Can't Think... Not Ready...

Journal started Aug 18, 2005

Today I visited our recently spayed kitten at the Vet's. They doubled their price lately, but my owner says trust is more important than cost. I wonder why they doubled their price though. I also asked over a plumber who fished out a lost earring, for the price of $85 to saw apart the bottom of the sink. I stopped at the library briefly, checked out some of the stuff there, comic books, magazines, Scientific American and the like. Got home in time to cook a nice broiled dinner with chicken, spiced corn and overtoasted bread. During dinner at about 7:30pm, my owner asked when I was going to need to be dropped off tomorrow.

"Dropped off for what?" I asked. "You know... that campout thing you are doing with your friends?"

>.< And then I had to set up her laptop for checking her email from home (which her company stupidly won't allow without gyrations like custom computers and secret proxies... this being the company that invented a proprietary protocol identical to Telnet just... so... workers couldn't use Telnet.) Farmers Insurance, a company owned by Zurich of Switzerland, if anyone's wondering.

It's now 21:37, half past 9, and not only do I not have my clothes picked out, I don't have my food ready, and I haven't a clue whether to bring these charcoal briquettes or not. I can only bring what I can lug around on my back, and this synx has no frame backpack anymore so it's very limited. I don't even know if I have rope.

...I don't even know how I'm gonna get home again come Saturday.

How did Friday come so soon? *panics and runs off frothing at the mouth*

AAAAAH, I start SCHOOL on Monday too! *asplodes*

I can barely read that stupid History textbook. It's all king, king, king, lord, king, church, king, church, king, king. What about the people who matter? Plus the book is profoundly biased in favor of Christianity. There's even one point where they say something like, "And all the evil things those Crusaders did were because they weren't really Christian, they had forgotten the True teachings of Pacifism and Nonviolence in the Holy Gospels" So... not fun. I am so not ready for tomorrow. x.x

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