Well I rewrote the pawsMUCK file. Let's hope I don't delete it again. I'm so disoriented it's not funny, just a general floaty unsteadiness in thought, unable to settle or really think about anything at all. Can hardly even read this page I'm typing even though I'm pretty sure Im' typing what that is to read. It's hot and the air is hard to breath and everything's so dry and I need to return my library booke ven though I went to the library yesterday since I forgo t it. Today I... um.. to... can't think of what I want to say. Maybe if I get a job I can stop feeling so strange and ick. Maybe I... forgot what Iw as going to say again. Gods I'm disoriented, wtf??
Empty, disoriented and numb: my mood for the last 2 weeks. And now I'm tearing up, and have no idea why. But when I despaired last night no tears would come. But what was I going to say... needta get moving or something.. maybe go to the library.
(But a Flicker and it is Gone)
(Sussuration of the Waves)