- Who is Thomas Hassan?
Thomas Hassan (thomash@t0.or.at) is male, 34 yrs. old, married (to a far better writer than he is), and has a daughter who is adorable/terrible depending on the moment. He is currently a free-lance web- and database-designer. He also is a voracious reader of all kinds of written matter and an occasional writer. Previous occupations include: traveling sales rep, radio news editor, graphic designer (don't ask!), Mac Salesman, technical translator English - German. And he has studied medieval and ancient Germanic languages. And he even has some hobbies, which include: dressing up in medieval/fantasy costumes for up to ten days at a stretch, medieval sword fighting (not really good), making books (layout to printing and binding), role-playing games and other less interesting stuff ...
- Who is Bob Stein?
Bob Stein (Posti@aol.com) is a computer graphics/multimedia specialist for a training branch of a large corporation. He has a rather varied professional background which includes being a newspaper editor and writer, heavy equipment mechanic, business college instructor, movie/stage actor, opera singer, and technical writer. He has been writing non-fiction professionally for 20 years, and has published three fiction pieces. He is the editor of the Centaurs Gather, a small-press magazine devoted to artwork and stories about centaurs, satyrs, and minotaurs. When he isn't beating on a computer, he is usually under the hood of one of his old cars: a 1937 Cadillac, a 1950 Chevy P/U, a 1970 Plymouth Satellite, and a 1979 Corvette. Bob is (and always has been) single, and lives in Virginia.
- Who is Bill Hart?
Bill Hart (bill.hart@macsch.com or b_hart@macsch.com) is a Sr. Software Engineer (a fancy title for old programmer) at a medium-sized engineering software house. As part of his job, he writes software design specifications. He has one published work, a 500-page Users' Manual for a discontinued software product. He is a native Californian and enjoys ice hockey. He is the list mom for three hockey-related lists, and contributes heavily to them. He is 46 and single. He enjoys reading Jack Chalker (bet you could've guessed that).
- Who is Eddie Glover?
Eddie Glover is 27 years old, male, single, heterosexual without a doubt, a BIG comic book fan, and an even bigger Jack L. Chalker fan!
- Who is Brian Eirik Coe?
Brian Eirik Coe (becoe@concentric.net), 24, is a student of optometry at the New England College of Optometry in Boston. He was born in Ohio but raised in the Los Angeles area, where he lived until 1996. Although he's dabbled in writing over the years, little from prior to 1996 survives, and only one story has seen very limited publication outside the Internet. Long fascinated with the idea of transformations, his greatest influences have been mythology (Greek and Norse), European folklore, and some modern transformation fiction (notably Jack L. Chalker).
His homepage is located at http://www.concentric.net/~becoe.
- Who is Jon Sleeper?
Jon Sleeper (jdsbuck@pacbell.net) is a twenty year old History major going to MiraCosta College in Oceanside, California (though he lives in Carlsbad). Though he never considered himself a writer before, once he joined TSA-talk you might say it "transformed" him into a writer. His plans for his own education are rather high, eventually hopeful for a Ph.D., but is actively shooting for a Masters Degree.
His web page is located at http://deer.transform.to/
- Who is Dana Short?
Dana Short is a 30 yr. old Computer Operator/Programmer from the LA area, who spends far too much of his free time just hanging out at Disneyland. He is somewhat of a pyromaniac, and the kind folks at Disneyland manage to blow stuff up [fireworks] or set the Lake on fire [fantasmic!] consistently enough that Dana has never felt an urge to set a warehouse, or a forest on fire to watch it burn. This last is important, as his actual house is in Lake Arrowhead, in the San Bernadeno National Forest [okay, ten feet outside of the actual National Forest, but the squirrels, birds, coyotes, and trees don't seem to know, and Dana isn't planning on telling them].
He works for Wescom Credit Union in Pasadena, and in order to avoid a 4 hour daily commute, he has a room he sleeps in on weeknights in Downey, conveniently located 15 min. from Disneyland, and 18 min. from the Credit Union, at the speeds Dana usually drives.
He too enjoys reading the works of several authors, including Christopher Stasheff, Dean Ing, and of course, Jack L. Chalker. :)
If you want to learn more about him, you are more than welcome to visit his Home Page at: http://web.wavenet.com/~dana.
- Who is Lance Holloway?
