The Reasons I Can't Apply Game!
Journal started
Dec 31, 2005
Poking at craig's list. Let's play the Reasons I can't apply to jobs game! (this way I can't not apply without a reason)
- Groundskeeper - No experience, or qualifications
- Event coordinator - Unable to schedule anything
- Inbound Fraud Prevention Representative - Don't want to be a goon for a credit card company.
- Traffic Analyst - Don't want to be a stooge for a credit card company.
- Customer Service Representative - Don't want to--gah!--why is the Providian credit card scammers hiring so many people?
- Customer Support Supervisor - Telephone phobia. No, really. Plus they require 2 years experience with the job already before they give it to you.
- Hair Stylist - WAY no experience. I was one of the few who didn't want to go to beauty school.
- Front office co-ordinator - They seek an energetic people person, full time, and they're very busy. I'll apply anyway though, eh.
- - Gah, the decadence! I'd be at risk of pulling a Sayed Qutb
On a side note, I would like to say for the second time today, intellectual property has hurt me and my society, by a content provider so paranoid as to refuse all referers who are not Microsoft Internet Explorer. As if he owned "The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra." Anyone who encounters this pigopolist extortion, I recommend using privoxy where you can forge your user agent for such sites to be the same as Internet Explorer, say for instance "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)". Interesting how IE's user agent starts with the term 'Mozilla'...
(Currency of Power)
(Missed Going Out Today)
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