MUCK guide with an extra IRC tutorial blast at the end.

For easily confused souls, follow these steps and avoid the rest of the document if you value your sanityyyyy.

  1. Get a client here Be sure to download the executable, not the source.
  2. Install the client.
  3. Choose a MUCK you like. here's a list.
  5. Run your client, add the world you picked. You should need a server name, and a port number.
  6. Connect to the MUCK. Once connected, follow the instructions or type 'connect guest guest'
  7. Type the names of exits to go through them. Type the names of actions to invoke them.
  8. Find some other furries, and sit back and watch for a while. Go ahead and socialize if you feel up to it.
  9. Ask someone how to request a character (type 'say How do I request a character?'), if the website didn't already tell you how.

What is a MUCK?

A MUCK is an online text based role playing game. It bears many similarities to chat software such as IRC or ICQ, but MUCKs are not just chat. They are a fine blend of drama, social atmosphere, imagination, and programming.

There are 2 parts to a MUCK: clients and the server. The first is the server. Every MUCK has a single computer that stores the program and all the information for everything. The program I'm familiar with is called Fuzzball. It's a program (written in C) that sets up a computer to act as a MUCK server. Once Fuzzball is running, any computer connected to the server by way of a network, or the Internet (including the one running Fuzzball) may log on using a standard procedure called the Telnet protocol. This procedure is a bunch of weird, unreadable garbage that we don't want to deal with.

This brings us to the second part: MUCK clients. There are programs that translate our readable text into garbly Telnet protocol and back. One of them (the one that comes free with windows) is called telnet.exe. It's by no means an acceptable one, though. Other, more sophisticated programs, called MUCK clients, do the same thing, but in a nice, easily understood way. These clients run on individual's computers, not the server, and allow the client computers to communicate with a server running Fuzzball in the language of Telnet.

You don't need a server to play on a MUCK, but you do need a client. They may be purchased, or downloaded for free in some cases. Here's some of the free ones. ^.^

Trebuchet TK
This is the MUCK client I use. <g> It's made by the same guys who made Fuzzball. Rather than being written as an executable, it's written as a script, in TCL. That means you also need the TCL program to interpret the script, downloadable here. Why not executable? Well, script means source, so if you know how to program TCL, you can customize the pants off your MUCK client. ^.^ Not to mention TCL is available for Windows, Unix, MacOS, and many other operating systems. Get the right TCL, and you will be able to use Trebuchet TK regardless of your computer's OS.

Hooray! Hooray! Pueblo has become freeware. If you program in C/C++, you can now customize the pants off of Pueblo too! But it's always a pain to compile, so those of you without a clue, just get the executable. It's great. Pueblo supports graphics, pictures, and even MIDI sounds! Add a whole new dimension to your MUCKing experience.

Now all you need is the address of a computer with MUCK servers, and a port number.

What To Do on a MUCK

Now that you have your MUCK client downloaded and installed, what can a server do for you? Well first you have to find one.

Try here for a hyooge list of furry-themed MUCKs, where animals or animal like characters are welcomed, encouraged, (even required in some cases! o.o)

Mud Connector has more information on general MUCKs out there than you could ever possibly want to know.
Here to get straight to the Mud Connector listings.

MUCKs are games in which you assume a character (also known as a Player), interact with other characters run by real people online, play with Objects and exist in Rooms. Every MUCK command is in the following format '<command> <stuff>'. The command is always on the left.

All these Players, Objects, and Rooms get to use memory on the server. That means what you build can be shared with anyone on the MUCK. Such a nice thing is easily taken advantage of, however. To prevent this, you need a username and password to get on, otherwise known as a character.

There is hope for the clueless however. Most any MUCK can be freely visited by connecting as a guest. Usually it involves typing something like 'connect guest guest' after you connect to the MUCK server. There will be instructions displayed if it's different. Guests are special characters that can't build or change anything, or do anything dangerous to the MUCK. You will have limited access to many commands, and can happily test out whatever MUCK server you find. But you can't change anything, not even your own description.