Lance Holloway (lhollowa@entropy.uark.edu) is a Graduate Assistant in Computer Science at the University of Arkansas. He is 24 and single. He has been interested in transformations as long as he can remember. Werewolves were his favorite, but it seems everyone is talking about werewolves. To keep away from the norm, he has turned to other animals. The Weremoose is his favorite right now. (You won't believe how many people don't know what a weremoose is.) He likes other person-animal transformations also. There is a long list of favorite animals. Just to name a few: dragons, seals, kangaroos, lizards, equines. He is not a professional writer. But, he has written, directed, and filmed several "home" movies. All of which involve a transformation of some sort. The most recently finished one "The Renix" has won three awards from the community access TV station. He has made a few full body costumes (mostly for the movies). The best two being a wigamalefis (don't ask) and a minotaur.
- Who is Caitlin?
Caitlin (caitlinb@concentric.net) will be 42 on 3/15/98. She has two children, a daughter born March 81 and a son born Feb 84.
Unfortunately both live in Kentucky with Caitlin's ex. Caitlin used to be very active in SF fandom (co-founding Chicago's Thursday meetings and Capricon), but only hits a few conventions now and will concede that her daughter is already a better known fan than she is.
Caitlin and her S.O life in the far western suburbs of Chicago with their cats and frequent visits from the children.
Interests other than TSA include music (classic rock, folk rock, and the softer end of alternative rock), Science Fiction, chess, and she freely confesses to being an incurable workaholic who plays with computers and software after having worked on them all day.
Once upon a time Caitlin used to be a Software Engineer. She is now "Manager of Architecture and Advance Development" for Network/MPEG related products for a major Consumer Electronics manufacturer. The title can be translated roughly as "Chief Technical Evangelist" which means she comes up with ideas on how to build new products, works out details, and convinces customers that they are fantastic ideas. That is the reason for the missing last name - she speaks for her employer often enough that she doesn't want her writings on off-work topics to come up when business associates do web searches on her name. Disgression is especially called for since the first half of her career she was still working as a man for no valid reason other than biological reality.
- Who is Mike Nelson?
Michael B. Nelson, 31 is a Band Director, Baseball Coach, Guitar Instructor, and Community College teacher in Tuba City Arizona (Navajo Reservation). He was born in Arizona, raised in Arizona, and lives in Arizona, although he would like a change of pace. He has been writing for the past three years, and has had a few postings on the Internet for commercial e-zines, although he has never actually received a paycheck for one yet. Long fascinated with the idea of transformations, his greatest influences have been mythology (Greek), Navajo myths and legends, Sir Edmund Hamilton, Jack L. Chalker, Tanith Lee, Octavia Butler, Terry Goodkind, and others.
- Who is RanmaKun?
RanmaKun (RanmaKun@geocities.com) is a 23 year old college student in Southern California. He also goes by the handle of Char Tai Sa when on AOL. He enjoys writing about all transformations and especially enjoys those involving gender, cats, and equines (but he'll never admit being as big a horse lover as Jack and Bob!). He enjoys role-playing and anime, and has a web page devoted to anime related games. Though not as prolific a writer as his list-friends Eddie G. and Bill Hart, he still contributes to the list with his current chain of Changewars tie-ins and a series called Curses! which is currently occupying his time. If you wish to write to him, his e-mail address for the list is. Write him and let him know how you like his stuff, he's always looking for input.
- Who is Daniel-san?
Daniel-san (daniel-san@geocities.com) is a 21-year old (22 in November, 1999) male, living in Maryland, and goes by the handle: Daniel-San (DanielSan on #TSA_List). He has created the stories, "Time Travel" and "First Day of Spring" in the Horses and Doggies and Cats, Oh My... section of the main Archive. He likes chatting on the IRC chat channel #TSA_List on the Undernet and is interested in getting a career in special effects makeup for movies.
He is also the creator of the "PhilBash Central" webpage at http://www.transform.to/~dansan
- Who is Sapphire?
Sapphire (sapphire@biosys.net) is a Transgendered Woman who is in her late 30s to early 40s. While only having written one or two additions to different story universes, has been active with the list for quite some time now.
Sapphire's claim to fame is her web site! "Sapphire's Place" is a Transgender Fiction Archive, the largest TG fiction site on the Web! It is one of the sites that Thomas Hansen mentions as one of his resources. Her archive is also the repository for All of Eddie Glovers works, along with works by other list members Waldo and Stephanie. Her newest project is a site dedicated to the "Spells-R-Us" stories!
- Who is Jared Hawk Yelton?
Jared Hawk Yelton (redtailed@sisna.com), 20, is a full-time typographer and graphic artist at a printing company in Utah (where he was hatched and still lives). He joined the TSA List in mid-1997 and as been writing TF related stories for over eight years, but only recently for TSA. His main topic, is, needless to say, Hawks. Other raptors and animals to a more limited extent. He is a private educator, traveling to schools and scout programs to teach about birds of prey, and cares for a permanently injured Red-tailed Hawk, which is his main inspiration.
