Way back in 1996 on the TSA-TALK mailing list a small
story called 'Tales of the Blind Pig' was written by one Mark van Sciver. He'd asked
interested persons on the list for themselves as characters, and then he wrote a bar to
set them in. And he introduced SCABS.Time passed. People started writing
stories, first within the bar, and then within the world it was in. And it grew.
And grew and grew and...
There are now DEFINITELY over 300 stories spanning a period from the
17thC to 2002 and on to 2040.
And, since nobody else has, I'm going to try and create a public archive of them
all. This page contains only introductory notes for the new writer,
and the core stores that REALLY should be read to get a feel for the
universe. The main story archive exists organized both by AUTHOR
and by CHRONOLOGICAL. Click on the appropriate link on the left to
select your option. Note: To the best of my ability I have maintained the author's
format for their work. The only change I've made is to the format
of the title information and hard breaks within the text. If I've
changed anything, I apologize, accept full blame, and would like to know
what I screwed up so that I can fix it. Note: A number of authors have
requested links on their web page. Where such links exist (or are
wanted) they're listed in the AUTHOR index. Most authors would
appreciate comments, and comments can be sent via the author link at the
top of each story. If there is no link, then they do not want
their e-mail address publicly available. WARNING: Various
of these stories contain adult situations of sex and/or violence. If
you're not an adult, then don't read them. Where I know there are
adult situations, the stories have been marked ADULT, however there are
likely some I missed so read at your own risk. |