Stayed up Late...

Journal started Oct 24, 2006

Well of all things I stayed up until midnight tonight, doing homework. I can hardly tell what I'm going to do these days! Got to get up in 5 hours, sigh, but my schedule's light enough I hardly have to worry. Just trying not to get so sleep deprived the flu gets me. So now I'm journaling for some reason, after days of being unable to, and it's still midnight. The homework I was doing wasn't even very important, I just saw some neat ways to take advantage of how my lists were already sorted, to avoid nested loops. The teacher's not even smart enough to notice that kind of stuff: all he cares about are whether every function has a comment, whether the brackets are according to his style, whether our program works with his ever changing requirements, eh the guy's a crook[*] I swear. He's retiring next year though, bless his soul, maybe someone decent will come along, right in time for me to... graduate.

* Note, by 'crook' I by no means slander him or otherwise offer my opinion up for police persecution. Technically selling software that would take me a day for $950 single machine licenses is not illegal in any fashion. Technically telling the board of supervisors that the other computer science teachers are incompetent, in order to get them fired to get you a raise, isn't illegal. So don't let it be said that I threatened him or otherwise marred his reputation in any way implied that he was breaking our austere and infallible legal code.

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