For a bit of context, I'm studying at the community college across the hills. There are two very important classes offered next semester that I would like to take, except... one is on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The other is on Tuesday, and Thursday.
Now, my situation is a bit tricky. The only transportation across these hills (since I don't drive) is only about twice a day, on weekdays. Any time I go to the school, I must leave the house at 6am, and I will not return to the house until 6:30pm. The house being my home base where I have a personal computer (and server), food, shelter and a place to sleep. The college on the other hand charges $5 for a (very decent) sandwich, has no place to sleep, and the computers are institutionalized Microsofted computers that reset their hard drive after every restart, and there is only one shared account for all students.
The air at the college is better though, so I like going there. Their library is tiny though, and I've been disenchanted with books these past years anyway.
To make matters short, I do not want to go to school for just one single stinking class on any given day, since I must be there for the 10 hours plus 2 hour commute. But it's starting to look like I'm supposed to do so on every given day. Schedules are inflexible, valuable classes rare, and I can't move closer because... well... Say, is anyone hiring in the Livermore, CA, USA area? Or anywhere with semi-decent air? I have a resume.
One thing I could do is abstain from one of the classes (the Discrete Math class), and only go to school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That would let me keep up with the dishes, the laundry, the gardening, the cooking and all that sort of busywork type stuff, as well as maintaining my little server here at home. But that might have consequences too, since I haven't taken a math class since 2002, and if I wait until 2006 or even early 2007, I might be at a loss taking something that mathy at the 4 year college to which I am trying to transfer.
So, complex issues right? I'm still trying to puzzle out the best course of action. But so I ask my stupid self sacrificing chain smoking owner what she thinks about me having to be going to school for 62 hours a week for only 9 units of credit, and what does she say? "Oh well, I guess you just have to do it then." Couldn't she possibly for once realize that major sacrifice for minor gain is a bad idea? I'm self sacrificing enough as it is, without her cheering me on towards apathy!
It'd be fine to go to school every day for just one class I suppose, if I could just muster enough motivation to get on the bus and go look for gainful employment in the city the school is outside of. Haven't succeeded in doing that yet though... have been trying since August. I do check craigslist for what that's worth.
(Bizarre Weather)
(A MUF to set your dump reason randomly from online players)