Get an idea for the atmosphere, and don't be afraid to ask for help. ('wizzes' is a very nice command) It's just like being in a text based adventure with real people playing alongside you! Try 'look <stuff>' 'go <exit>' and of course 'help'. Once you know what kind of character you want, check to see if they have an @request command. If so, you can @request your character right there on the MUCK! If not, there will be an email address you can send your request to.

To get a real character on the MUCK, you need to give them a valid, nonfree, nonAOL email address. Your ISP's should be fine. I've been on lots of MUCKs and they keep the emails absolutely secret. Once you give them an email, by email or by @request, you will receive a returning email with your requested name and password.

As a character, you can create objects, rooms, and actions. Actions are the commands that you can use. (remember? <command> <stuff>) You yourself are an object (a Player object) and you can store text on yourself such as a description, a scent, a species.... People can always look at your description, smell you, use the 'ws' command, to see how your character appears. It's a tool so you don't have to describe yourself all the time. Beyond that, it's all imagination.

People meet usually in a small subset of the MUCK i.e. one or two rooms. Chances are, the starting point is near the main gathering point. Beyond it, the number of furrs usually decreases exponentially. Since MUCKs are text based, you have to use commands to describe what you say and what you do virtually.

'say <stuff>' allows you to say stuff. " can be substituted for say.
'pose <stuff>' allows you to pose stuff. : can be substituted for pose. Every nonverbal action in a MUCK is described in a pose, a message with your name prepended to it. Type 'pose raises a paw.' and everyone in your current room will see '<yourname> raises a paw.' Say does the same thing, except it formats <stuff> surrounding it in quotes.

With these simple commands, almost all role playing is enacted on a MUCK. These are real people, far more interesting than that funny troll in Zork.

Furry MUCKs and STH MUCKs and -the- Transformations MUCK

There are many furry MUCKs of all different sorts of things. I can even give you two that only do role playing, period. Being of a similar bent, I avoid the erotic furry stuff myself, and I think I can give you a good synopsis of how to find good clean fun on a MUCK.

When on a MUCK, some people are going to be yiffy. For that reason, there are designated areas for most of that stuff. You can usually avoid them by paying close attention to any warning messages around. Sometimes, someone will just up and try to snuggle with you, and you can politely ask them to stop. I only had it happen once in 8 MUCK-years. (1 year on 8 MUCKs. ^.^) Of course if someone's indolent about it, you can log the events, and go to a wizzard who will politely warn them, then kick them off the MUCK if they can't behave.

For the most part, a MUCK is an online game that combines a good imagination, a love of role playing, a sense of community, and a delight in programming. In public areas one must be polite, and tolerant of others' actions. At the same time, no one is supposed to do anything that would offend anyone else. In private areas... well they're -supposed- to be marked for yiffiness. Watch out for places like "The Busted Bra" and anything making lewd references to horses. There are even groups that get together for non erotic stuff on Tapestries, a furry BDSM MUCK. If you don't know what BDSM stands for, consider yourself lucky. ;p

Click here for Ben Raccoon's list of Furry MUCKs:

Furry MUCK List (Now automatic... ^.-)
Last updated 6:51:20 1/26/2003 GMT

Here are the MUCKs I've been on, and my recommendations:

MUCK -- server.address:port
If the server address is green, the MUCK server is pinging. If it's red, the server won't ping.

