Effects of Prozac So Far

Journal started Jul 8, 2006

I've been taking this Prozac stuff for 5 days now. I'm supposed to take 10mg for 7 days, then ramp it up to 20mg thereafter for a month, to see if it does anything. I think it's done something so far, but it's really subtle at this point so I can't say as if I've actually run into any side effects. The "beneficial" part of the drug is supposed to start affecting my brain in 2 or 3 weeks, so we'll see about that. As for now though...

One of the rare symptoms being excess sweating, I did notice something like that this past week. Then again it's been consistently above 38 degrees this past week, and I start to overheat at more like 32 degrees. Today was blessedly cool though, and of course not a drop of sweat. Eh... not a drop normally either, just my shirt was pretty damp at one point. *sighs* I need to move to a colder climate.

I do notice some of the insomnia they're talking about. It's much like I experienced taking St. John's Wort, with the mind feeling active even when it's tired. A few meditation techniques I know have me sleeping pretty soundly though. Back in High School I used to meditate a lot. I can't do it these days though. When I try everything I'm holding off in my head comes rushing back, in the quiet of the mind I cannot escape the unlivable reality of my doom. Until proven otherwise, it seems impeccably clear that we are all inevitably doomed to death, never to meditate again. I can usually wall myself off from that dissociatively, but when I try to meditate it's just impossible to ignore or dilute. Thus any trance I might get is completely shattered by convulsing despair, highly annoying I can tell you.

Like with St. John's Wort I've been feeling more obsessive, and really it's very subtle so it could just be the mood I happen to be in. It's usually the case though, that my anxiety and jumpiness and worry, function to break up my attention somewhat. Without the anxiety then, I find myself focusing on the task at hand so intensely it's hard to pull away. I'm feeling very calm now, if doomed, so that might be something too. I've also been feeling unsettlingly horny lately. Probably just that time of the month, bleh.

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