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The Continuing Story of Part Eight

by J.(Channing)Wells


A Transcriber's Note in response to recent events:

After much debate and self-collection, I have decided to continue the transcription of the still-incomplete "Mundementia One." I admit that it was a difficult decision to arrive at. After having the one remaining Arabic-Translated copy of the true Part Eight taken from me by goons hired by Vinny the Really Reeeeeally Dangerous Yellow Chested Warbler, I fell into a sort of funk which took me several hours to recover from. What, I asked, sort of artist WAS I if I were to present to you, the viewing public, a sadly crippled and mangled version of this otherwise (reportedly) transcendent epic? What sort of servant to the still nameless Author (Identified in the manuscript itself as Hioshi) would I be without including herein the _true_ thematic focus? Could I, indeed, wake up every morning and say to myself, I, Channing Wells, am a fake, a fraud, an improper purveyor of destroyed and incomplete literature to an unwitting public?

Yup! I said cheerfully. Then I fixed myself a sammych.

However, with a jolt of inspiration that I received while idly checking the expiration date on the mayonnaise, I did decide to make one concession to both my artistic integrity and the artistic integrity of the nameless Author, and that would be to _continue_ to attempt to obtain for you, the viewing public, this lost manuscript. Sure, I have my Master's Degree to be working towards... but I asked myself, Chan, which is more important? Your silly degree or the nigh-mythical Lost Chapter which, when presented to you, the List, may indeed change your entire perceptions of the work which I am still in the process of transcribing to this forum? Potentially, if the hearsay speaks of even _one-tenth_ of the glory this chapter contains, it may change your _lives_, your very _philosophies_, your _belief_ in the _existence of a benevolent God._ So, I have put my collegiate schooling on hold so as to be able to devote myself full-time to scouring the globe for other copies of this manuscript. Updates will follow, as I make them u-- I mean... as events warrant. But, until another copy of the Lost is found, this part just previously posted will remain "Part 9" for the sake of simple continuity.

Well. I'm off to seek my fortune, kiddies. Wish me luck. First stop: The Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England, where I will be investigating rumors that certain ancient but foresighted druids actually _predicted_ the writing of Mundementia One and encoded the information that they saw in this strange vision of the future into the patterns of the very trilithons of Stonehenge itself. Ta ta for now!


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