what's all this then?
  These are stories I didn't write -- didn't even co-write -- but I like them anyway. At the moment, they all happen to be TBP stories, most of which my TBP character, Jubatus, has a non-trivial role in. But that's just happenstance, really; I will be perfectly happy to host other stories here, as and when I run across them.
michael bard
  My first contact with Michael Bard was an e-mail message I sent in response to a story he'd posted to the TSA-Talk list. The gist of this message: "Well done, you bastard!" If you ever get a chance to read A Father's Love, you'll understand... Anyway, he and I got to discussing various matters, through e-mail first and then online chatting, and it turned out that we get on reasonably well. We've done a fair number of collaborations together (including One Small Step, our TBP novel-in-progress), and we also co-edit the bimonthly netzine TSAT (main or mirror site). But as stated above, the stories listed here are not ones I had anything to do with the writing of!
  Something to Live For is Michael Bard's first TBP story, and the second non-Cubist-written one that features Jube. In addition to introducing his character Sue Carter, Bard raises some cogent points that will probably continue to be ignored by most other TBP writers, unfortunately...
  Death by Calculus, the 6th non-Cubist tale featuring Jube, by Hallan Mirayas and Michael Bard. In which leonine SCAB Hallan asks for help with math homework, and discovers that the phrase Too Much Information is not necessarily restricted to sexual matters.
  Acquiring Targets, the 9th non-Cubist tale featuring Jube, by Michael Bard. Sue Carter is not pleased: Not only did she not find out about Jube's accident until after he made a full recovery, but she can't even persuade him he was wrong to keep her in the dark... (Sue's view of Death By Calculus, which occurs simultaneously with this)
  Schroedinger's Dryad, one of the two 7th non-Cubist tales featuring Jube, by Michael Bard. Sue Carter doesn't believe there's anything Man was not meant to know, and she's just the SCAB to prove it... (Written for the TSAT 25 anniversary celebration; hosted offsite, at TSAT)
hallan mirayas
  Hallan, a relatively recent addition to the TSA-Talk mailing list, is on a self-imposed mission to brighten up the TBP setting (which has gotten a bit 'dark' from time to time). He also happens to be a devout Christian; fortunately, he's a nice guy, not one of those wackoes who gives Christians a bad name.
  Actions & Reactions was written by a promising gent named Hallan Mirayas, and it's Jube's first appearance in a story writ by someone else. The local highschool has a rule against the use of claws, which doesn't help a lionmorph student deal with the school bully. Maybe it's just me, but I detect some foreshadowing of things to come...
  Throwing Down the Gauntlet, by Hallan Mirayas. Fifth non-Cubist tale featuring Jube. Hallan Mirayas, young lionmorph SCAB last seen in Actions and Reactions, continues to have problems with bullies; fortunately, he's got help this time, in the form of a certain cheetahmorph.
  Death by Calculus, the 6th non-Cubist tale featuring Jube, by Hallan Mirayas and Michael Bard. In which leonine SCAB Hallan asks for help with math homework, and discovers that the phrase Too Much Information is not necessarily restricted to sexual matters.
sly squirrel
  In real life, Sly is a damn fine wrestler from the Midwest with lots of interesting stories to tell of his matches, plus gobs & gobs of sheer, raw, Determination. In his writing, Sly's viewpoint character is almost invariably a wrestler who has an interesting story to tell of one of his matches, plus gobs & gobs of sheer, raw Determination. Me, I'm curious to see what'll happen if Sly ever gets tired of thinly veiled autobiography...
  Man in the Mirror comes to us from Sly 'SurviFur' Squirrel, and is the third non-Cubist story in which Jube has any significant role. In this case, a freshly SCABbed-over full-morph squirrel decides that talking to Jube would be a great way to help him overcome those dratted 'run away!' prey instincts he's been saddled with...
  It's Time That I Realize..., the 4th non-Cubist story with Jube, is the immediate sequel to Man in the Mirror, and likewise written by Sly. Reality sets in for Jim Hart after the euphoria of the previous story's ending has faded.
  Wanderer has been a fixture of the TSA-Talk list since long before I joined up. He's got good research skills, a somewhat formal (if not 'stilted') set of mannerisms, and is customarily cheerful. Turns out a mean story.
  Christmas Resolutions, one of the two 7th non-Cubist tales featuring Jube, by Wanderer. The Caped Canine has a family -- and his favorite niece makes a surprise appearance to brighten his Yuletide! (Written for the TSAT 25 anniversary celebration; hosted offsite, at TSAT)
  Maeror Tacitus, a short -- and powerful -- TBP story which does more to illuminate the human cost of Martian Flu than any other I can recall.