Straight Men

Journal started May 30, 2006

Something queer occurred to me just today. What about straight men? I mean, in this sexual revolution of today we have lesbians, gays, bisexuals, monogamous couples, polyamorous couples, but what about the straight men? I know what you're thinking: typical beer slugging sports fanatic, with about as much sensitivity as a stump, and about as quick to come as Monday. But that's exactly the problem! I think I found another hole in society.

Straight men are horribly marginalized, to tell the truth. Their entire worth in the sexual community is dependant on whether they can acquire a female participant, or whether they can pass as gay out of sheer desperation. Seriously, I know two guys (and I don't know very many people, really) who have had rear entry butt sex because they needed some loving and the women seemed to have evaporated into thin air. I mean, think what it would take for a gay man to have sex with a woman, just from the sheer inability to meet another gay man? Suppose he were under no societal pressure to be straight, since straight men are under no societal pressure to be gay, right?

I should specify that the straight men I talk about are generally the less aggressive ones. The ones who can't step forward and hit on a girl they don't know. It seems bizarre to me that women would be so difficult to be with if you're a guy. I mean, penis, vagina, they go together right? Works good! It's probably the stigma on women, who are supposed to be perfectly happy never craving sex or lusting after people, unless they're lesbian of course. That stigma bites both ways, since women under its influence will reject their own feelings yes, but also other guys. So you end up with a lot of straight guys wanting sex and finding none, and a lot of straight women saying they don't want sex, or that they only want romantic feelings and tolerate unwanted sex for their devoted aggressive boyfriend's sake.

It doesn't just end with sex either. I realized earlier that men are notably left out of social welfare, and generally expected to die in a greater percentage without having ever had sex. I mean, sure life's not fair but why do we have to pick on straight guys so much? We ridicule them for their sexual appetite, exclude them from social programs, teach them not to make close friends, and generally make it very easy for them to get isolated and in an ideal position to die without anyone else caring. It's a common practice for Swingers clubs to admit single women, but not single men. The reason for this seems to be "single men change the tone and nature of event" whatever the heck that means. Why is a tone with less men than women fundamentally better than a tone with more men?

And of course what it might be is that since there are so many single, straight men, and so few single, straight women who aren't ignoring sex for one reason or another, the ratio is so far off you end up with a room full of straight guys, and none of them are happy since Mars Needs Wimmin. Sure it's dangerous for a helpless single woman to go among such a sexually needy group of straight men, but why not keep them from getting whipped into a sexual frenzy in the first place?

So there's tons of straight men who can't find a woman to be with. Since the sex ratio (and teh gay ratio) is 50:50, there are therefore tons of straight women who aren't being with anyone. My guess is the latter feel that they don't need or desire sex, and the former are left hanging out to dry. I'm glad I'm neither of these groups, but still it makes me sad sometimes. Everyone should be able to find what they love!

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