Final Exam went well

Journal started Dec 11, 2005

The math exam went swimmingly I'm happy to say. Would that mean the swimming went mathily? Everything's coming to a close, and my only concern so far is I probably screwed up that Statistics final. I have left to present my final project in Organic Chemistry, but I'm pretty sure I can capture it before next Tuesday.

Jacob said he figured out a way to estimate how much of this information gets through, but it was pretty hard to understand. See: statistics, how Tacet bombs in said classes. Something about dissociative interference in the etheric medium, but he pretty much was saying that most of my stuff wasn't coming through. For some reason my feelings of importance play a big part, so I'll try to get really excited about this post and maybe someone will read it! Excited excited! Really important this goes through. Bushy tails, happy thoughts and such.

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