- Who is Tal Greywolf?
Tal Greywolf (greywolf@praline.no.neosoft.com) is a computer technician for a local computer company in Southeast Louisiana. He has been in the past a satellite communications maintenance specialist in the Air Force, a secretary and data entry operator and a variety of other jobs as one heads back in time. He is also the writer of several stories on the TSA mailing list, a fan of transformations, science fiction, fantasy, Mercedes Lackey and a wider range of hobbies and interests. Despite speculation to the contrary, he is not a professional author, but instead writes to suit his own particular enjoyments. His politics and religion are strictly off limits.
- Who is Wayne Keisler?
Wayne Keisler (Tekwolf@conterra.com) is a single, never married, male who lives in Columbia, S.C.. He has worked for NCR for almost 16 years, first as a Component Level Circuit Board Technician and lately as a Computer Hardware Technician, specializing in Entry Level Servers. He built the PC that he uses to write on. He has read a huge amount of books, starting with Westerns and lately, mostly Science Fiction/ Fantasy. He has a collection of Science Fiction/Fantasy that includes 450 paperbacks and 150 hardbacks. After reading a large amount of these type books, he wanted to try writing. This list gave him the vehicle to try it. He likes to fish and play golf in his spare time, if he has any. He has always been fascinated with transformation. Most of the books he has collected, have transformation in them. Favorite author: Jack L. Chalker.
- Who is Brian Huisman (AKA Varan, the Dragon of Carn)?
Brian Huisman (greywyvern@rocketmail.com (aka GreyWyvern) is a Marine Biologist hopeful from southern Ontario. A writer and sometimes artist, Brian emphasises in realism and pathos in his work. He enjoys: Cetaceans, Writing, Reading (a lot!), Final Fantasy, Science-fiction, HTML, University, Thinking, Editing, Occasional drinking (a lot!), Checking my E-mail :), 4-player co-operative arcade games (don't ask), and a bit of bread making now and then (both the green and the edible kinds). His favorite types of TF are animal TF's which dominate his TF related work, although he's done quite a few stories that don't concern TF as well. His art mainly consists of dragon TF's, but has quite a few other kinds as well. One of his future goals is to get published in a science-fiction magazine. His favorite authors include: Robert Heinlein, Christopher Rowley, Mike Resnick, Gordon R. Dickson, and any other science-fiction writer accused of writing a "classic".
Famous for saying: "If only I had the time," and calling everyone he knows, even his parents, "kid".
- Who is JT Skunk?
JT Skunktaur (skunk@mill.net) also known as JT Martentaur, is typically a giant skunktaur who is the current Wicked StepDad of the TSA. That means if your story was rejected to the archive, you should yell at him. He resides in Northern California because it seems to be expected of him. He writes horribly pretentious stories every so often, draws horribly pretentious drawings, and gripes frequently about how much he hates horribly pretentious people. He is in love with a fine young Mut who he has done nothing to deserve, and spends his free time watching movies, reading, bicycling, going to the gym, playing PC games, or, most usually, loitering about the IRC channels and interjecting snarky comments from time to time.
- Who is Captain Webster?
In June, 1998, Captain Webster passed away. He will be greatly missed by all members of this community who had the delight of his time with us. He was a rare man.
What follows is the mini-autobiography that he sent. It will remain as a small reminder of the man.
Captain Webster (CaptWbstr@nut-n-but.net), (aka Terry L. Garrett), is a disabled former police officer from the balmy shores of southwest Florida. He lives, with his family, in a tidy 4 bedroom home near the Gulf of Mexico. Happily married for 18 years he is the father of 4 children, 2 of whom still live at home with him. He initially became interested in transformation stories when, as a child, he discovered the Homeric epics and the Norse Eddas. He acquired the title of Captain Webster, from his co-workers, due to his habit of using a long word when a short one would do as well or better. He writes articles for law enforcement publications and local magazines and papers. He is 42 years old and has been a highly respected law enforcement instructor trainer on the local and international circuit for the last 8 years. He has written in a sub-universe of SRU called the WISH PENNY universe, and in a universe he created about an old man in a room who recounts tales from his long and variegated past. One of these, "The Dung Beetle", was the first work he ever submitted to the TSA list. He uses the transformation stories on the list, and in the archive, as a means of temporary escape from a body plagued by declining health and injury. He encourages all new authors to submit their stories, no matter how bad they may think the stories are. You learn by doing has long been his motto. The story you think is no good may fill the need in someone else. His favorite authors are Piers Anthony and Jack L. Chalker due to their superlative transformational stories. His favorite list authors is a list too long to fit here. He loves them all. A prolific reader and writer he feels his best 'writing' years are still ahead of him, as he continues to learn and grow in this wondrous thing called the TSA.