Altered Realities
This is the one, the only, the way2kewl MUCK that is themed on Transformation. Characters here are always changing their description, almost faster than you can look at them! It's a world where reality itself wavers constantly, and anyone who enjoys role playing transformations should give this a try. We're talking animal TFs, changes in gender, changes into machinery, and the weirdest change of all: logging off into a human. ;) There are some adult themes here, so the faint of heart can follow the advice of Paf! the Porcupine. It's not usually too bad, but you have to wonder sometimes...
This MUCK is one of the most interesting and dire Final Fantasy MUCKs I have ever seen. For those of you familiar with the series, it's a MUCK based on the aftermath of Final Fantasy VII, crossed over from the fact that Meteor was pretty much identical to the one in the Final Fantasy Movie. In other words, both the blue light and the red light are deadly, although red more than blue. Death is even messed up here! It's pretty incredible, and intriguing, although I haven't personally had a chance to explore the possibilities this theme opens up.
Fool's Moon
A World of Darkness esque world, this place is a mysterious port city of intriuge and dark secrets, in the very intriguing and mysterious nation of Canada. Tres Portes is a city, where normal people by day may be part of the flow of the mystical world beneath our perception, from ancient manipulators of strange energies to twisted and horrible creatures whose very existence brings a new meaning to the word suffering. And there's a happy and cheerful werewolf who owns a video arcade, but you didn't hear that from me.
This is a furry fantasy MUCK themed on general fantasy. They're just recently getting used to their new RP system but things look to be running smoothly. This is the best (only) place where I have actually participated in a TP (TinyPlot): a story acted out completely IC with a moderator (GM) working behind the scenes. Check out my little place (see bottom) for a log of the TP, edited for OOC comments and such. Swordsmen, magic slingers, great wise counselors, psions, spirits, peasants, kings, and gods, all come over occasionally for a drink and a laugh at the FurryShire tavern, where all things begin.
It's a MUCK. It's Furry. It's ( H U G E ). Be in a room with 300 people talking at once! This place has the official bulletin board for events on the newsgroup and Come to the MUCK that started all Furry MUCKs, but prepare to be overwhelmed when you go past the West Corner of the Park.
I don't have a character here, but this MUCK is supposed to be like FurryFaire in that all actions are IC unless stated as OOC, except that it is themed with... you guessed it. Furry SpaaAAACE! (ACE Ace ace...) I've heard some complaints about their system, but from what I can see it's a great RP system for people who love pushing buttons and twiddling things. I don't know much of what goes on here, since they -never- post their logs. ;) But boy do they have a good handful of events to choose from.
Furscape looks interesting. Another Sci-Fi MUCK. The maintainer of the SPR website (who has since left SPR?) mentioned it to me on the website. I mean... how can you go wrong with a Sci-Fi MUCK on port 2001? :) Furscape is based in the future dreamed up by Arthur C. Clarke in his book "2001, a space oddessy." Don't let that fool you though, humans all warred themselves to death leaving only recoms, or humans recombined with animal DNA to make *gasp* furries! And that's only one planet, what about the people who sent the monolith? Turns out they were a network of spacefaring societies who relied on distant stars to develop jumpgate technology before interstellar travel could be done. Furscape is home to the SKILTAIRE, cute little electric martens with an amazing history, and a need for new players *hint hint* Also check here, here (warning adult) and here. I'm not obsessed!
This is one of my favorites. It's borderline IC/OOC with furries talking about many things from pop songs to proper ways to stalk squirrels. There is already one mongoose on here. Guess who? ^.^ This is the official runoff MUCK for FurryMUCK. They made it when Furry got too crowded. Thankfully, Furtoonia has remained relatively uncrowded, and it's a nice friendly place to be.
Help the robotic legions of Robotnik's death army mercilessly crush cute little forest critters! Help the cute little forest critters mercilessly crush the robotic legions of Robotnik's death army! This is the big one. The great hoozah. The top bumbino. The only Sonic the Hedgehog MUCK where I've ever experienced... *gasp* lag.
Heart of the Empire
Originally in the rebel city of Drominham, the focus of Southern Cross has now turned to its capital city, notably called "Capital City." The center of an evil empire, it feeds greed, injustice and senseless malice. Walking the streets is a danger, and not for the criminals. Good men are in prison and nobody seems to care. Be a corrupt noble! Thrill as a tortured slave. Condemn people across an ocean for all your troubles because... well they're across an ocean, they must be evil! We're talking serious court politics, people.
NeoTokyo, it's an anime MUCK. Not much anthro on here, I mostly use this MUCK to sell MUCKs to my friends who like anime. The premise: weird science starts showing up in the world, and as the technology tries to cope, some dork with Godlike powers starts daydreaming about different japanese animation when vacationing in Tokyo. After a while, he realized that he was unconsciously bringing those universes in a direct collision with our own, but couldn't figure out how to stop it, until finally everything went up in a big VOOP. Now Tokyo is blessed with the regular, random visitation of anime universes, to everyone's utmost confusion. Think Power Puff crossed with Ranma and Final Fantasy.
SocioPolitical Ramifications First off, SPR stands for SocioPolitical Ramifications. Don't ask. It was a pun from years before my character came there. This MUCK is a bit more serious, more mature, yet of the same flavor as Furtoonia. Here was born the classic "Discuss!" exclamation where someone states a philosophical viewpoint, and then finishes it with "Discuss?" or if they're feeling authoritative, "Discuss!" It's great fun, and good for many varied conversations. SPR has a massively complex space system, which is unfortunately set up so someone can force you to stop playing for a while. I like it ok, but it's not a place for detailed space RP. More shoot-em-up.
This is a toon MUCK, friendly and whimsical. It has a bunch of fans of toons, and a pleasant, unassuming atmosphere. They've got their own newspaper (\@action News), and their own society of incompetent Evil Doers. The wizards are friendly but very strict about building policies. The God has managed to keep the MUCK geographically sound, for the most part. There are some cool projects underway as well, often enumerated in the newspaper.
Timescape, the center of all dimensions. Well 4 major categories at least. Imagine if there were many worlds, the worlds of before, the worlds in present day, the worlds of the future, and worlds noone could but dream about before... Timescape. There are 4 categories of worlds, and 4 gates to go with them: Past, Present, Future, and Fantasy. In between all of them is a nexus called "Timescape", and a city built by hapless wanderers unable or unwilling to return to their homes. People of all ages come onto this MUCK, so don't expect consistent maturity, but do expect consistent niceness and helpful administration, because that's what I found there. ^.^
Tiny Tim
It is most certainly not about a ukelele! ...nice place I suppose. Great website. ;) I was only on the MUSH itself twice and it seemed like all the people knew each other personally; we're talking geographic closeness, same dormitory or whatever. They're pretty friendly though, and people are welcome to come joke along. But expect an occasional comment everyone else seems to understand that you have no clue about. This is the world's oldest running MUSH. Definitely a must-see!

