Well it hasn't lasted so far. I was doing okay for a while, then I slipped, slipped, and last night I went to bed at 3am. So now my plan is to not go to bed at 3am. Any better ideas? Please? I'm really lookin' for them. The only plan I have is, "Get off the computer early in the evening. Find something entertaining to do in bed. Don't eat late night snacks. Go to bed on time." That's been my strategy for ever since this problem started up, perhaps as long as 8 years ago when I discovered a good night's sleep helped me more than staying up late to finish homework. You can imagine it isn't working. -.-
Wow... a friend of mine was yiffing online with another girl and she passed out. I asked about it, and it turns out she has terminal (metastasized) breast cancer, and chemotherapy doesn't work. Her brother called the ambulance. I don't really know what to think: all that goes through my head is if this was "it," then at least she died feeling really, really good. Cancer is such a hateful thing: a mindless growth extending tendrils into your flesh, and sucking the oxygen out of your blood. And then it starts breaking up and establishing colonies in every piece of tissue in your body. I can't imagine that wasn't put in our genetic code deliberately. But if there isn't a God or anything, it could just be a healthy mechanism gone wrong, or a past evolutionary conflict patched over by a gene bandaid.
A friend of mine knew of a nearby job, that required more experience than I have. But perhaps I'll be doing tech support across the hills... and perhaps I can improve my state in life a little.
(Cannot Stop Looking for Magic)
(Constructed Languages)