A Place to Stay, But Nowhere to Go

Journal started Oct 21, 2004

Sighs... unemployment department isn't having any workshops this week in my town... might as well describe the situation around that while I'm at it. Just to give you an idea what a rotten town this is, with less community support than you can shake a stick at. The EDD, aka the unemployment agency, is a little building next to the woman's only fitness center, on the noisy main thoroughfare for cars, trucks and big rigs passing through our city.

You walk in the door and they immediately ask for your membership card thingy. Okay, fine. Then they direct you to the computers and go back to their business. Said computers have a highly advanced job search system that I have yet to find a viable job with. So the computers are pretty much useless. Beyond that... well it's a room. There's computers and the people behind the desk. At that point you... just... walk out the door, and go home, without getting any support, advice, counseling, pointers, heads ups, contacts, connections, activities, etc. There are regular workshops where they teach you such hard to grasp skills as, "Impressing the employer in an interview," "Writing a resume that results in an interview," and "Using the Yellow Pages / Internet to look for work." Now, without baldly lying I'm not likely to improve my resume any more than it currently is. As for impressing the employer, how about don't be scared, answer their questions directly and skillfully, and be quick to describe why they ought to hire you as opposed to someone less qualified. And using the Yellow Pages, that I figured out on my own long before even hearing about the EDD.

I shouldn't be so critical I suppose. I haven't actually been coherent enough to make it to their workshops yet. I am this morning, but they only run any workshops of any kind every other week, and this is not the week.

Hmms... I have a place to stay, but no place to go. That's a problem, is it not? Some would say it's not a problem, since many people live their whole lives safely and productively in one place. Others would say it is a problem, since no situation is 100% secure. It's always good to have some means of escaping, adapting, adjusting, or otherwise getting the hell out when the bombs begin to fall.

o.O I just got a call at 10am from the temp agency, saying I can show up in 2 hours across town for work. You'd think they would at least be decent enough to give me a day's notice... well I must go there then. It's only one day of work, sorting Gatorade bottles of all things, but I need to do something for goonda's sakeses...

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