I was thinking about those job fairs they have now and again. I've always been so opposed to those things, where employers judge you by how you dress, by how closely you conform to their desired slave worker. It really does feel like a slave auction, albeit without the employers prodding my skin or checking my teeth. It just seems like the best way to find callous, shallow employers who can't judge you for who you are, or how well you can work, but instead judge you by how well you can sing and dance for them. Job fairs are full of fruits in suits, strutting around trying to make themselves seem more capable or sexy, employers sitting by their booths with signs, "We care about our customers, not our employees, so come work for us" and it's just not the sort of thing I'd think is very condusive to finding jobs.
On the other hand I've been tired lately of going into store after store and finding that none of the dozens of businesses I can see in any given day is hiring. One thing that's unique about a job fair is that every employer there is hiring. And I prejudge to hastily when I say they'd all be terrible employers. I'm under the foolish delusion that there is a nice employer out there somewhere who'd want to hire me, and whom I could work for. If such a thing exists, even in those job fairs full of posturing and empty resumes full of florid words glorifying what a wonderful slave you will make, that employer would be able to push aside those trivialties. I'd be able to find them simply by the absence of banality in their general area.
I don't hope for a second that I'd be able to compete though. Such a wonderful employer, on an obvious path to stunning success, would be dive-bombed by so many eager, frothing employee wannabes, that I'd surely get drowned in the effluvium of empty promises and lies. But even so there's no reason not to try. I've rarely been to a job fair before, and I could be wrong in my jaded views. Maybe it's not so competitive, maybe there is a job for me that someone else wouldn't steal by working harder for less pay. And maybe said employer could separate the wheat from the chafe, and offer me a job that I'd be uniquely qualified to thrive in. Maybe....
I wish I could be more hopeful about it. At least once I find a job fair I'll be able to say with confidence that there's no hope for me at all.
(The Day Before.)
(Effects of Prozac So Far)