Allergic to Work, Seriously

Journal started Nov 21, 2004

AUUUGH! My Author hates me. My Author hates me and is a sadist. I'm sure of it now. So I went to my new job at the coffee shop, for 8 hours of solid standing, with a 30 minute break in the middle to sit.. And I have thus determined that I am allergic to work.

That's right. Allergic to work. No joke. The last 4 jobs I have tried, over the past 10 months have resulted (runs off to get a Hot Pocket(c)) in an allergy attack on the second day. But Only as long as I was working. The harder I work, the more I sneeze, sniffle, burn, ache and generally gross out the entire rest of the employees. My second day at the job, and I had a horrible allergy attack. It could have been the soap; it could have been the sleep deprivation; it could have been the water! I don't know what triggered it, but I'm pretty darned sure that it was me trying to work that triggered it.

So now I'm suffering, trying not to sneeze or blow my nose since I have to wash my hands every time I do that, so pretty much sneezing and blowing my nose every minute or so. The heels and balls of my feet are aching; I'm practically limping around after standing up for 8 hours. My lips are torn from sneezing; my diaphragm is exhausted, my eyes are bleary and strained from using my oddball glasses. And my shift FINALLY ends. I check very carefully to make sure I have everything, and then I get ready to go home.

No bicycle.

My mother gave me a ride out of the goodness of her heart, which left me with no bicycle! I had to walk a mile from the coffee shop to my house! Normally I wouldn't mind, but with my feet as bad as they are, and my sinuses clogged and swollen, I had to take a rest break twice on the way back. So finally I get home, walking up to the house and I reach for my... keys...

Guess what. Remember when I very carefully checked to make sure I had everything before I left? It was an exercise in futility. I forgot my hip pack, which carries my wallet, my ID card, my credit card, my ATM card, my social security card, my library card, my keys, my compass, my pocket knife, my favorite pen...

It's probably safe; it's at the coffee shop. Lots of people leave their stuff there. But here I am at my locked house, with no keys. So I start checking the windows; all are latched shut. I manage to jimmy open the kitchen window, the one that's 5 feet up from the ground, but an additional clamp stops it from opening. So banging on the clamp I get the kitchen window open (I just want on the computer here, is that too much to ask?), and use the hose stand to vault up into the window sill, knock down a ladle climbing over the sink, and I'm in the house. I clean up all the screens I pulled off, get my pack inside, and turn on the computer.

Oh wait, no. My computer is attached to an Uninterruptible Power Supply. Which chose this very day to short circuit, so that it provides lovely Uninterrupted Power for 2 seconds, then shuts off for two seconds, alternatingly. So the dust starts up my allergies again (they stopped when I left work, go figure), but I extract the UPS and jam the resulting male plugs in spare spaces where they aren't jostling each other in the other power box.

So now I turn on the computer. It breaks before the BIOS's POST process. I'm used to this, as our computer seems to have trouble starting up just out of the goodness of its heart. So I reset the computer, and viola! It boots up, and everything is greatooh shoot I forgot to plug in the DSL modem. Oh no I don't have any room! I wonder what this plug is for... eh, I'm feeling lucky. (unplugs) Yay, it wasn't the main power to the computer! Alright, plug plug. Okay. Fine. Jeez.


I feel much better now. u.u Not really though; my life sucks: I get paid minimum wage, I'm past college age with no degree, and no idea or motivation or discipline to get a degree, vast ponderous intelligence aside. My mortality is probably non-negotiable, and I have mental problems to boot, such as a certain psychosomatic allergy that's going to get me fired if I can't figure out how to stop sabatoging myself that way. How do you stop yourself from having allergies? >o.O<

So yes. My Author clearly hates me. You remember when ey let eir will be known in that coincidence in my last journal? This is the result of it. Anyone looking for a character for their story, who is willing to relocate? ^.^;

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