did you come all the way out here? Were you just leading my sister out her to get her alone?" Nabiki asked coldly to them.

"What? Why would we do that?!" Ryoko asked, confused.

"You just said you're evil."

"No, we said you were taught we were evil." Ryoga corrected.

"So why would we think that?" Nabiki demanded, standing close to her sister.

"...We're Brood." Nabiki and Akane paled and stumbled back.

"No! You can't be! They were all killed during the war!" Nabiki said. The Ice Queen...was shaken.

"True. We," Ryoko said, gesturing to Ranko, "were the last to be killed. Ranma and Ryoga fell into our spring and turned into Brood as well."

Nabiki had regained her color, and now stared furiously at them.

"What kind of joke is this! What a bunch of lies! I bet now you're going to tell me that the Brood actually used real dragons in the war!"

"...Actually, they did." Ranma said uncomfortably.

Nabiki laughed. "Yeah, right! What proof do you have?"

"...If you really want to see..." Ryoga said, glancing at the others. At their nods, they turned back to the two Tendous.

"Yeah, show me some proof." Nabiki sneered.

"Onee-san..." Akane said, worried.

"Don't worry. There's no such things as dragons." Nabiki whispered back confidently.

"..." Akane had no reply to that.

"I'll do it then." Ranko said with a sigh. "I hope I get this right..." she muttered as she walked to the middle of the clearing. Looking back at the waiting group, she took a deep breath, and reached for the power which ran through her veins. Her form blacked out, then flashed brightly as it began to change. A moment later, a blue dragon stood where Ranko once had. Biting off a scream, Nabiki began backing toward the edge of the clearing, dragging a gaping Akane with her.

"Will you at least -listen- to our story of what really happened?" Ryoko asked as Ranko shrunk back into her human form.

Akane seemed to get over her shock, and tried to stop. Nabiki just kept dragging her along.

"Hey! Onee-chan. We can at least listen to them." she said, trying to break Nabiki's grip.

"Are you CRAZY? Didn't you pay attention in history?!" Nabiki said, a little hysterically. Common sense had left her for the moment as a life time of warnings kicked in.

"Yes, but the books could be wrong. Those two at least were actually there." Akane said, indicating Ranko and Ryoko.

"Yeah, and they'll do anything to get you to believe them! Don't be a fool, Akane!" Nabiki said angrily.

"I'm NOT being a fool! You're the one who's being unreasonable! They could have hurt lots of people, including you and me, countless times before this. Heck, I'm surprised they didn't scare off Kuno like this. They're not bad people." Akane said coaxingly.

Calming down a little to recover her professional air, Nabiki took a deep, shuddering breath, then nodded her accent. Walking a little closer to the four-some, Akane gave them a searching look.

"Very well, we'll listen to what you have to say." she said formally. Looking relieved, Ranko and Ryoko took turns describing the true war, or at least what they remembered of it.

"Wow. That's awful." Akane said sympathetically when they'd finished. Nabiki still looked skeptical, but not so sure as before.

"We're not evil." Ranma said. "Heck, me and Ryoga were just as human as you until recently. We can't have changed that much."

"Point." Nabiki said. Finally she sighed. "Alright. I guess I believe you. But you have to admit, it is a shock."

"Not as shocking as waking up one day as one." Ryoga said, laughing.

"Hey, can you show us again? I mean, change, or what ever." Akane said, a bright light in her eyes. She'd always like dragons, even though they were associated with evil.

"Well, that's why we came out here. We needed to teach the boys how to change." Ranko said.

"How come you didn't show them earlier?" Nabiki asked suspiciously.

"Um...we didn't remember it until we split. I don't know why." Ryoko said sheepishly.

"Hmmm..." was all Nabiki said.

"Yeah, and once they learn the basics, we can teach them how to do the other forms." Ranko added.

"Other...forms?" Nabiki asked, fingering her camera.

"Yeah. We can change into certain types of dragons. That was our natural dragon form. The only other ones I remember are the ice, fire, and hybrid forms." Ranko explained.

"How does that work?" Nabiki asked, curious despite herself.

" has to do with training. If we train a certain way, we can change into different types." Ranko said. Then grimaced. "That didn't sound right."

"Let's put it this way." Ryoko interrupted. "Say we were fighting underwater as dragons. It only works if you're in dragon form, mind you. After a while, we suddenly change into a new form, and now have a water gene which we can use any time we want. It's like adapting to your environment, I guess. Also, if we wanted, we could change into a cross of, say, a water and fire dragon. The same concept holds true if we're fighting a bunch of some creature. We could soon take on a fused form of them." Ranma and Ranko shuddered as one at the last analogy, and the others looked at them curiously.

"What's wrong?" Ryoko asked, puzzled. Did Ranko remember something she didn't?

