Over the years I have written essays and discussions on
various things. Gradually I'm going to get them formatted and
inserted here. All opinions are my own (or the author's). Your
mileage may vary. Etc.
Why did the
Classical World Never Develop a Machine-Based Society? (April 1987)
(17k) |
In university I took various courses on Classical
Civilization as electives around my physics major. During one of
them I decided to find out why the Classical Greek and Roman World had
NOT had an industrial revolution. My answer was this essay. |
The Inuit (1974) (9k) |
I post this for amusement, not to provide any actual
information as this is the oldest document I have that I wrote. It
was an assignment in Grade 4 when I was 9 years old. Other than
removing one reference to a picture, and not scanning in the images
photocopied from an encyclopedia, I have transcribed the document as
accurately as I could -- including spelling and grammar errors. Be
afraid! |