Now for IRC. And how to get to the Transformations/Furry discussion

I'm not as experienced. Nor are there as many choices. First, you need the software.

For the most part, Xircon is the best software and is available here

Once that's all installed, you need to select a server. IRC works like this: you type in text and send it to a server. The server sends it to everyone in your current channel. The IRC network you need is TF_Net. The server that serves TF_Net is called TF_Net has a website too.

You need to learn how to add a server/port to your IRC settings. I'll show you how to do so in XIRCON.

  1. Download Xircon
  2. Upon running Xircon, you should see a big blank empty window with a menu.
  3. Click the Server Menu
  4. Select "Connect..." on the Server Menu
  5. Right-click on the list box marked "Servers List"
  6. Select "Add..." from the pop-up menu
  7. Fill the resulting dialog box this way
    Network Name
    Host Name
  8. Click Ok, then select in the Servers List box.
  9. Be sure to fill in your nickname, and alternate nickname if your favorite nick is taken. User Name and Description aren't neccessary.
  10. Click Ok again. You should connect right away!
    If you there is a problem with the server, you may alternately try Those two servers work in tandem so people on either server can use the same IRC network and talk together.

Once you see text coming in (it usually takes a few tries) you can /list all the channels. #tsa_list is the official Transformation channel (you may never come out the same...) with their own web page at You can also check out other channels enumerated here.

The main discussion channel for the Transformation Stories Archive.
The place for techie talk. Watch out for low flying core dumps, line dancing integrals and attack lemurs.
Need we say more? ^.^

Join #tsa_list and you will be able to chat with famous people like Jaggs, SkunkBomb, JLehererer, and Qitibot to name a few. I come on occasionally as Wesel. Very occasionally.

The furries have their own server! It's called Furnet, and it's separate from Undernet. Try here to find the computers that serve Furnet. There are many channels on this server (but less than 100, so you *can* list them) for various discussions and furplay. Watch out, some channels are devoted to downright spooge, but listing them should show you that in their subject line. (As if we had any question what #male_yiff meant. Guy talk, that's what.)

I don't know about transgender stuff. I'm sure there are plenty of channels and servers out there, but I don't get into it at all. If that is what you seek, good luck. I hope I've helped a bit.

See ya there!