Hm.. working on my constructed language. It's a language that sorta has no grammar at all. But it's a definite dialog, not just juxtaposition of words. But I need a vocabulary... been thinking of making the spelling of the words sorted by their meaning, just for ease of use and mental organization. It also allows for new words to be made, and old words to be broken up into their categorical roots.
So... vocabulary hmm... okay enough of that! Time to practice my selbri!
Guu... the lojban beginner's guide is soooo confusing; they use terms without defining them, and even leave important points totally ambiguous. I mean, would they possibly be any less helpful when they define the term tanru thus? The heart of Lojban semantics is embedded in tanru. The meaning of a tanru is somewhat ambiguous:
. That's it. That's all they say, then they list a few example tanru (I think it might be some sort of way to specify parentheses or order of operations), and refer to it as if we knew what tanru was.
I like lojban, but wouldn't advise paying money for that guide. Perhaps I can eventually puzzle through the free edition.... I can see this guide being useful to someone who already knows lojban as a reference (if the guide itself were written in lojban), but for beginners it's too ambiguous and wandering. I'll try their mailing list, but if that doesn't help I might have to give up on learning lojban again.
(I'm Still Broken, and (unrelatedly) Terminal Cancer)
(Roleplay... But Nothing Happens?)