"Nothing!" they said vehemently, warding the others off from further questions.

"...Anyways, we still have to teach Ryoga and Ranma the other forms. They should have the same skills as we do." Ryoko continued.

"...I still don't get it." Akane said.

"Aw, forget it. I can't really explain it." Ryoko said, throwing her hands up.

"Anyways, lets see these other forms of yours." Nabiki said, surreptitiously positioning her camera. Might as well make a profit while she was here, after all.

"Alright. But first let's get the guys going." Ranko suggested. Every nodded their accent.

"So what do we do?" Ranma asked.

"The power of the Brood is part of you, part of your heritage. Or at least it should have been." Ryoko explained. "You need to find the power, and the rest should come naturally. It takes a little more concentration to change into the form you want, but we'll go into that later."

"And spread out before you change." Ranko warned. "You two go over by the trees, okay?" she said to the two Tendous.

"But..." Akane began.

"C'mon imouto-chan. You don't want to get run over, now do you?" Nabiki asked over her shoulder, already heading for the edge of the clearing.

"Oh, all right." Akane grumbled, following her sister.

"...and you just, I don't know, -will- yourself to change." Ryoko finished explaining to the boys.

"Sounds easy enough." Ryoga said with a shrug.

"Let's try it then." Ranma agreed, and he and Ryoga spaced themselves apart. Concentrating, they grasped a power they had been vaguely aware of, and at almost the exact same time, changed.

"Red and Yellow?" Ryoko asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't know." Ranko said with a shrug. "I was blue, and Konara was white, so it probably has to do with the person." Ranma and Ryoga were busy examining their new bodies.

'Heh, this is pretty cool.' Ranma thought to himself as he stretched out his wings. He took a step forward, and promptly fell on his face. 'Ite...'

"Real graceful there, Ranma!" Akane called out as Ranko and Ryoko burst into laughter.

"Somehow I don't feel quite as threatened by them anymore." Nabiki said with a smirk.

Distracted by the lessons, no one noticed the figure move silently away, smiling to itself.

"You guys need to get used to moving around." Ryoko said, still chuckling. "Four legs plus wings is difficult to learn how to use properly. Just wait until you try to fly!"

"It'll be crash and burn for a while." Ranko said, giggling again.

"What can you expect from clumsy, baka boys?" Ryoko said loftily. There was a tap on her shoulder, and she turned in time to see a yellow dragon's tail whip around and knock her sprawling away.

"You wanna fight?" Ranko asked of the two dragon boys, getting into a ready stance. Ryoko was barely two seconds in recovering and joining her in the face off.

"They're not going to -fight- while they're like that?" Akane asked, aghast.

"They actually have the advantage." Nabiki said, studying the fight. "They're smaller, faster, and the boys are still unsteady on their feet."

"I...I see..." Akane said, watching the two small girls procede to trip, tangle, and in general knock the two dragons around. That is until Ranma, with a look of draconic surprise on his face, let off a gout of flame which narrowly missed Ryoko. "Oh my god they're going to kill each other!" she shrieked. No one else seemed to share her opinion.

"Now you're gettin' it, 'Niisan!" Ranko cried. Then she had to duck as he turned his new found ability on her. "C'mon, Ranma! Is that all you've got?" she goaded.

Gradually getting used to the near misses, Akane began to enjoy the fight. Sure, she couldn't compare to it, but maybe, just maybe she could get the others to train her up a bit so she could!

Abruptly, both boys shrank back into their human forms, mid-attack.

"Hey! What happened?" Ryoga asked.

"You exausted your powers. They'll come back with a little rest." Ryoko assured him, wiping sweat off her forehead.

"But we were only fighting for an hour! Is that it?" Ranma asked incredulously. Akane and Nabiki had come up when the two boys had changed, and now Akane rolled her eyes.

"-Only- an hour?" she muttered under her breath.

"Don't be stupid! All you have to do is train to stay in it longer." Ranko said crossly.

"Oh. In that case..." and the boys were mollified.

"Hey, um." Akane began nervously. "Could you, I mean, could you -please- train me a little? I really want to learn, but I haven't had anyone to teach me in years!" she asked imploringly. "I'd work really really really hard, I promise! Please?"

"Why doesn't you dad teach you?" Ranma asked, surprised.

"Well, he did, but after...after a while he stopped teaching me. He doesn't do any martial arts anymore." she explained.

"Sure we'll teach ya. At least we'll help you get better." Ranko said, smiling.

"As entertaining as this was, I need to get back home." Nabiki said smoothly. "See ya." and she turned, and left.

"So." Ryoga said, facing the blue-haired girl.

"You wanna learn some magic?" Ryoko asked, smiling. Akane just grinned in response.

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