- Who is Charles Matthias?
Charles Matthias: age 22, currently attending Virginia Polytechnical Institute working on his Master's Degree in Mathematics. Charles has lived in Virginia his whole life, and first came to the list in July of 1997. Charles is known as MattRat to his friends, and can usually be found during evenings on the #tsa_list on Undernet. He enjoys mostly science fiction and fantasy, and is an avid reader, preferring the long adventure to the quick escape. He has spent the past two summers volunteering for the United States Geological Survey, and greatly enjoys working with the maps there. His hobbies include writing stories, playing the piano, writing classical music (in the romantic and modern vein), forensicating, philosophy, theology, and playing mallet percussion in the band. He is a published and performed composer (one performance, but hey, a guy's gotta start somewhere) for a short band tone poem entitled "Strike the Earth, Thunderous".
- Who is Keith Morrison?
Keith Morrison is a professional geologist born in New Brunswick, Canada, in 1971. Before finally settling down to talk to rocks he was a volunteer firefighter, a member of the Canadian Forces, an engineer-wannabe and a dedicated egotist. He's also dabbled in radio and television production, worked as a tech at concerts and did a very minor amount of comedy while in high school.
Currently single, he's living in Cambridge Bay in (as of April 1, 1999) the territory of Nunavut. He's been writing on and off since 1984. In his spare time he fools around with CGI software and spends far too much time watching television. When not spending far too much time in front of the television he spends too much time on the Net. He's a founding member of The Holocaust History Project and a dedicated skeptic.
Perceived as cynical and arrogant, he is in fact cynical, arrogant and sarcastic. For some odd reason assorted female members of the science fiction community have called him charming and gentlemanly. He has decided not to attend conventions and ruin their delusions.
- Who is Pascal Quentin Porcupine?
Pascal Quentin Porcupine is the pen-name for Hari Nezumi, a female porcupine in a human male body. She has a penchant for colors, and would rather be a "splotchypine" (a human-sized but only marginally-'morphic porcupine with crimson, purple, and dark-magenta-splotched fur and zebra-striped skin and quills. Her walk of Real Life is computer science student and probably career academic (will be getting her bachelor's in May of 1999 and hopes to go to graduate school soon thereafter), and in the meantime runs several websites, including the Rodent World Domination Coalition homepage and the world's largest OS/2 shareware archive (which anyone can figure out the URL of themselves). She doesn't do Windows (well, doesn't admit to it, anyway). Her fetishes are anything different and preferrably bizarre, including colors, inanimates, and plushies (which she doesn't consider to be inanimate), and she also enjoys a well-executed animal or transgender transformation.
- Who is Luke Allen?
Luke Allen (blue.night@usa.net), also known as BlueNight (and very rarely Chesnoazul or Notgadget), is a 20-year-old who lives in his parents' garage. As far as stories go, he doesn't have much time to write, but when he does, there's a reason. No standard stories here! He was raised on a diet of Asimov, with a pinch of Heinlein, but he also enjoys anything relating to Star Trek, Star Wars, or Beast Wars (the computer-generated Transformers spinoff series). Metafiction, truth, amputation, gender issues, and logic are major factors in his stories. In case you're wondering (and you probably aren't), he's a flaming heterosexual even if his characters burn the other way.
- Who is Joanne Hunter?
Joanne Hunter, sometimes known as Viqsi (pronounced "Vixie"), is a self-declared hacker wannabe gray vixen (gray as in species Common Gray Fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus - not gray as in old) who spends far too much time in most every TSA-related IRC channel. She's been alive for approximately 20.5 years and counting (as of the time of the writing of this bio) and has been caught writing stories once or twice before. Most of her spare time is spent with Free Software advocacy, W3C web standards advocacy, scaring people with cocktail umbrellas and protesting her innocence in anything and everything that comes to mind.
Find her W3C-standards-compliant web page at http://menagerie.tf/~jrhunter/.
- Who is Kristina Davis?
As well as being a writer with the dubious distinction of having been accepted into the archive more than once, proving it wasn't an accident, Kristy maintains the server on which the TSA's semi-official IRC server resides, is a snowshoe hare in her spare time, and engages daily in her own transformation by becoming a professional businesswoman when she goes to work and a SubGenius when she comes home.
- Who is Xodiac?
Xodiac (xodiac@aaahawk.com), aka Doug Linger, is the current person in charge of the TSA-FAQ. He currently resides in Washington state. He contributes stories on occasion but is far from prolific, attempting a goal of quality over quantity. Whether he succeeds or not is a matter of hot debate.